Chapter 33: X-23: The Sequel

[Canadian Wilderness, Ontario Province]

Pulling the jacket I am wearing around me tighter I continued my trek through the forest.

Searching for any sign of Laura, since this is were ADAM pinpointed her location to be, Domino right by my side.

Because I decides to bring her along for this mission.

Not only so we can spend more time together and build up a true bound of trust, but also because her powers will likely lead us to Laura.

Because anyone who says luck isn't a superpower is a complete and utter idiot in my book.

Luck is one of the most dangerous powers there is.

Which is why I am so glad Domino agreed to join my organization.

Even if it only on a provisional basis for the moment.

But I'm sure after spending enough time around us that provisional status will become permanent.

Then Domino will truly be one of us.

Yes, one of us.

Woah there.

I need to watch my train of thinking. I almost sounded like a cult leader there.

Which I am not.

I think?



Nope. I'm definitely not.

Domino and I continued our trek for another hour before we decided to stop for a rest.

The rest being for her and not me. Since Domino is still a baseline human in the physical sense. One in peak physical condition mind you, but a baseline human physically nonetheless.

Which something I would like to deal with sooner rather than later.

So I hope the projects I have in the works to address such issues for my people are completed as soon as possible.

Opening her water bottle Domino took a sip.

Me doing the same thing with mine.

"So boss, I know you told me all about this Laura Kinney girl, but you haven't told me why we're looking for her."

"Oh." I replied. "Well it's simple. She someone I met and someone I want as part of our organization. Thus why we are out here searching for her." I explained.

"I see. Thanks." Domino said.

"No problem." I spoke.

The two of us then rested until 30 minutes passed and then once it did we started our trek/search through the forest again.

Me taking in the beauty of nature around me as we did so.

In my previous life I always wanted to travel and see the world like this, but due to money constraints I never could.

Now that I go practically anywhere in the world freely in this second life of mine I'm going to see it in its entirety.

Domino and I came to a river.

Another two hours having passed on our trek/search.

"Let's rest here for a bit again and then keep going." I spoke.

"Sure." Domino replied.

So with that the two of us got ready for another break.

Only to hear something break in our vicinity before we could.

We actually began hearing several things breaking, and the sound was getting closer to our position.

This put both Domino and I on guard.

That is until I picked up a familiar scent.

"Domino stand down. The thing that's moving closer to us is the one we've been searching for. My acquaintance, Laura." I spoke.

"What, how can you be so sure?" Domino asked.

"My powers." I replied. "Trust me."

"Ah fine. But if I die I'll come back and haunt your ass for the rest of your life."

"What are saying, you aren't going to die." I retorted.

Then just I did so on the other side of the river Laura burst through the trees.

I got ready to greet her, only to stop when I saw her bleeding in several places on her body.

From bullet wounds that are healing.

Then before I could even say a word to her several figures all dressed in black military tactical gear from head-to-toe, carrying M16 assault rifles, burst through the tree line and immediately opened fire on our and Laura's direction without any hesitation.

Seeing as I literally had no time I grabbed hold of Domino's left arm and activated my phasing powers.

Which I took from Kitty at the Institute years ago.

I just don't usually come across situations where I need to use them.

But this definitely counts as one.

A split second after I activated my phasing powers the bullets that the enemy fired began hitting Laura, while the ones that came at Domino and I passed harmlessly through our bodies.

Seeing Laura being turned into the human version of a pin cushion was not a site I wanted to see.

Yet since I had to keep Domino from dying all I could do was watch as her body was riddled with holes.

When the enemy finally stopped firing Laura crashed face first into the river, her blood making it run red.

But I only focused on this for a second because I knew she would be fine thanks to her healing factor.

Instead I gave my full attention of the enemies in front of us.

Who have just forfeited their lives.

Deactivating my phasing powers I immediately launched a telepathic assault on the gunmen, causing them all to hallucinate their worst fears.


"No, stopppp!!!!"

"Help mmmeeeee!!!!!"

Falling on their hands and knees all of the gunmen began shouting in terror as they sucumb to my telepathic attack.

Their screams are music to my ears.

"Domino get Laura, I will finish off the gunmen." I spoke.

"Sure." Domino replied.

She then ran into the river and quickly retrieved Laura's body, which I noticed was almost completely healed.

I took a moment to savior that fact before re-focusing on the task at hand.

Taking out the trash.

Using my telekinesis I snapped the necks of all the gunmen and twisted their heads 180 degrees.

When all of their minds went silent I knew they were dead.

The second after I confirmed this I opened a portal.

"Go,go,go!" I shouted at Domino.

She then ran through the portal, carrying Laura without a moments hesitation.

Once they both were through I followed and then slammed the portal shut.

The three of us in one the medical bays of the Command Center, which is located on its second floor.

That also houses all the medical facilities for the entire Command Center.

Moving over to a chair I took a seat.

Not worried in the slightest the security system would activate and attempt to violently restrain us at best or eliminate us if it deemed us a great enough threat.

Since I keyed it to not perceive my unique magical signature as a threat.

However anyone else who tries to portal in who is not keyed into the Command Center systems will be in for a very big surprise.

Walking over to a bed Domino placed Laura on it.

Then five minutes after she did so, after taking her own seat, Laura sat straight up and began looking around the area.

Not a single scratch on her entire body from what I can see from where the bullets shredded her clothes.

Which are literally hanging by a few threads to her body.

After getting a nice look I stood up from my chair and moved over to one of the closets.

I then pulled out a pair of green scrubs and took them over to Laura.

Who turned to face me and look me directly in the eyes the moment I got within her personal space

"Hey." I said. "We really need to stop meeting like this." I said.

"Roman. Hello again." Laura said.

Completely ignoring my attempt at a joke.

It looks like her social skills haven't improved at all in the past three years.

Oh well.

It is what it is.

"Yes, hello Laura. Nice to see you again." I said.

Laura nodded at me after I did so. She then turned her atgention to the scrubs I was holding out to her.

"New clothes. Since we can't have you walking around this place in your current ones." I explained.

Since I don't want Laura to give people a free show.

That is a right I have already reserved.

" I see. Thank you." Laura said. Taking the scrubs once she did. "Also, thank you for before as well."

"No problem." I replied.

"Yeah. What Roman said." Domino spoke.

Laura gave a curt nod at out words.

She then stood up from the bed and then started stripping and changing like I wasn't even in the room.

Mentally sighing I turned around until Laura was finished changing.

Since Domino is in the room and I don't want her to think I am some kind of pervert.

I mean I am, but people don't need to know that.

A minute passed before I turned back around and found Laura in the scrubs.

"Good. You're changed. Now then, maybe you can tell us why when we met gunman were mowing you down?" I spoke.

"Ok." Laura replied.

She then told us her story.

Seems after spending some time at the X-mansion shortly after we met she realized the place wasn't for her.

So Laura left the place.

After doing so she decided upon vengance.

So she began working to track down 'The Facility' and destroy it. For not only herself but also her mother, Sarah.

After three years of searching Laura finally tracked down 'The Facility' again but it was more heavily fortified than she first thought.

So she decided to leave and get Logan, since he promised her to help destroy that place.

But before she could make her escape she was discovered and as she was making her escape from her pursuers we encountered her.

Now here we are.

"I see." I said. As Laura finished her story.

"Yes." Laura said.

"Okay. I understand the situation. Now I just have one question. Do you mind if me and my people help you out?" I said.

Since helping Laura take down 'The Facility' will not only help me gain more of her trust, but Logan's as well once he hears about it. Not to mention its the place where Laura was infused with Adamantium. So at least one person there will know the formula of the metal.

Which will finally allow me to acquire Adamantium.

Because I've been searching for it on the black market and I got nothing.

So in doing this I will be able to acquire the process to make it myself.

Multiple birds, one big was stone.

"You want to help me? Why?" Laura asked.

"I won't say I not going to gain something out of it. Because I am. But the main reason is I think of you as a friend Laura and want to help you out. So, what do you say?" I spoke.

Laura looked at me for several seconds before speaking again.

"Alright." She said.

Making me smile.

I turned to Domino. "Domino go call the others. Then gather in the conference room." I said.

We've got an extermination to plan.

It's time to rain down some violence.