Chapter 23: Powers Galore

Sweat covering our bodies Emma and I breathed heavily.

The two of us having just finished a very intense session.

Of hand-to-hand combat training.

Wearing gym clothes I stood over Emma since I had just laid her out flat on the mat we are standing on.

Making sure I had controlled my strength and didn't hurt her. Since unlike me Emma is still a baseline human in the physical sense.

Leaning forward a bit I offered Emma a hand. Which she took.

"You okay. I wasn't too rough with you was I?" I asked her as I pulled her up to her feet.

"No, not at all. But even if you were that would fine." Emma replied. She then leaned in and whispered into my left ear. "Because you see Roman, sometimes I like it rough." She purred.

My brain shut down and got the blue exe. the moment after I heard this.

But it quickly rebooted.

Though before I could retort Emma stepped back and started walking to get her towel to dry off.

Lightly shaking her hips as she did do.

This minx!' I thought.

While enjoying the free show Emma was giving me without shame.

While also plotting my counter-attack against her.

Seeing her perky as s cheeks move back and forth I couldn't help but lick my lips.

Emma turning around and looking right at me as I was in the middle of doing so.

A smirk appeared on her face immediately after.

'She's definitely doing this on purpose.' I thought.

But I don't hate it.

"See something you like, Roman?" Emma asked.

"I think you know my answer to that." I replied.

I then walked over and retrieved my own towel and began to dry off.

Not giving Emma any more attention in the process.

Despite her attempts to draw my attention to her.

Like when she bent over to do a cooldown stretch, and her ass was conveniently pointed in my direction.

If she thinks I'll fall so easily she's sadly mistaken.

"See you later." I said.

I then headed to the showers.

Where I took a nice hot and long one.

Feeling much much better afterwards.

Because there is no way I'm letting Emma control this thing she just started between us.

Even if she is older than me.

It's time she learns she's not the only alpha around.


Once Emma and I had cleaned up and dressed in more comfortable clothing we exited the gym and headed towards the elevator.

Because two weeks ago Abstergo Industries purchased a reasonably priced seven-story office building and converted it into our main headquarters.

Leaving the warehouse near the docks behind.

Due the simple fact we needed more space since our operations and number of personnel are growing.

Exactly as I planned.


Reaching the elevator I pressed the button and it opened.

Emma and I then stepped inside and I pressed the button for the 6th floor.

The gym and training areas being located on the 4th.

Listening to cheesy elevator music, which I insisted we install just to mess with people, Emma and I arrived on the 6th floor of the building.

Which serves as the floor where all the scientists and researchers we recruit will conduct well, their research and work on their experiments.

The 7th floor of the building serving the same purpose.

Exiting the elevator Emma and I quickly made our way through the halls and arrived at our destination.

Sages' personal lab.

"Sage, we're here." I said.

"Come in." She replied.

Right after she did so I opened the door and then stepped to the side.

"Ladies first." I said ro Emma.

"My, what a gentleman you are." She replied.

"When I can be." I retorted.

Emma chuckled as she walked into the lab.

I then entered right behind her and closed the door as I did.

The moment I was inside I saw Sage had completely changed the layout of her lab once again.

Even though she just did the exact same thing three days ago.

"I see you changed the lab layout again." I spoke.

"Well you gave me the lab so I can change the layout however many times I want." Sage replied.

Not even turning to face me as she sat in a gamer-like chair and faced multiple holographic screens floating in the air in front of her.

Each screen displaying a different type of information.

Sage definitely processing it all like it was nothing.

But since her X-gene gave her powers that turned her into a human version of a supercomputer it's not suprising in the slightest.

"I'm not arguing that I was just commenting on the change is all." I replied to Sage.

But only got silence in response.

"Sage. Hey Sage." I called out to her.

"One moment bro." She replied.

Then Sage literally took one minute before she turned around to face me snd Emma.

All the holographic screens floating in the air behind her deactivating as she did.

Since they are all tied to the gamer-like chair she is sitting.

A chair which she herself designed and built.

[Image Here]

Showcasing just how gifted Sage truly is.

Which is why I decided to put her on the payroll of Abstergo Industries as an employee.

An idea which Sage made no complaints about.

The same for when I had her made my sister legally in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Since Sage doesn't have any parents, and therefore no legal guardian, I decided to take up that roll.

And making Sage related to me made it all the more easier.

So with some hacking work from ADAM to the world at large Sage is now known as Diana Maxwell.

My younger sister.

Meaning now, there are two geniuses in the Maxwell family.

Oh and as to why we're using a different name for Sage in public it's because Sage wants to use her real name as her code name when out in the field on missions.

I raised a brow at Sage due to what happened just a moment ago.

But she simply smirked at me in response.

"Not to interrupt you two, but can we please get down to business?" Emma asked.

Since the reason we're in Sages' lab right now has do with her.

Specifically her secondary mutation that allows her to transform into her organic-diamond form.

Today Sage is going to activate said mutation and unlock the power for Emma.

Which she can do all thanks to two abilties she possesses.

The first is known as Genetic Sight, which allows Sage to literally percieve the the DNA of other and come to understand their current and potential powers.

The second is known as Jumpstart. Which allows Sage to analyze the DNA of an individual and either enhance their current powers or awaken latent ones.

Sage has finished analyzing Emma DNA, so now it's time for her to literally give her a jumpstart.

"Right." I replied.

"Of course." Sage said.

She then got up from her chair and walked over to a table.

Emma and I joining her.

Making sure we didn't bump into any of the various equipment or tables and workbenches in our path as we did.

Upon reaching Sage Emma sat down on the table and rolled up one her sleeves.

Since all Sage needs to do to use her abilties is make physical contact.

"Okay, Sage you can begin. But remember what I told you two before. If for any reason this starts going bad for either of you I am stepping in immediately. No matter what." I spoke.

For Emma and Sage are both people I care about and I will see neither of them hurt unnecessarily.

"We know." Emma said.

"Yeah bro we know. But don't worry. I got this." Sage spoke, a confident smile on her face.

She then placed her hand on Emma's exposed arm.

Looking at the two of them I saw nothing happening.

Until all of a sudden Emma got a cramped expression on her face.

Then a moment later Sage removed her hand from Emma's arm.

When she did Emma's entire body underwent an instantaneous change. Becoming a crystalline substance.

Letting me know Sage had done it.

She had successfully unlocked Emma's secondary mutation.

"So, how do you both feel?" I asked.

Relieved that nothing went wrong.

"I'm going just great." Sage said.

"Me as well." Emma said. Looking over herself as she did do. "Though this will take some getting used too."

"New powers always do." I spoke.

I am an expert on the subject of new powers after all.

"Oh and speaking of powers, do you two mind of I gained your abilties?" I asked.

Since both are incredibly powerful and versatile.

Sage power in particular.

"I don't mind." Sage said.

"Sure, if you can handle my power that is." Emma replied.

"Challenge accepted." I retorted.

I then moved closer to Sage and absorbed her DNA and powers.

After taking a minute to let the process settle I faced Emma.

Who decided to shift back to human form.

Moving closer to her I gently took her hand and absorbed her DNA and organic diamond form power.

Since I already have telepathic abilties and I've come to realize I can't absorb the same power over and over again.

But since the abilties stay with me it's not a horrible trade-off in the slightest.

The absorption with Emma was finished within a few seconds.

After it was I shifted into the organic diamond form. A smirk on my face as I did.

"Show off." Emma said.

"Why thank you." I replied.

Getting a laugh from Emma and from Sage.

I laughed as well.

Especially since now I have even more power at my disposal.

I mean you can never have too much power.

More so in a Marvel universe.