Chapter 47: Interested Parties

(3rd Person: POV)

Just as Roman had wanted, news of Sentinel was already spreading across the entire world.

People were talking about him on almost every news station in the country, and several were doing do so on news stations around the world.

But the person in question didn't know any of this yet.

He still hadn't found out the storm his appearance had caused.

Since he was busy indulging in the pleasures of the flesh with his super hot telepathic lover.

Though while those two humped like rabbits certain parties in the world at large began to make moves do to Sentinels appearance.


[Triskelion, Washington D.C.]

In an office on the top floor of the Trsikelion, one of the bases of the Strategic Homeland Intervention and Espionage Divison or known as SHIELD for short, a bald African-American with an eye patch sat behind a desk and was looking at a tablet held in his hands.

Which was displaying photos and information on Sentinel.

His name is Nick Fury, the current director of SHIELD.

[Insert Image of MCU Nick Fury here]

"So, is this all information we have on this Sentinel character?" Fury asked the person standing in front of him.

It was a long time agent of SHIELD and one of Fury's closest confidants, and probably one of his only real friends, a man named Phillip J. Coulson

[Insert Image of MCU Phillip J. Coulson here]

"Yes. That's correct director Fury." Coulson replied.

"I see. Coulson, what's your opinion on him?" Fury asked.

Since Coulson's opinion was one of the few he both valued and trusted.

"I think it's too early for me to have an opinion on him sir. He only appeared on our radar last night. Sure he saved people, but it could all be a means to an end. A way to get us to lower our guards. So until we have more information about Sentinel and his motives I think we should treat him with caution." Coulson spoke.

"My thoughts exactly." Fury replied.

His eye going back to the tablet. Specifically to the list of powers Sentinel displayed.

Superstrength, speed, durability, flight, and some form of telekinesis.

A good set of powers.

Though Fury's instincts were telling him they hadn't seen everything Sentinel could do yet.

And Fury was right on the money.

While in his Sentinel persona the previous night Roman only used his telekinesis and physically enhanced powers.

He didn't use any of his other powers.

Partly because he didn't need too, but in reality because he didn't want those he knew were watching him to learn the true extent of his abilties.

Roman would keep those hidden and then spring them on his enemies before they could even realize what happened to them when he faced them.

'Still, even if Sentinel is hiding things from us I can't deny his power.' Fury thought.

He leaned back in his chair before looking at Coulson once more.

"Coulson, start a file on Sentinel. Anytime he appears I want to know about it." Fury spoke.

Because he definitely wanted to keep his eye on this man.

"Yes sir." Coulson replied.

"Also put him in the Avengers Initiative." Fury spoke.

For his instincts were also telling him Sentinel would make a good Avenger.

"Of course sir." Coulson said.

With that their meeting on Sentinel came to an end.


[Trask Industries]

Sitting in his personal office at his company HQ Bolivar Trask was deep in thought about the appearance of the man calling himself Sentinel.

[Insert Image of Bolivar Trask Here]

"Is this simply a coincidence?" Trask asked himself.

A man with powers appearing with the name he intended to bestow upon his mutant hunting robots.

As a man of science Trask usually doesn't believe in the supernatural, but Sentinel's appearance felt like a bad omen to him for some reason.

"Am I just over thinking this?" Trask asked himself.

Though in the near future he would realize he wasn't.

And that Sentinel was a bad omen indeed.

For both his Sentinel project and himself.


(Roman: POV)

*Slap Slap Slap*

Squishing sounds filling the air, along with the slapping of meat on meat I slammed in Emma pussy with the same vigor I had since we started this sex marathon.

"Emma, here comes another one!" I exclaimed in ecstasy.

Emptying yet another load into Emma.

Free from that little annoyance known as a condom.

I am so glad I have the ability to make myself sterile.

"Aghhh!!!!" Emma shouted.

She herself orgasming once again.

When it was over I slipped out of her and she fell forward onto my bed.

Her entire body twitching.

As well as covered in sweat, a mix of my cum and her juices, and numerous love bites.

But I was exactly the same.

Not that I cared.

Since I'm having the time of my life.

I've had sex before, since I wasn't a virgin in my last life, but nothing like this.

"If this is heaven I don't ever want to leave." I muttered to myself.

*Knock Knock!*

Then immediately heard a knock on my door after I did so.

"I'll get it." I said. Climbing off the bed and putting on my pants and shirt.

A thing Emma probably can't do at the moment.

Since I'm pretty sure I've pounded her so much she won't be able to stand for a couple of hours.

And the thing is that was me holding back.

Meaning we need to enuance Emma physical abilties sooner rather than later, otherwise I might accidentally break her.

Which I definitely don't want.

My clothes on I headed over to the door and opened it, finding Sage standing outside.

"Yes Sage?" I asked. "What do you need?"

"I need to speak with you since you weren't answering your phone but I understand why now" Sage replied. "Jeez, how many times have you and Emma done it?"

"Not sure. What time is it?" I spoke.

Then Sage told me the time, and when she did I realized Emma and I had been going at it for six hours straight.

Telling me we certainly need to take a break.

Yet I can't help but be a little proud as well.

"Right. Thanks for telling me. So, what did you need to speak with me about?"

"A message came in from Dr. Octavious. He's decided to accept your offer and come work here at Abstergo Industries." Sage explained.

"Thanks." I said. A smile on my face at the great news. "So, anything else?"

"Nope." Sage replied. "Though I suggest you stop the humping marathon before Emma's hips break."

"Yeah. I've already decided to do that." I replied.

"Ok then. See you later." Sage said.

She then left and I closed my bedroom door.

After I did so I turned around and moved to pick up Emma from the bed.

I then placed her in the empty chair and started cleaning up.

Since that's enough sex for both of us for today.