Chapter 51: Calm Before The Storm

Seated in the conference room I waited for everyone to arrive.

One by one they did.

Then once we all present, including Alison since we couldn't simply leave her alone to wander the Command Center, I began the meeting.

"First off, thank you all on showing up on such short notice. Now then, the reason I had ADAM call you all here for this emergency meeting is because earlier tonight, while on a date in New York, Emma and I encountered individuals belonging to a group known as the Hellfire Club. Which too those in the public who know of it is simply a social club for some the world's wealthiest inviduals, but in reality it is a group run by metahuman's that work to shape the world as they please and do whatever they can or want in order to establish supremacy over the masses." I explained. "Tonight Emma and I stopped three of the group's highest ranking members from kidnapping this young metahuman named Alison." I pointed to Alison.

"Hello." Alison said.

Once she did so I recounted the encounter my group had with Azazel, Jason, and Janos.

"And that's what happened." I spoke. After I finished retelling tonight's earlier events that took place in Forest Park. "So to put things simply we are about to embark on our greatest mission to date. Taking down the Hellfire Club. Because if they had no issues targeting Alsion then I am sure they will do the same to other metahuman's and have likely done so already. I realize this is a big move, so if anyone has any reservations please speak up now. Because once we start this, we won't be able to stop until we reach the end."

No one spoke up.

"Alright then." I said. "ADAM, please bring up the data on the remaining high-ranking members of the Hellfire Club."

"It shall be done." ADAM replied.

A few seconds after he did so five holographic images were projected over the conference table.

"The people you see here are what's known as the Inner Circle. They are the leaders of the Hellfire Club and dictate what direction it takes. Each of them is assigned a codename related to a chess piece of either white or black color. First up, we have the Black King. His name is Sebastian Shaw."

[Insert Image of Sebastian Shaw Here]

Who looks just like he did in the X-men films.

"Shaw is the one the other Inner Circle members look too. It's not an exaggeration to say the entire Hellfire Club runs basically on his words. His metahuman ability allows him to absorb energy in basically any form. Which he then uses to augment his physical abilties, and release in various energy waves or bursts. He is not someone to be trifled with." I explained.

I then looked at the hologram of Reeva Payge.

Who for reasons unknown to me looks exactly like the actress who played her in thay television series 'The Gifted'.

I guess it's just one more strange thing about this world.

"After Shaw we have Reeva Payge. The White Queen. Her metahuman abilties allows her to produce a unique sound with her vocal chords that can directly effect a person's brains neurochemistry, causing them to experience fitness, vertigo, and intense hallucinations. She can even stop a person for using their own powers. So if you encounter her make sure she keeps her mouth shut."

Moving my gaze from Reece I looked at the hologram of Benedict Kine.

"Next up on our list is the White King. Benedict Kine. Whose metahuman ability is a form of biological manipulation, but also a psychokinetic one as well." I explained.

"Roman, what do you mean?" Sage asked.

"Well from what I was able to gather from Janos' memories Kines' power allows him to psychically take control of an individuals nervous system. So his powers are as much mental as physical in my eyes. But that doesn't make them any less dangerous. Once in control Kine can make a person experience the greatest pleasure or the worst pain imaginable. He can even conceivably stop a person's heart." I explained.

Turning my gaze away from heart I put it on the hologram of Donald Pierce.

"The White Bishop. Donald Pierce. While not a metahuman like the other members of the Inner Circle he is still dangerous. He's a cyborg whose been enhanced several times, and can give metahuman's a run for their money. Though in my opinion he will likely be the easiest member of the Inner Circle to take down." I spoke.

I then turned my gaze to her.

"Now we have come to the final member of the Inner Circle. The Black Queen. Selena Gallio. I'll say this now, is any of you encounter her retreat immediately. And if you can't then stay alive until I can reach you. Because out of all of us I am the only one here with a chance against her." I spoke in utter seriousness.

"Roman, is she really that dangerous?" Emma asked.

"Yes. She is. Even more dangerous than Shaw." I said. "Selene Gallup is something akin to a vampire. She can absorb the life force from others with simply a touch, and turn people into her mindless slaves with ease. Not to mention she is a powerful sorceress and she's immortal."

"Immortal." Clarice said.

"Yes. Immortal. One who has been alive a long, long, time." I said.

Allowing the information to sink in.

"Why the hell is a monster like that working for this Hellfire Club?" Roberto suddenly asked.

"No idea." I said.

I truly have no idea why Selene is working with them.

But I do know one thing.

I am getting ready to face my greatest challenge since coming to this world.

Once I finished introducing the members of the Inner Circle and their respective powers and abilties to the others we went over all the other information about the Hellfire Club I had pulled from Riptides' mind.

The meeting last over three hours before it came to sn end.

Then once it did everyone went to go start preparations.

Including myself.

Portaling to Kamar-Taj I requested a meeting with the Ancient One.

Since I need information on Selene and if she's as powerful a Sorceror as she was depicted as in the comics then it stands to reason the Ancient One has encountered her before. So she might have information I can use against that crazy vampire bitch.

I hope.

Seated in a private room I waited for the Ancient One to arrive.

Eventually she did.

"Mr. Maxwell." She said. Taking the seat across from me.

"Ancient One." I replied. "I appreciate you meeting me on such short notice."

"Well you told the masters it was a matter of great urgency." Ancient One said.

"It is. Please tell me, does the name Selene Gallio mean anything to you?"

"Where did you hear that name?" The Ancient One immediately asked me after I finished speaking.

A rare serious expression on her face.

Telling me she did know about Selene.

"It's like this." I began.

I then explained briefly to the Ancient One about the Guardians upcoming confrontation with the Hellfire Club and that Selene was one of its leaders.

"I see." The Ancient One said after I finished speaking.

"Yes. So if you can, please tell me everything you know about Selene." I said.

"That I cannot do." Ancient One replied.


"Over the years I fought Selene many times. Yet time and time again our battles always ended in a draw. Which left much damage in there wakes. So during our last confrontation the two of us made a pact sealed with magic. If Selene promised to stop trying to dominate the world and not actively attack the order and it's members, along with keeping some of other habits in check then we would not interfere with her business and she would do the same for us." She explained. "Selene has held up her end of the bargain, as such I have to hold up my end."

"I understand. So wait, does that mean I cannot fight her?" I asked.

"No. Because even though you trained here you never officially joined the order. Thus you are exempt from the conditions of the pact I made with Selene. Though that means if you truly intend to face her I, nor anyone officially apart of the order can assist you in the battle." She explained.

"I understand." I replied.

Resisting the urge to pull my hair out as I did.

To think the Master of the Mystic Arts and Selene had such a complicated relationship.

I was hoping on some support from them but now that door has been closed, given what the Ancient One just told me.

Meaning I'll have to handle that monster on my own.

Oh joy.

I'm being sarcastic if you can't tell.

This is going to suck.

But now that my friends and I have started down this path there is no turning back.

The only way through is forward.

Which means one thing.

I'm going to have to beat an immortal vampire bitches ass.

What a joy this is going to be.


A/N: Hey readers. Sorry for the late chapter. I had a personal issue to take care of yesterday which is why I couldn't post it.