Chapter 50: A Not So Bad Date

As we made our way towards the stage I cast an illusion spell on Emma and I so people wouldn't notice us.

I also cast one on the stage and a small area surrounding it.

As I did this Emma shifted into her organic diamond form.

Just as the two of us reached the stage I conjured forth one of the most powerful and deadly eldtrich weapons I can currently create.

A baseball bat.

Since these Hellfire Club tools deserve nothing less.

Stepping onto the stage Emma and I arrived just in time to see Azazel wrap his tail around Alison's left wrist.

The second after I saw this I rushed forward and hit him square in his left jaw with my eldtrich bat.

Hearing the crunch of the impact, which was music to my ears, I saw blood and a few teeth fly out of Azazel mouth. My attack knocking him on his ass, and more importantly away from Alison.

"I call that a home run." I said.

Resting my eldtrich bat on my left shoulder afterwards.

"Who dares!" The third unknown man with Azazel and Riptide shouted.

"I dare." I said. "After all, I'm not the kind of guy who can stand by while three dudes are hanging up on one girl."

This isn't a hentai or doujinshi world after all.

"Isolent wretch! You have no idea the folly you've just made!" The third guy shouted.

Speaking like a man from the 19th century.

"Uhuh, sure, whatever you say." I replied to him.

"Vermin! Time for you to learn the consequences of crossing the Hellf-"

Bored to death of the thirds guys rant/monologue I decided to shut him up.

So I crossed the distance and hit him in the head with my eldtrich bat.

Knocking him out.

The second after I did so Riptide attempted to summon tornadoes in the palms of his hands and attack me with them.

But before he could even get that far I unleashed a blast of ice at him and froze him solid.

Though right after I did so Azazel appeared on my left side and stabbed at me with a knife he was holding with hit tail. A victorious and sadistic grin on his face.

Which Azazel immediately dropped wheb did knife broke without even leaving me with so much as a scratch.

A true testament to how broken Kimura superhuman durability power is, and why I am glad I chose to take it for myself.

"What. How?" Azazel muttered.

Ignoring him I grabbed his tail and then slammed him into the ground.

Once I did I extended the bone claws on my right hand and slashed open Azazels' throat.

Then just for good measure I hit him in the head with my bat.

Because I needed to make sure he is dead.

I can't risk him teleporting away to inform the rest of the Hellfire Club of our encounter, nor will I risk the safety of anyone in the vicinity should Azazel attempt to take them as a hostage.

To put it simply making sure Azazel is dead is for the greater good.

As his body stopped moving and all traces of light fades from his eyes I knew that meant Azazel was truly gone.

Once I was sure of this I retracted my bone claws, and then walked over to Riptide and used my telepathy to enter his brain and pry out all of his secrets.

What I got was a list of Helllfife Club bases, a list of some of their members, and the names of their current leadership.

Which is as follows.


Black King: Sebastian Shaw

Black Queen: Selene Gallio

White King: Benedict Kine

White Queen: Reeva Payge

Black Bishop: Jason Wyngarde

White Bishop: Donald Pierce

Black Rook: Azazel

White Rook: Janos Quested


"Fuck." I muttered after learning Selena was one of the current leaders of the Hellfire Club.

Of all the people who could've ended up as the current Black Queen it just had to be her.

An immortal, psychotic, physic vampire who in the comics had magic so strong she was considered a candidate for Sorceror Supreme.

I was hoping I would never run into her, and yet here I am having taken down three leaders of the group she's currently associated with.

'Why does shit like this keep happening to me?' I thought.

It's not like a main character in some fan fic on webnovel.

I mean most of the time I don't go looking for trouble.

Yet it seems to keep finding its ways to my doorstep.

It feels like the universe itself is deliberately fucking with me.

Oh well.

Nothing I can do about but roll with the punches.

Having pried all the information I could from Riptides' mind I went ahead and used my eldritch bat to shatter his body into tiny little pieces.

I then turned my attention to the final member of the Hellfire Club members merry little band.

Who I now know the identity of thanks to the information I pulled from Riptides' mind.

Jason Wyngarde. Also known as Mastermind.

Walking over to his still unconscious frame I took my eldtrich bat and slammed it into his skull.

Shattering it like a pinata at a child's birthday party.

Only instead of candy I got bone and brain matter.

'Damn. Now I want some candy.' I thought.


No longer in need of my trusty bat I sent it away.

I then conjured forth several spell circles which unleashed magical fires on all three corpse's and burned them until they were nothing more than ash.

Man, I really love magic.

Once all the bodies were gone I stopped the fire and dispersed the spell circles.

I then turned towards Alison and Emma, the latter having been protecting the former the entire time I dealt with those Hellfire tools.

Seeing the threat had been dealt with Emma shifted back into her human form.

She then helped Alison stand to her feet.

As she did so I arrived at there side.

"It's ok, you're safe now Ms..." I said to Alison.

"Alison. Alison Blaire." She said.

Confirming my earlier thoughts of her identity.

"Alison. Alright. Sorry to be forward but I would like you to come with us." I told her.


"The people that attacked you and your concert tonight are part of a larger organization. One that will definitely come after you again once they learn their members who tried to get you tonight are dead." I explained.

"But I didn't kill them. You did." Alison spoke. Pointing a finger at me.

"True. But to this group that won't matter." I retorted. "They will likely kill you regardless. But if you come with me and my girlfriend here I can promise you, that won't happen."

"I....ok." Alison said.

"Thank you. I promise, you won't regret this decision." I said.

I then opened a portal, which caused Alisons' jaw to hit the floor.

Ignoring this Emma and I helped her through it.

Once we all were I slammed the portal shut, the three of us on the first floor of the Command Center.

"Roman. What happened? Who is that woman with you? A new recruit perhaps?" ADAM asked over the Command Center intercom system.

"She is not. Though she is under our protection at the moment." I said. "I'll explain everything. But before I do I need you to call the others. Since the Guardians are about to undertake their first big mission." I spoke.

To rain down hell on the Hellfire Club.

"Understood. I will contact the others and begin making preparations at once." ADAM said.

He then stopped talking.

As he did so I went to the conference room and sat in one of the chairs.

My mind replaying tonight's events.

Leading me to one conclusion.

The first date between Emma and I was not so bad.

No, not bad at all.

Though I'll make sure our next one is even better.