Chapter 48: Advising The New Recruits

Finishing placing the new and clean sheet on my bed I stepped back from the bed itself.

I then look around to make sure I had cleaned my entire room of any traces of the the sex-fueled party Emma and I threw.

Seeing that I had I gently picked up Emma from the chair she was sleeping in and placed her gently in the bed.

Fully cleaned and wearing pajamas.

Courtesy of yours truly.

I mean I couldn't just leave Emma like she was, especially since moments after I started cleaning she fell into a hard sleep.

So being a good and considerate lover I cleaned her up and dressed her in clean fresh clothing.

Which I also did for myself.

Giving her a quick kiss I tucked Emma in.

I then left my room and headed up to the cafeteria, since that sex marathon left me starving.


Standing in the lobby of Abstergo Industries HQ, Emma standing on my left, the two of us waited for Otto and his wife Rosalie to arrive.

Since today is the day the good Dr. And Ms. Octavious begin working as official employees of the company.

Humming to myself to pass the time I stopped when I felt Emma give my butt a gentle yet firm squeeze.

A common event ever since we engaged in coitus a week ago.

An event that has been occurring every night since.

Not that I'm bragging or anything.

Keeping a straight face I got ready to pay Emma back for that butt pinch with one of my own. But before I could the good doctor and his wife entered the building.

'We'll finish this later.' I telepathically spoke to Emma.

In response she sent me the equivalent of a cheeky smile mentally.

'This woman.' I thought.

Sometimes she's just a lot.

Still, I wouldn't trade her for anyone.

When the Octavious's reached us the four of us greeted each other.

Then once introductions were out of the way Emma and I escorted the pair to their personal lab on the seventh floor.

"Well Dr. And Mrs. Octavious, what do you think?" I asked. After the four of us entered the lab.

Which is filled with state of the art equipment.

"It's wonderful." Rosalie said.

"Truly." Otto added.

"I'm glad." I replied. "Because for my employees I only want the best. For when you all are comfortable I believe you can make significant progress in your work. So, if you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask me for Ms. Frost here."

"I'll be sure to remember that." Otto replied.

"Me as well." Rosalie said.

"Excellent." I said. "Now then, back to your work Dr. Octavious. After reviewing the details of your projects I have some concerns."

"Oh, and what would those be?" Otto asked me in a defensive manner.

"Otto, there is no need for that. Young Roman here only wants to share his ideas with you and nothing else." Rosalie spoke.

When she did so Otto calmed down.

Thank you Rosalie.

"Your wife is right Dr. Octavious. I don't intend to make significant changes to your work, but after looking over some of your plans and designs I would be remiss if I didn't tell you what I thought. If only to help avoid any unnecessary accidents." I spoke.

Which I very much need to do, since I know exactly how such an accident will likely turn out.

"Alright. What are your concerns, and for which projects of mine do they apply too?" Otto asked me.

"First is your fusion reactor project. While your models and calculations are all top notch I see when creating them you didn't account for gravitational and electromagnetic fluctuations. Even though you are essentially trying to create a miniaturized version of the sun." I spoke.

Otto was getting ready to retort my words. But stopped himself just before he did.

He then went silent for several seconds before speaking again.

"I...You're absolutely right." Otto said. A stunned expression on his face. "It was so obvious, and yet I completely missed it."

"There's no shame in that Dr. Octavious. Oftentimes it's the most obvious things we miss the most." I said.

"Yes." Otto mused.

"Alright, onto the second project I found some issues with. The mechanical arms you are planning to create. While it is ingenious and I completely approve of you making them I cannot condone the method you wish to use to control them. A neural inhibitor chip sounds great, but what if it malfunctions or gets damaged? Your mind might end up at the mercy of the artificial intelligence of your arms for example." I spoke.

Knowing of course it could happen.

"Again I see what you mean." Otto replied. "Thank you Roman. And sorry about earlier. When it comes to my work I can get a bit defensive."

"It's fine Dr. Octavious. Truly." I told him. "Well sorry to cut this short but I have another meeting to get to. Emma will help you two get finished settling in. Oh, and it's a pleasure to have you both working here."

"Thank you." Otto said.

"Yes, thank you." Rosalie added.

Once she did so I took my exit, leaving the couple in Emma's capable hands.

Since I truly did have another meeting to get too.

Specifically with the Guardians new recruits.


In some workout sweats I stood in one of the training rooms on level four of the Command Center.

Soon the door to the training room opened and everyone we rescued from Stryker's base entered.

Except for Yuriko and Sarah.

The former is because she decided to take a more public role in Abstergo Industries when I offered it to her, thus she became the company's head of security.

The latter is because although she was the first one to ask to join the Guardians she is still way too young to participate in the group's activities.

She still needed a few more years before she can play with the big kids.

After everyone entered I passed my gaze over each of them for a quick second before looking at them as a whole.

"Ok people, I hope you're ready because today we are doing your very first combat assessment." I spoke. Grinning like the devil as I did.

My smile made everyone but James flinch.

'Damn.' I thought.

I was hoping to scare all of them, but three out of four isn't bad.

"Am question, what exactly will this combat assessment entail?" Roberto asked me.

"Oh I'm so glad you asked Roberto." I said. "To put simply today all of you will be fighting against me. Then once I have seen enough of your skills and abilties I will call the match and then I will give you some advice or point out any mistakes you made during the battle. Like I said, simple."

"Wait. Four of us against just you. Isn't that unfair to you?" Clarice said.

"Thanks for the concern Clarice, but I'll be fine. Now them. Come at me and don't hold anything back." I spoke.

As I did so the four of them shared a look between them for several seconds before breaking it.

Once they did so James charged forward.

"Remember Roman, you asked for this." James said.

Rearing back his left arm.

Upon reaching me he threw it forward, his punch aimed directly for my face.

But before the punch could connect I raised up my left palm and easily blocked it.

Shockung both James and the others.

"Good punch. But nowhere near good enough." I said.

I then sent a punch with my right hand into James' gut, causing him to skid backwards to where he started his charge from.

"Come one. Show me what you've got. Take this seriously." I spoke.

A few seconds after I did so Roberto engulfed his entire body in solar energy, Kurt began teleporting all over the room, while Clarice helped James to his feet.

Seeing the four of them were finally taking this spar seriously I smiled.

I then cracked my neck from side to side.

"Let's go." I said.

The moment after I did the battle commenced.

Teleporting to my right side Kurt threw a punch at my face.

Easily catching it I tossed him over my shoulder with a Judo throw and slammed him into the ground.

Then as soon as I did so I noticed a wave of heat energy coming towards me courtesy of Roberto.

Releasing Kurt from my grasp I jumped in the air and backflipped over the heat blast, landing right behind Roberto after I did.

Then before he could turn around I delivered a kick with my right leg into his right side, sending him flying through the air for a couple of seconds before he crashed into the ground.

The minute after I did so however one of Clarices' portals appeared right in front of my stomach and her fist came out of it, heading towards it.

Stepping to the side and easily dodging her punch I gave her land a hard slap after I did.

"Ow!!" Clarice yelped.

"Let that be a lesson to you." I said to her.

Her hand pulling itself back through the portal and the portal closing as I did.

Just as it happened I saw James charging at me like before.

Reaching me he started to attack me with a series of punches and kicks, which I easily dodged or parried.

"Good, good young grasshopper. But not good enough." I said.

Dodging yet another punch from James.

I then slipped into his guard and delivered an uppercut to his chin using my left hand.

The punch lifted James slightly into the air before he crashed down into it.

Right as he did so Roberto unleashed a concussive solar blast in my direction.

But before it even came close to me it entered into a portal Clerics made in front of it.

Followed up by her creating several portals around me.

'So Clarice created multiple portals to throw off my senses of where Roberto's attack will come from.' I thought.

It's a good strategy they employed, and if I was normal it would've worked.

Too bad for them In built different.

Standing in the middle of the portals I simply waited for Roberto's attack to exit one.

When it did and it came toward me I activated my phasing powers and it passed seamlessly through me.

Though right after it did Kurt appeared in my blind spot and tried to kick me.

His foot passing through me and doing no harm.

So a surprise attack to follow up the initial one.

These guys really do have amazing potential.

I'm glad they decided to join me.

As Jury's attack ended I turned to face hin and canceled my phasing powers.

I then grabbed his tail and tossed him right at Clarice.

The two of them ending up crashing into each other and tumbling to the ground.

But soon they got back up.

Regrouping with James and Roberto after they did.

"Ok. That's enough for today." I said.

"What? But we didn't beat you." Clarice said.

"Nor did I say you had too. If you recall earlier I said we would spar until I was satisfied and I am. Thus we are ending things here for today. Also good job in your first combat assessment." I spoke.

"Are you messing with us right now?" Roberto asked.

"No, I'm not. You guys showed some good combinations and tactics. Which would likely bring down most opponents you would face. But I'm not an ordinary opponent see."

"Really?' Kurt asked.

"Really." I said. "If I were to go all out you guys would be dead right now." I said seriously.

When I did so I saw everyone flinch.


I want them to be wary of my power, so if they encounter someone like me when in the field they won't get cocky and try to defeat them.

I would rather have my people run and live to fight another day than die for their pride or ideals.

"Alright, now that's that's out of the way let's begin the review." I spoke.

I then began instructing the new recruits.

Feeling a certain satisfaction and sense of accomplishment as I did.

Now I know what master's Yoda and Oogway must felt like.