Chapter 34: End Of The Facility

In the conference room I sat at a table.

James, Neena, Piotr, Laura, Sage, and Emma seated at it as well.

Though the latter two will not be heading out into the field on this mission.

They will only help in planning the attack, and then provide the rest of us support from here at the Command Center.

Just in case us on the field team run into trouble we can't handle and need someone to come save our asses.

Because I am not a man who is going to put all his eggs in one basket.

That's just asking for trouble.

"Thank you for assembling so quickly everyone." I spoke. I then looked at Laura. "As you can see we have a new face here today. Her name is Laura Kinney. An acquintance of mine. Say hello Laura."

"Hello." Laura said.

Which is literally all she said before going silent once more.

Yeah, we really need to work on her social skills.

I've known introverts who are more sociable than her.

Moving on.

"The reason I called you all here on such short notice is actually because of Laura. Namely of a small problem I have decided we are going to help her deal with." I spoke. "ADAM."

"Yes sir." He replied.

A moment after he did a holographic rendering of 'The Facility' was projected on the conference table for all to see.

Though not in real time, since that place has a way to avoid satellite scans.

So the image we are seeing is simply something ADAM created with information he got from Laura and what he could piece together himself.

Which once again proves just how amazing ADAM is.

And why I would never want him as my enemy.

"The image you are seeing is of a place known as 'The Facility'. Which we are going to destroy today." I said.

"Why?" Domino asked.

"Laura, if you would?" I asked.

Giving me a curt nod in response Laura gave a cliffnotes version of all that she experienced while at 'The Facility' and her reasons for wanting to destroy it.

Growling audibly as she did.

By the time she was done everyone at the table had a grimace on their face.

"Yeah. It's a lot I know. So, any other questions?"

No one spoke.

"Alright then." I said.

We then went back to planning the mission.

Until everything was worked out.

Once it was we began our preparations.

First we, the assault team, headed to the third floor of the Command Center, which was the armory, and stocked up on firepower.

[Image Here]

We also suited up in some tactical armor I had developed.

A blend of carbon nanofiber weave, which wouldn't restrict mobility but still give the person wearing it protection from bullets.

[Image Here]

Up to a degree that is.

But this design is just a proto-type.

The final armor will be much better.

Once the assault team was dressed and geared up we headed back up to the conference room where Emma and Sage were ready and waiting for us.

"Ok people. I think you know by now I'm not one for giving long inspirational speeches. So instead I'll just say what I want. Don't die and let's complete our very first combat mission on a good note." I spoke. "Now then, let's rollout."

Everyone gave a curt nod when I finished sppeaking.

Once they did so I opened up a portal with magic and the assault team stepped through it.

Me right behind them.

Ready for our debut battle.


(3rd Person: POV)

Standing on a hill overlooking the Facility Laura and Roman stood side-by-side.

Waiting for the the other members of the team to get into position.

All of which was part of the plan Roman had come up with.

While James, Domino, and Piotr watched the outer perimeter, to make sure no one escaped or reinforcements could arrive, Roman and Laura would assault the Facility directly.

Only calling in backup if they needed it.

But between the two of them that wasn't likely to happen.

Five more minutes passed before Roman received a transmission in his wireless earpiece from James.

"We are in position and the signal hammers are set. You're good to go boss." James explained.

"Alright. Thanks." Roman replied.

Once he did so he looked at Laura.

"Everything is in place. We can move in now." Roman told.


The very second after Roman finished speaking the claws on Laura's hands popped out and she started running towards the Facility.

Releasing a feral scream as she did.


Knowing how long Laura had been waiting for this moment Roman said nothing.

Instead he simply ran after her.

The shotgun he brought with him primed and ready.

[Image Here]

Within a few minutes the two of them reached the entrance of the Facility.

Which was being guarded by two guards.

Looking at Roman and Laura charging towards them one of them started reaching for their pistol.

But before they could even touch it Roman aimed his shotgun at the guard and without hesitstion pulled the trigger.


Roman's shot hit the mark, blowing out the chest of the first guard.

Meanwhile Laura reached the second guard and sliced them into pieces using her claws.

Just as she finished Roman reached the door.

Seeing a control panel he touched it and began absorbing electrical energy through.

Completely frying the panel in the process, which caused the door in front of the pair to open.

The second after it did Roman and Laura ran through if without any hesitation.

As the two ran through the Facility hallways they killed anyone they encountered.

Since Roman had made it clear this was a "take no prisoners" mission.

Considering all the people here did to Laura and everything else.

The duo only got a few minutes to move freely before the alarms sounded.

"Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!"

A robotic voice began repeating over the complexes intercom system.

But Laura and Roman paid it no attention.

They simply focused on continuing their mission.

Running down a hallway the duo looked ahead of them and saw several gunmen ahead, their weapons at the ready.

The gunmen got ready to pull their triggers.

But before they could do so their guns were yanked out of their hands.

Courtesy of Romans' telekinesis.

Once he had secured the enemies weapons Roman put a savage grin on his face as he held up his shotgun in there direction and started blowing them all away.

He also used his telekinesis to shoot the enemy with their own guns as he did this.

Only a minute passed before the hallway was painted red with blood and all the enemies were dead.

The moment Roman was sure of this he stopped using his telekinesis on the enemies weapons and they fell to the ground.

Right after he did this Roman lifted the barrel of his shotgun up to his nose and took a long whiff. "Ah. I'm definitely touching myself tonight." He spoke.

Because for Roman his actions just now were extremely pleasurable.

Seeing Roman's actions Laura said nothing.

Though she did raise a brow in his direction.

Which he noticed but didn't comment on.

They had more pressing matters to deal with at the moment after all.

The two continued moving through the Facility until eventually they found themselves inside a lab.

Looking around it Roman saw multiple computer terminals as well as a large tube filled with clear liquid sitting in the middle of the lab.

He also noticed how Laura got even tenser the moment they stepped foot inside the place.

Telling Roman this was probably where Laura was experimented on during her time in captivity at the Facility.

"Hey Laura, you good?" Roman asked.

Then right after he did do he heard an unfamiliar female voice.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. To think a rabid bitch like you would return all on your own. At least you saved me the trouble of tracking you down. Oh and it looks like you brought a friend."

Looking in the direction of the voice Roman saw an older woman with long dark hair walking towards them, a sadistic grin plastered on her face.

Seeing her face Roman instantly knew the woman was Kimura.

Laura's personal torturer while here at the Facility.

[Insert Image of Kimura Here]

Well in actuality Kimura was supposed to be Laura's combat instructor, but due to the woman's own insecurities and past she ended up torturing Laura for her own personal satisfaction.

Breaking the girl over and over again for her own sick amusement.

Seeing Kimura once more brought up many bad memories for Laura.

But also an extreme amount of anger.

Coming to a stop Kimura got ready to speak again

Though right before she could Roman aimed his shotgun at her chest and pulled the trigger.

The blast knocking Kimura on her ass.

"Listen bitch. We don't need to hear anymore shit out of your mouth. Now sit there and die like bug you are." Roman coldly spoke.

Because he is more than ready to exterminate Kimura from existence.

"Laura, let's go." Roman spoke.

"Mhm." Laura grunted.

Once they did do the two started heading towards Kimura.

Finally bringing their battle to a true start.