Chapter 24: The Progenitors Of The Spider

(3rd Person: POV)

In the dead of night a lone car drove across an airstrip and soon stopped in front of a plane.

The moment it did so two people exited the vehicle.

Their names, Richard and Mary Parker.

The reason the two are boarding a plane in the middle of the night is because they learned a short while ago they are in danger.

Sometime ago Richard learn that the company that had been supporting his scientific research and life work for years, Oscorp Industries, planned to use the fruits of his labor for military purposes.

What made it even worse was that Oscorp Industries planned to empower foreign militaries by selling his work to the highest bidder.

Horrified by this prospect, and not knowing who he could truly trust, Richard removed a bulk of his work from Oscorp and set up a hidden private lab to continue his research on his own.

Meanwhile at Oscorp he put on a show, and constantly delayed or made no significant breakthroughs while under their watchful eyes.

Richard hoped this would cause Oscorp to give up on his work.

He was wrong.

Three days ago Richard came home from work to find his home office completely torn apart.

A smart man and brilliant scientist Richard knew exactly who had done it and what they were looking for.

It was Oscorp, and they were looking for his research.

After seeing what lengths Oscorp would go through to obtain his life's work Richard knew he had to disappear.

He discussed it with his wife Mary and she agreed with him.

Mary also agreed to accompany Richard into hiding.

Not wishing for her husband to be alone.

So with the both of them in agreement the husband and wife began making arrangements for their escape.

Now here they are.

Boarding the private plane they had chartered Richard and Mary buckled in.

Then shortly after they did the plane took off.

As the plane soared through the skies Richard was on his laptop, recording a video.

A confession to any who would find it about all the work he did for Oscorp Industries and his reasons for abandoning the company and his entire life.

Especially his son, Peter.

Just thinking of his young son brought a pang of grief to Richard.

He loved Peter more than anything, as did his wife Mary, but both of them knew life on the run was no place for a young boy.

So with great reluctance they left Peter behind with Richard's brother Ben and his wife May.

They were good people and Richard and Mary knew they would raise Peter well.

Still, it didn't make leaving their son behind any easier.

'Peter. Please forgive us. And I hope one day we can see each other again.' Richard thought.

Having just finished sending his video confession to his secret research lab in the abandoned subway tunnel.

Once he did this Richard ran a program on the laptop that wiped it completely so it couldnt be used to track him and Mary.

After this was done Richard settled into his seat.

But the moment after he did so the door to the cockpit opened and the co-pilot stepped out.

Richard and Mary looked in his direction as soon as he did.

"Is there a problem?" Richard asked the co-pilot.

But instead of responding he closed the door to the cockpit behind him.

The co-pilot then reached behind him and pulled out a gun.

Aiming it directly at Richard and Mary after he did do.

Seeing this fear welled up in both of the Parker's.

"Dr. Parker. For a man so smart you truly are foolish." The fake co-pilot spoke.

His real name being Gustav Fiers, a contract killer and assassin under the employ of Oscrop Industries.

"Did you really think you could escape so easily?" Gustav asked. "Well whether you did doesn't really matter now." He said. "Now then Dr. Parker where is your research?"

"I destroyed it. You know this." Richard replied.

Having destroyed all of his research at Oscorp, except for the spiders, before he and Mary began their escape.


A bullet whizzed past Richard's head and landed in the ground the second after he spoke.

"Dr. Parker don't insult my intelligence. A man like you would never destroy your life's work and even if you did I am certain you have all the results tucked away in that head of yours. Which is the only reason I didn't make a hole in it just now. So, let's try this once more. Where is your research? And don't lie to me again otherwise..." Gustav trailed off.

Pointing his gun at Mary Parker as he did so.

Richard and his wife immediately understanding Gustav's unspoken threat.

Clenching his fists Richard felt helpless, angry, and scared all at the same time.

He knew he needed to protect the world from people who would use his research to cause untold harm.

But he also didn't want to lose his wife in the process.

"Well, I'm waiting Dr. Parker." Gustav spoke.

Yet Richard remained silent.

"Fine. I see you need a little motivation." Gustav said.

He then prepared to shoot Mary.

But just before Gustav could complete his action a portal opened up behind hin and a figure dressed from head-to-toe in all black stepped through it and then broke the assassin's neck in one clean snap.

As the body hit the floor Richard and Mary got stunned expressions on their faces.

The figure in black looking at them as they did so.

"Come with me if you want to live." The figure suddenly spoke.

"What?" Richard questioned.

"There is no time Dr. Parker. You and your wife need to come with me immediately." The figure spoke. "For if you don't another assassin will take the place of the one I just killed and you'll be in the same situation all over again."

Richard wanted to retort. He had so many questions he wanted to ask.

But he knew the figure in black in front of him was right on some level.

So with that in mind Richard made a quick decision.

"Mary, let's go." He said.

Since he decided to trust the figure in front of him.

Richard just hoped he wasn't making another huge mistake.

Deciding to trust her husband Mary raised no objections.

This the two of them gathered what they could and stepped through the portal.

Once they did so the figure in black raised up their left hand and blasts of electricity raced from it damaging the plane which triggered a crash.

Which is exactly what the black-clad figure wanted.

Once they were sure the plane was going to crash the figure stepped back through the portal and closed it.

Having already rescued the actual pilot just before saving Richard and Mary.

Looking around Richard and Mary found themselves in sort of waiting room.

Meanwhile the black-clad figure removed their mask.

Revealing the person underneath it to be none other than Roman.

After taking off his mask he turned to the Parker's.

Who in turned looked at him.

"I know you have questions and I am now ready to answer them." Roman explained. "Let's get started." He said.

Roman then began to have a nice long chat with the parents of one of his favorite heroes.
