Chapter 26: Dr. Curt Connors

(Roman: POV)

Richard and I broke off our handshake after a few seconds.

Once we did so I sent a telepathic message to Emma who was waiting right outside.

'You can come in now.'

A moment after I sent her the message Emma entered the room and walked up to our group.

Wearing some very tight black stockings, under her silver-colored pencil thin skirt, that accentuated her legs and thighs.

A huge plus in my book since I live by the phrase "thicc thighs save lives" and am a lifelong member of the church of thicc.

I got in a quick look before getting serious once more.

"Mr. And Mrs. Parker this is Emma Frost. The CEO of Abstergo Industries and a friend of mine. She will get you settled in and take care of any other needs you have." I explained.

"A pleasure to meet you both." Emma said.

"You too young lady." Mary said.

"Yes, a pleasure." Richard spoke. "But if you don't mind me asking, how did you know to come in when Mr. Roman did not say a word?"

"I received a telepathic message from Roman." Emma simply spoke.

When she did so the Parker's look at me and I shrugged my shoulders in resignation.

"I understand your confusion but rest assured it will all be explained go you both as you settle in here. Now please follow me. There is much to do." Emma said.

A few seconds passed before the Parker's snapped out of their daze and stood up to follow Emma.

Once the three of them were gone I leaned back in the chair and put a victorious smile on my face.

Since I just convinced the Parker's to join my organization.

Sometimes I amaze even myself.

Now then, onto the next name on my list.

Because I see no reason to stop when I am doing so well.


(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in a chair in his home Dr. Curt Connors was nursing a full body of Scotch.

Holding it with his only arm.

Bringing the bottle of Scotch up to his lips Connors took a long drink before deciding to slam the bottle down on the table in front of him.

"Why Richard, why?" Curt muttered to himself.

Since in the past week his life had turned into a little version of hell.

First his friend and colleague Dr. Richard Parker destroys their life's work at Oscorp Industries.

Their place of employment.

Then Curt comes to learn Richard and his wife Mary had died in a plane crash in an apparent attempt to flee the country.

On top of all of this Curt didn't fail to notice the stares he got nor the whispers spoken about him within the halls of Oscorp.

He was a man smart enough to know that people suspected he knew what Ricahrd was planning and may have even aided him.

But that was far from the truth.

In reality Curt was as shocked and affected my Richard's actions as anyone.

Maybe even more so.

Since because of what Richard did Curt has lost the trust of his colleagues and employers, his entire life's work, and most likely his job.

Though what Curt lost that was most important to him was the hope of getting his arm back.

Turning his gaze to the stump that was once his right arm Connors began feeling the emotions he felt all those years ago when he lost his right arm in that accident.

Sadness, pain, grief, but most of all anger.

Anger which was now turning towards Richard Parker for taking away the only chance he had at retrieving what had been taken from him.

But before Curt could truly settle in these new emotions of his, his door bell rang.

*Ding Ding*

Hearing his doorbell ring Curt snapped of his own thoughts.

He then went to answer it.

Opening his door Curt came face-to-face with Roman.

"Yes young man, what can I do for you?" Curt asked.

"Dr. Connors it's not about what you can do for me, but what I can do for you." Roman replied. "Do you mind if I can come in so we can speak? I promise it will only take a few minutes of your time."

"I'm sorry but no. Whatever you're selling I'm not buying." Curt said.

He then moved to close the door, only for Roman to put his foot in the doorway and keep it from closing.

"Didn't I say I'm not interested in whatever your offering. Now leave before I call the police." Curt spoke to Roman.

Yet Roman didn't even flinch.

"Dr. Connors, do you want your arm back?" Roman asked.

As he did so Curt shot him a pointed look.

"Do not play with me young man." Curt said.

"I'm not." Roman replied. "If you want your arm back then I can make it happen. But before I do anything we need to talk. So, what's is going to be?"

Curt stared at Roman for several seconds before he made his decision.

He pulled the door back open and ushered Roman inside.

Once he was Curt closed the door and turned to face the mysterious young man who had just offered him what he had spent the better part of his life working for.

Curt knew it was likely some trick, and yet he had a lingering thought that it wasn't.

So he decided to hear Roman out.

But the moment he had Curt was kicking him out his home.

"Speak. You have one minute." Curt said.

"First off nice to meet you. My name is Roman Maxwell. The founder of a company known as Abstergo Industries. Which I would like you to come work for Dr. Connors. If you do I'll give you back your arm and fund your current research as well as any other research projects you happen to develop in the future. I'll also double whatever salary Oscorp Industries is currently paying you." Roman spoke.

"Big words young man. But how do I know what you are saying is the truth?" Curt asked.

"Well my company as a website which you can look up online." Roman replied.

Which is true. He had ADAM make a company website some time ago.

"As for everything else, well you'll just have to take a leap of faith and trust me."

Curt wanted to respond to Roman but held his tongue.

Namely due to the look on the young man's face.

It was full of confidence and no sign of deception whatsoever.

Working in a corporate lab and setting Curt had developed quite a keen sense in spotting liars.

And from what he is seeing Roman isn't one.

Either that, or he's a very good liar.

Which Roman is, but Curt has no way of actually knowing that.


"Do I have to make a decision right now?" Curt asked.

"Not at all. I simply came to make my offer today." Roman replied. "Take some time. Think it over. But please, don't take too long Dr. Connors." He said.

Roman then headed to the door and prepared to leave.

But before he did so he spoke to Dr. Connors once more.

"Oh, one more thing Dr. Connors. I heard about your recent troubles with your current employer Oscorp. I'm not trying to influence your decision any, but I really find it spelling the way their treating you, simply due to the actions of Dr. Parker. A man like you doesn't deserve that." He spoke.

Especially since Roman knew the truth of things.

But Dr. Connors doesn't need to know that yet.

Not until he is rooted firmly in the Abstergo Industries camp.

Having said his peace Roman finally left Dr. Connors house.

Leaving the man with quite a lot to consider.