Chapter 25: The Parkers

(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in a cushion chair Roman faced the Parker's who were sitting opposite of him in a cushion coach.

"Before we begin would either of you like something to drink, or maybe need to use the bathroom?" Roman asked.

Since he was not nothing but a gracious host.

"No thank you." Mary said.

"Yes. What my wife said Mr. Roman." Richard replied. "Let's just get down to business."

"Very well." Roman said. "So, begin wherever you like." He told the couple.

"First off how did you know we were in danger?" Richard asked.

"A friend of mine told me." Roman replied.

Which was ADAM.

"A friend you say?" Richard questioned.

"Yes. A friend." Roman said. "He's a good friend who I have asked to keep an eye on certain individuals like you and your wife."

"So you were spying on us?" Richard asked.

"If that's how you want to interpret it then yes." Roman said.

"What other way is there to interpret your actions but spying?!" Richard heartedly spoke.

Yet Roman didn't even flinch in response.

"As I said, interpret my actions however you like. But the fact remains Dr. Parker is that if my friend hadn't been keeping an eye on you then I never would've known you and your wife were in danger and never moved to save your lives. Which if I hadn't done would have likely resulted in the death of your wife and possibly yourself as well." Roman explained.

Which is something neither Richard nor Mary could refute.

The plain and simple fact is Roman saved their lives no matter how they look at it.

Despite his other actions towards them.

A fact Roman was using to his advantage without any shame or hesitation.

Since he would do whatever he could to get the Parker's on his side, bar a few methods he had only reserved for the worst of the worst in the world.

When Roman encountered those people he would show no mercy in the slightest.


"How did you enter the airplane?" Richard asked.

Moving onto his second question.

"I've never heard of any technology that would allow for what you did."

"That's because it wasn't technology that allowed me to enter the plane earlier Dr. Parker. It was magic." Roman explained.

"Please do not insult my intelligence or try to take me for a fool young man. Magic does not ex-"

Before Richard could finish speaking Roman opened a portal in front of Richard and Mary which was to the gop of Mt. Everest.

Getting blasted with snow and below zero air, Richard shut his mouth promptly.

Seeing this Roman closed the portal.

He then opened another one.

To the front of the Parker's own home.

"Our house." Mary mused.

"Its a trick. It has to be." Richard said.

"Then go through it and see for yourself if it's a trick or not." Roman spoke.

After he did so he waited for Richard and Mary to make a move.

When they didn't Roman closed the portal.

He then decided go give the Parker's one more show and conjured several eldtrich weapons in the air above him.

Seeing this Mary and Richard were left speechless.

The moment this happens Roman stopped conjuring the eldtrich weapons.

"Well Dr. Parker I think I just proved my point once again. But if you and your wife require further prove magic is real I'd be happy to push your souls out of your bodies. Though I don't think that will be necessary, will it?"

"No. It won't." Richard spoke.

Still unable to believe magic was real.

But then there wasn't much to explain the things he had just seen.

"Wonderful." Roman said. "Now then let's move on."

"Sure." Richard said. "So young man, why did you choose to save me and my wife?"

'And there it is. The big question.' Roman thought.

He honestly expected Richard and Mary to ask that question first but live and learn as they say.

"There a number of reasons I save you and your wife Dr. Parker. But the main reasons are because it would be a true travesty to the world if you and your work were lost, and I want to offer you a job." Roman explained.

Though he did have other reasons for saving the Parkers.

The first was to get his hands on Richard's research for his own organization.

Just thinking of him and his allies gaining the abilties of Spider-Man made Roman drool.

As for the second major reason it's simply because he wanted to reunite Peter and his parents one day.

In his previous life when Roman saw all the shit the world through at practically every version of Peter Parker it made him want to cry.

So that's why long ago when Roman first arrived in this world he planned to help make Peter's life a little better.

The first step of which was saving his parents and making sure they reunited when the time was right.

Preferably after Peter became Spider-Man.

Since Roman wasn't going to change that pivotal moment in Peter's life.

After all, what kind of world would it be if there was no Spider-Man in it?

Roman doesn't even want to imagine it.

That's why he's going to allow Peter to become the friendly neighborhood wall crawler.

Oh and speaking of Peter Parker when Roman investigated him he found that although his parent's looked exactly like their actors from the Amazing Spider-man films he resembled Tom Holland from the MCU.

The aunt May of this universe is also the young one from the MCU.

Uncle Ben is also a young version of himself.

Roman would find this strange, but considering what he knew of this version of the MCU he just rolled with it.

Like he when found out this Peter Parker was born on the exact same date of his Amazing Spider-Man counterpart.

August 1995.

Which means in addition to everything else by the time the first Avengers film comes this world's Spider-Man will be older than in the original MCU.

A change that Roman welcomes.

"A job you say?" Richard questioned.

Roman nodded his head. "Yes. A job. You see in addition to being a magic user and all around total badass I am also the founder of my own company, Abstergo Industries, and I would like for you to come and work for me."

"I see. So that's the real reason you saved me and Mary. You want my research as well." Richard said.

"I won't deny that." Roman replied. "But once more Dr. Parker that's not the only reason I want you to come and work for me. You are a brilliant man. You figured out to successfully splice human and animal DNA. I can only imagine what else you could accomplish if given the funding and resources. Which is what I am offering you. As well as protection for you and your wife from Oscorp Industries."

"And if I say no? Will you force me to work for you?" Richard asked.

"Not at all." Roman replied. "If you refuse to work for me then that's that. I'll let you and your wife go and never contact you again. Though I do wonder how far you would get if you choose to go that route?"

"What do you mean?" Mary asked.

"Ms. Parker I have said it multiple times today. Oscorp Industries easily find you and their hired assassin would've likely killed you and your husband if I did not intervene when I did. So tell me, what do you think they will do if they realize your and your husband are alive? No need to answer, all of us in the room know what will happen. They will start hunting you again."

"We learned from our mistakes today. We won't make the same ones again." Richard said.

"Sure, you probably won't. But that won't make much of a difference in the long-run Dr. Parker. You're dealing with a multi-billion dollar company here who knows just how much money your work could make them if they obtain it. So whatever money they spend to get it is just a drop in the bucket of what they'll make once they get their grubby little fingers on it. I am telling you how the people after you and your wife think and how they'll react if they learn you are alive. Do you really want to take that chance, that risk?"

"Oh and I suppose working for you is better?" Richard asked.

"It is. Because unlike Oscorp I won't sell your work to foreign nations or any nations for that matter. I will protect you and your wife and when the time comes I'll reunite you with your son."

"Don't speak of my son!" Richard shouted.

"I will, since your decisions affect him greatly. Do you really want him to grow up thinking you are dead? To never be able to see him again? More importantly do you want to out him in danger?"

"What? What do you mean danger?" Richard asked.

"I mean thanks to the plane crash Oscrop thinks you and Mary are dead. But should they catch even a hint you both are alive, do you really think they wouldn't use your child to get to you? Once again no need to answer my question, since all of us know the answer." Roman spoke.

Having heard what Roman said Richard couldn't help with agree with it.

He knew how dangerous Oscorp Industries was and the resources at their disposal. As well as their greed.

Richard knew extremely well how powerful the company was.

Which is why he and Mary had gone on the run in the first place.

Yet now here and his wife were.

Saved from an assassination plot by Oscorp before they could even go into hiding.

It was almost laughable.

Releasing a short sigh Richard looked at Roman.

His mind racing before he finally made a decision.

"If I choose to work for you, what are you offering?" Richard asked.

"Protection from Oscorp Industries. A chance to regain your lives, and a chance to lead the world into the future." Roman explained.

"I see." Richard mused.

He considered all Roman said and then after a minute of thinking came to a decision.

"You've got yourself a deal." Richard said. "I'll come and work for you. But in exchange you must make good on your promises. If you don't my wife and I walk."

"As would be your right Dr. Parker." Roman said. "But I can assure you there will be no need for that. Since I will make good on my promises." He spoke.

Roman then extended his hand in Richard's direction.

Taking it, Richard shook it.

Making him a member of Abstergo Industries in Roman's eyes.

With this he had acquired the Parker's.