Chapter 46: It's Sex Time

A/N: This chapter will contain my first sex scene of the story. I hope you enjoy it my fellow degenerates, because there will be many more to follow before this fic is completed.


Landing atop a skyscraper I watched as the morning sun rose.

Having spent the entire night flying around New York City stopping crime.

Making sure a good number of people took pictures of me, as well as spreading my name whenever I could.

Making my mission of introducing Sentinel to a world a definite success.

Giving myself a small part on the back I portal'd back to my personal room in the Command Center.

I then mentally commanded my Sentinel suit into the pocket dimension.

Once I did so I went to jump in the shower.

Since moving around in a skin-tigjt bodysuit all night can cause you to work up quite the sweat.

I have no idea how Spider-Man, and a few other heroes, do it.

Oh, note to self. Install a temperature regulatuon enchantment in my suit.

Filing that away for later I began enjoying my shower.

Wondering what the world would make of me.


"He's a hero. A hero I tell you."


"Our top story. A mysterious man who calls himself Sentinel foiled several crimes all in the span of one night-"


"This Sentinel has got to be an alien. That's the only way to explain all the sh*t he can do."


Using the remote I changed the channel yet again to another news station.

Who was talking about Sentienl, aka myself, as well.

In fact all the news channel I looked at were talking about my escapades.

Some even displaying photos that were taken of me last night.

Looking at them I felt slightly embarrassed, especially when pictures came up of me doing some superhero poses I remembered from my previous life.

When the photo of me giving a thumbs up like All Might appeared I felt the fringe and decided to turn away from the news, lest I die of embarrassment.

Settling in on some re-runs of Power Rangers Time Force I got comfortable.

But the moment I did so I heard someone knock on my room door.

"Coming." I said.

I then got up and went to open my door.

Finding Emma standing outside, holding the New York Times in her hands.

With one of the picture of me gracing the papers front page.

"So you finally did it. You finally revealed your hero persona." She spoke.

"Yep." I replied. "I figured now was as good a time as any. The suit was finished and I was ready to take it out." I spoke.

Not to mention if I want to be involved in the big incidents in the future being a publicly loved hero will make it immensely easier to do so.

Especially since the Fantastic Four are scheduled to make their appearance in a few months once the new year begins.

The moment that happens things are going to explode, I just know it.

Which is why I've begun laying the groundwork in earnest.

"I see." Emma said. She then looked at the front page of the Times and licked her lips. "Well at least they got a good shot of you."

"Of course. I wasn't going to let them get my bad side after all." I said. "That side is only reserved for friends, family, and lovers like you."

"Oh, I feel so honored." Emma spoke.

"You're welcome." I replied.

The two of us then shared a laugh for a few seconds before it died down.

When it did Emma wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in close. She then whispered into my left ear. "Hey, since you did such a good job on your first day as a hero I think you deserve and extra special reward." She purred.

Which sent a shiver across my entire body.

Then before I could say anything else Emma gently pushed me back into my room and stepped in after me.

As the door closed she stepped out of her heels and threw the paper into one of the chairs.

She then came up to me and pushed me until I was lying flat on my back on the bed.

Emma standing over me with a sultry and carnivorous look in her eyes.

It looks like she finally intends to eat me.

But I've got no complaints.

None at all.


[R-18 Scene: Read at your own discretion]

Taking off her suit jacket Emma threw into the chair.

She then unbuttoned her pants and slowly shook herself out of them.

Looking me in the eyes as she did.

Feeling my body start to get hot I attempted to move and help her get rid of those troublesome clothes she was wearing.

Only for Emma to slap my hands and push me back down onto the bed.

'Ah, ah, Roman. No touching. This is your reward. So just leave everything today to me. I promse, you won't regret it.'

Emma telepathically told me.

When she did I followed her instructions and decided to let her take the lead like she asked.

Seeing I was doing what she said Emma nodded.

"Good boy." She told me.

Having gotten her pants all the way off.

Revealing to me the silky dark-purple lingerie panties she was wearing underneath them.

Emma truly has good taste.

Kicking her pants to the side button slowly unbuttoned her shirt, until it was fully open.

Revealing she was wearing a matching bra to her panties, which was holding up her D-cup breasts.

Seeing them I swallowed a lump in my throat.

Removing her shirt Emma tossed it to the side as well.

She then reached down and removed my shirt, before grabbing the waistband of both my underwear and sweatpants and pulling them down at the same time.

The moment they were off Emma knelt down and took hold of my cock with her left hand.

The feeling of her soft hand made the blood rush to my cock quicker and it started to arise.

"Mhm. How I've waited for this." Emma purred.

She then started slowly pumping my shaft with her left hand, while her right hand began fondling my balls.

The stimulation made me hard instantly.

My cock stood at full mast, in all seven inches of its glory.

Teasing both my cock and balls Emma skilfully used her hands to pleasure me.

"Emma, don't stop." I moaned.

Enjoying the dual treatment immensley.

"Oh, I wasn't planning on it dear." Emma said.

Increasing the speed of her left hand on my shaft.

She pumped me harder, eliciting moans from me.

A few moments later pre-cum began leaking from my tip.

Soon my entire cock, and Emma's left hand, were coated in it.

Squishing sounds filled the air as Emma's handjob put me on cloud 9.

"Looks like you're warmed up enough now." Emma said.

She then removed her hands from both my cock and balls.

Then before I could ask her why Emma placed the tip of my cock into her mouth.

The warmness of her mouth pussy would've sent me over the edge.

But thanks to the complete physiology control power I got from Sage that did not happen.

I stopped myself from coming.

Thinking nothing of this Emma pushed my length into her mouth.

Her tongue wrapping around it she moved her head up and down along my meat stick.

Looking me in the eyes as she did.

Which only made the entire thing that much hotter.

*Slurp Slurp Slurp*

Slurrping sounds dominated the room as Emma spit and my pre-cum mixed and coated my entire crotch and her mouth.

Soon I was getting an intense sloppy top.

Up and down Emma bobbed her head.

The heat inside me building more and more.

Until I couldn't hold back.

Taking my hands I pushed Emma head down on my cock until her mouth was touching my base and my tip was hitting the back of her throat.

"Here it comes Emma!" I shouted.

Allowing myself to cum.

My cock firing off like a waterhose I shot load after load down Emma throat.

Never giving her a second to come up for air.

Three minutes passed before I finished filling Emma stomach with my seed.

Which is sterile by the way.

Another gift I have to thank the full physiology control power for.

Since I am in no way ready to have a kid.

The moment I was empty I released Emma head from my grasp and her mouth left cock with an audible pop.

Inhaling and exhaling several times she composes herself.

She then came back in and cleaned me up with her mouth.

"Thanks for the meal." She said. After she was done.

"Sure. But don't think we're anywhere close to done yet." I growled.

I then stood up and grabbed Emma.

Throwing her on the bed face down and was up after I did.

Seeing the wetness in her panties I knew she was primed and ready.

So being a good lover I decided to give her what she wanted.

Pulling Emma panties aside I lined up my cock with her soft pink pussy and slammed in without any hesitation.


Emma screamed into the bed in pleasure.

I knew since her pussy is squeezing me like a vice-grip.

Giving me equal parts pain and pleasure.

Not waiting for Emma to recover I began slamming into her right count without reservation.

Squealing in delight Emma started slamming into me

The two of us in sync as we experienced pleasure.

"Yeah. You like this. Don't you!" I shouted.

Pulling Emma roughly up by her hair as I did.

"Yes. Don't stop. Give it to me Roman!" Emma shouted.

So I obliged.

Picking up the pace I pounded her pussy, while also pulling down her bra and fondling her breasts roughly.

The stimulation caused Emma to orgasm.

Fem-cum coated my cock and crotch as Emma's pussy pulsatedm

"Yes!!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Making me ever so glad I sound-proofed all the personal living quarters in the Command Center.

Just as Emma came down from her own orgasm I felt close to my own.

So I started pounded her harder and harder, until finally I couldn't take it any more.

Releasing my scram I came and unleashed tons of fun into Emma.

The stimulation causing her to orgasm once more.

The two of us released cries of pleasure as we climaxed at the exact same time.

Five minutes passed before we returned to our senses.

Slipping out of Emma I flipped her around to face me and planted a kiss on her lips.

"Thanks for the extra special reward." I told her.

"My pleasure." Emma purred.

"I know it was." I replied. "So, shall we continue?"

In response to my question Emma grabbed my cock with her right hand and leaned in for another kiss.

Telling me all I needed to know.