Chapter 53: Raining Hell On The Hellfire Club II

[Hellfire Club Mansion, New York City]

(3rd Person: POV)

Seated in a chair, in one of the numerous conference rooms of the Hellfire Club New York mansion, Sebastian Shaw had a furious expression on his face.

And he wasn't the only one.

The rest of the individuals seated in the conference room, which were the other members of the clubs Inner Circle, also wore furious expressions on their faces.

All except for one that is.

Fiddling with her black-painted nails Selene Gallio looked like she didn't have a care in the world at the moment.

Seeing this pissed off the other members of the Inner Circle mind you, but even so none of them spoke up.

For they all knew even if they did their words would amount to nothing. Since Selene generally ignored whatever the other members of the Inner Cicle said anyway.

That's just how she is.

Which would normally get a person kicked out of the Inner Circle. 

But not Selene.

For the power she wielded was great.

So great that the leadership of the Hellfire Club did not want to risk incurring her wrath by attempting to be forceful with her.

After all, they had tried that once before when Selene suddenly appeared a couple of years ago and demanded a leadership position within the club.

Which obviously she got.

So deciding to ignore the Black Queen the others began their meeting.

Their overall leader, Shaw, being the first to speak up.

For he is the one who called for the emergency meeting in the first place.

"Thank you all for gathering here on such short notice." He began. "Now as the reason I called you all here, it is because I received a report just a couple of hours ago that three of our bases were attacked simultaneously. All of them ending up destroyed due to the attacks. As well as all personnel. associated with those three bases ending up dead." Shaw explained.

"Do we know who is responsible yet?" Reeva Payge asked.

"We do not." Shaw immediately replied.

"Do we have any leads at all?" Reeva asked.

"Again, no." Shaw replied.


The second after he finished doing so Donald Pierce slammed his cybernetic right fist right into the table, causing small cracks to appear along its surface. "Motherfucker!" He angrily shouted. "First Wyngarde, Quested, and Azazel simply vanish, and now this. How dare whoever this is try and make fools out of us!"

"Pierce, calm yourself!" Shaw shouted.

This in turned caused Donald to glare at Shaw. But after several seconds he stopped and backed down.

"Very good. Now, I know you are angry. And believe me, I am as well. But undirected anger will get us nowhere." Shaw spoke.

"Sebastian is right. If we break apart now and let ourselves be blinded by rage, then whoever is doing this to us and the club will have basically won already." Benedict Kine said. "So, let us all get our bearings and then construct a proper plan for a counter-attack."

"Which will have you playing right into the enemies hands." Selene said.

Drawing the gazes of everyone in the room to her.

"Oh, and what makes to say that, Selene?" Benedict asked her.

When he did Selene put a smile on her face and began looking Kine directly in his eyes. It taking all the willpower the man had not to flinch under her gaze. For Selene's eyes were like two blackholes. Devoid of any light whatsoever. They sucked in whatever crossed their path and devoured it whole, leaving nothing behind.

"My many, many, many, years of experience in dealing with situations like this my dear Benedict." Selene replied. "It should be obvious that whoever executed the attack against our bases had taken extensive time to prepare before launching them. They knew the perfect time to attack, not to mention we have found no trace of them in the slightest. Yes, this is the work of professionals who are specifically targeting us."

"Then if what you say is true Selene, the Club is at war." Reeva said.

"Oh, I am fairly certain we are." Selene said. "What's more our enemy seems to know all about us, and yet we hardly anything about them. Giving whoever these people yet are another major advantage. To say nothing of what they learned from Wyngarde, Azazel, and Quested."

"Wait, you think their disappearance and these attacks are connected?" Pierce asked.

Selene lightly chuckling a moment after.

"Oh my dear, dear, Donald. Do try and use that brain of yours for more than just commanding your body to punch and kick. As a member of the Inner Circle, I really think you should hold yourself to a higher standard." She explained. Selene wearing a condescending smile on her face the entire time.

"Bitch!" Donald shouted. Slamming his hands on the table he practically jumped out of his chair. "That mouth of yours seem to like spewing shit. So how about I do you a favor and close it?"

Selene said nothing, and simply kept giving Donald a condescending look.

Seeing this veins began throbbing on his neck.

"Donald. Sit down. NOW!"

Though once again, like earlier, before things could escalate Sebastian ordered Donald to return to sitting.

Which he once again did.

As Donald did so Shaw turned towards Selene. "And you, enough." He told her.

"Right, right." Selene dismissively replied.

Angering Shaw. But he kept it under control. "So, you were saying before how the disappearance of Jason and the others and these attacks are linked." He spoke.

Deciding to change the subject.

"Yes." Selene simply replied. "They just vanish, and then these attacks happen a month later. It's obvious they were likely captured, had the information about us and the Club extracted, and then disposed of. It's what I, and I know everyone sitting in this room, would do should we encounter a high-ranking threat in the field."

"Quite right you are." Shaw agreed. "And I'm inclined to believe you. However, you are not sure if your suspicions are true or false. So until they are proven either way let us put all our energy into dealing with these attackers. Then we will re-visit the matter concerning Azazel and the others."

"As you wish, leader." Selene spoke.

"Alright, so back to the matter at hand-" Shaw began.

Only to be interrupted when the conference room door slammed open and a guard ran into it, right up to Shaw. Upon where he turned to look at the man.

"Name your reason." Shaw spoke to the guard.

"Sir. We've just received a report that six more of our facilities have been hit all across the world." The guard spoke.

This infuriating Shaw, and the rest of the members of the Inner Circle, even further.

All except for Selene.

Who is wearing a soft smile on her face.

Since she had a feeling that things were about to happen that would alleviate her boredom.

'Time for some fun.' Selene thought. Licking her lips.