Chapter 32: Catching Up With An Old Friend

[March, 2004]

Sitting in a small cafe in New York I waited.

Until the person I was supposed eventually arrived.

It is Bobby.

A smile on my face I stood up and put out my hand as he reached the table.

Which he shook.

"Good to see you man." Bobby said.

"Yeah, the same." I replied.

Breaking our handshake the two of us sat down.

"So, what've you been up to?" Bobby asked me.

Since we haven't really seen each other in the past three years.

We've talked on the phone sure, but a face-to-face meeting like this hasn't happened since I left the Institute.

Though since both Bobby and I have been quite busy in the last couple of years neither of us holds anything against the other.

"A lot." I replied. "To begin with I started my own business."


"Yep." I replied.

"Cool. So what's it all about?"

"A little of this, a little of that." I mused.

Being vague on purpose. Since although I trust Bobby I don't trust the man he works for.


Because Bobby is an official member of the X-men now.

How do I know this you ask?


I've had my own personal surveillance up on the mansion for almost a year now.

Partly to keep an eye on Xavier and his band, and partly to be ready to step in when the events of X2 took place.

Since based on the films X2 should've taken place last year when it came out in my previous world in 2003.

But it didn't.

Which I am thankful.

Still, I am not going to rest on that.

The moment I am ready Stryker's ass is going to be grass.

"Okay. Keep your secrets." Bobby said. "So, you dating anybody?"

"Not at the moment, but there is someone I have my eye on." I said.

I mean considering how much Emma and I have been flirting its a wonder we haven't torn each others clothes off and started humping like rabbits.

Though I don't just want her body.

I actually want a real intimate relationship with her.

'The two of us should probbably sit down and really talk soon.' I thought.

"Oh, tell me more?" Bobby asked.

"Well she's older for starters. She has a bit of a frosty personality, but once you get to know her it isn't really anything that big. She's super smart, super sexy, and has this way about her that makes your eyes want to follow her if she's in the same room as you." I said to Bobby.

Listing off the things I liked about Emma.

Making me realize just how bad I've got it for her.

So I guess it's about time I give into the horny.

I listed off a few more things I liked about Emma before stopping.

"Wow. This girl sounds like quite the woman." Bobby spoke.

"She is." I replied.

"I can tell that from the way you just spoke about her. So, this mystery woman got a name?"

"It's Emma." I said.

"Well someday you'll have to introduce me to her."

"Definitely." I replied. "So, enough about my love life, what about yours? Are you and Rogue still going strong?"

"We are. But you know..." Bobby trailed off. "It's difficult."

"Because of the whole "no touching" thing right?" I asked.

"Yes." Bobby immediately replied.

Making me make a mental note to do something that will allow Rogue to have physical contact with others without her powers getting in the way.

Since not being able to touch anyone, or the one you love, without causing them immense pain must be hell.

So I'll help Rogue out.

Which shouldn't be too difficult, given the similarities between our powers.

"Well hang in there. Who knows, things might change on that front." I said. "So, how is everyone else at the mansion?" I asked.

Even though I pretty much already know thanks to my survelliance of that place.

"It's a mixed bag." Bobby spoke.

He then told me about a few of the new students, especially this one girl Jubilation Lee.

Bobby also mentioned how both John and Laura had left the mansion.

The former to join Magneto and his Brotherhood, even though the events of X2 haven't happened yet, and the latter for reasons unknown to anyone. Except maybe Logan.

Bobby then spoke about a few more things before ending the conversation.

"I see." I mused. "Thanks for telling me all that." I said.

"No problem. What are friends for?"

"Right you are." I replied.

Bobby and I then talked a bit more before going out separate ways.

After we did so I found an abandoned ally and portaled back fo my office at Abstergo Industries HQ.

"Welcome back Roman. Was your meeting with Robert Drake productive?" ADAM asked me.

"If by that you mean catching up with an old friend then yes. The meeting was productive." I spoke. "I'll tell you about it later though. Right now I need you to start searching for one Laura Kinney. She also goes by X-23 at times." I said.

I then gave ADAM a description of Laura and any other information I had on her that might make the search for her go quicker.

Since the sooner I pinpoint her location the sooner I can head to it and ask her to join my team.

Since having someone like Laura as a part of my organization would be a huge boon.

And on a more personal note I want to get closer to her and make our relationship the same as mine and Emma's is currently.

To put it simply I want to date her as well.

Feeling no shame in my actions in wanting to date two women at once.

Especially now that I am embracing the horny.

One woman won't be enough to satisfy me.

Not that I'm bragging or anything.

Nope, not at all.

Now then as for John, I knew he left the mansion but had no idea he joined Magneto.

Speaking of Erik he still hasn't gotten back to me about my offer of mutual cooperation to make this world a better place for those with an active X-gene.

One dead body and telepathically manipulated individual at a time if need be.

And with the way people treat my kind there will definitely be a need for such tactics.

Moving on.

I definitely need to call him up to see what's keeping him.

Because it's been several months since our little chat and I've gotten nothing but radio silence.

If I was a lesser man I might be upset he is ignoring me.

ButI am not. So I will simply do the appropriate thing in this situation.

Track his ass down and force him to give me an answer.

Short and simple.

Just the way I like it.

As I contemplated several things in my head ADAM spoke to me.

"Roman, I have deduced the location of Laura Kinney." He said.

"Really. That was fast." I said.

Usually it takes ADAM at least a few hours at most to track down someone for me. A few days at best if they are really good at not wanting to be found.

"Thank you." ADAM replied. "Due to having access to more data my algorithms have increased in efficiency by 80%. Thus pinpointing the location of the one known as X-23 took me less time than it would have prior to the boost in my algorithms." He explained.

"Okay. Good for you then. Now then, where is Laura?" I spoke.

The moment after I did so ADAM brought up a map on my desktop screen and then marked a location on it.

Which told me Laura is currently somewhere in Canada.

So it's off to the land of the Maple Leaf and Mounties.