Chapter 54: Raining Hell On The Hellfire Club III

[Hellfire Club Base. Boston, Massachusetts]

(3rd Person: POV)

Teleporting behind a enemy that was firing at him, Kurt wrapped his tail around his neck and then pulled it tight.

A second later he heard and audible *pop*.

Telling him he had broken his enemies neck.

Which is what he intended to do the first place.

Having finished off his attacker Kurt unfurled his tail from around his neck. He then started moving through the halls of the Hellfire Club base he, Piotr, and Neena were assaulting.

Their seventh in the last four days.

For that's how long he, and everyone else who was apart of the Guardians, had been launching attacks against the Hellfire Club.

All under the orders of their leader and employer, Roman.

A man Kurt greatly respected and admired.

For even though they were the same age Roman had already achieved so much. He was running his own business, he was rich, he was strong, and he had a super hot girlfriend.

To say Kurt didn't shed a few tears when he found out Emma and Roman were officially together would be a lie.

Though he is happy for the both of them.

He also wishes to have that kind of happiness for himself one day.

Kurt also never wishes to be caged like an animal ever again.

Which is one of the numerous reasons he joined up with Roman. For he was giving him the power to make sure that never happened to him again. As well as to prevent the same from happening to others like him.


A term Kurt had come to like, rather than Mutant.

In fact now he felt like Mutant was some sort of racial slur. Just referring to himself like that made him feel wrong on the inside.

Proving to Kurt once more that Roman was wise beyond his years.

'I am truly thankful I met a man like him.' Kurt thought. 'And his allies.'

Sometimes wondering where he would've ended up if he hadn't.

While pondering such a thing, Kurt managed to re-group with Neena and Piotr.

Or rather Domino and Colossus as they went by in the field.

Their codenames.

Which Roman mandated every member of the Guardians needed to have. For their own safety. It is so any enemy they face would have a harder time identifying them.

That's why Kurt also had a codename.


It was the stage name he used back during his days with the traveling circus that raised him.

'Perhaps I should go visit them one of these days and see how they're all doing.' Kurt thought.

An idea he liked very much the more he thought about it.

"Nightcrawler my friend, are you alright?" Piotr asked Kurt.

Knocking him out his new thought.

"Yes mun friend, I am wunderful." Kurt replied. "No worries." He said.

"Good." Neena said. "Now let's get out of here before more people show up to this party." She spoke.


Then right after Neena did a wall in the room they were in was blown apart.

Turning their heads in its direction Kurt, Piotr, and Neena saw several individuals walking through the newly blown hole in the wall.

Most of them were armed guards.

Except for four.

Who were children.

Children with collars around their necks.

"Quickly people, we need to get out of here before the enemies find-"

Before the leader of the enemy group could say another word Neena took out one of her pistols and shot him directly in the head.

This in turn caused all the other enemies to turn in her groups direction and immediately open fire.

Well at least they tried too.

Though no bullets exited the enemies guns, since they all jammed at the same time.

"What the fuck!?" One of them shouted. "I just cleaned this."

"What kind of messed up luck is this?" Another enemy soldier shouted.

Neena just smiled at his comment.

As she did Piotr rushed forward and quickly dispatched all of the remaining enemy troops.

Meanwhile Kurt walked up to the four collared children, who were huddled together, and gently extended his left hand in their direction. "It's okay. We are not going to hurt you." He softly spoke.

A few seconds after Kurt did one of the children, a girl, stepped up and gently grasped his outstretched hand.

Bringing a smile to his face.

Seeing this Neena nodded, while using her earpiece to contact ADAM. "Hey ADAM, I need the boss to open a portal. Tell him we found those who need some help."

"Understood." ADAM immediately replied.

A second after he did a large portal opened.

Once it did Piotr, Kurt, and Neena ferried all four kids through it. Then went through it themselves.

But not before Neena tossed several grenades around the room.

Which exploded just as the portal they walked through slammed shut.

Bringing down yet another of the Hellfire Clubs bases.


(Roman: POV)

Finding myself in the medical bay of the Command Center I stood silently to the side and watched, along with several others including Laura and Sage, as Dr. Hansen examined the group of children Neena's team had rescued when destroying the Hellfire Club base in Boston.

The group of children consisting of two boys and two girls.

The boy's names being Julio Richter and Russell Collins.

While the girls names are Tabitha Smith and Sally Blevins.

So in short we just rescued Rictor, Firefist, Boom-Boom, and Skid.

Not bad at all.

Especially since now the Hellfire Club can't use them as slaves.

Since from what little they have spoken to use we can all surmise that's exactly what the club was going to use them as.


Now those bastards are really going to get it. By the time we're done with them they'll be begging for death.

Soon Dr. Hansen finished examining all four of the children.

Once she did so she came over to me, while Kurt went to attend to the children.

Seems like all of them have taken a liking to our blue-tailed friend.


These kids seems like they could use some joy in your lives.

"So, how are they doc?" I asked.

"Not too bad. A little malnourished, a bit dehydrated. Nothing proper meals, some water, and a good rest won't fix. Their physical states won't be a problem. But as for their emotional and psychological states..." Maya trailed off.

"Say no more doc. I got it." I told her. "Once they get acclimated I'll have them enrolled in counseling just like Sarah." I spoke. 

Since given all that happened to her I thought it prudent Sarah talk to someone. Lest she develop deep psychological and emotional scars. That's why I found her a reputable and discrete child psychologist, who isn't prejudicial against metahumans. Considering his own daughter is one.

He's a good man.

Who I'm sure wouldn't have any issue helping out the four kids we just picked up.

Though that only takes care of a few of their problems. The others aren't so easy to fix. Namely in regards to things like their living situation and their education.

Since in addition to wanting these kids to grow up learning to control their powers, and to accept themselves, I also want them to be able to become functioning members of society. School is necessary for that.

But there is no way I'm sending them to Xavier's school.

Though sending them to a normal school is out of the question as well.

"Agh. So complicated." I grumbled.

"What's the matter bro?" Sage asked me.

"Oh, I'm just trying to figure out what we're going to do with these four. Since while there is no way we're simply turning them loose, there is also no way we can provide all they need in the way they need it. Do you get what I'm saying?" I spoke.

"I think I do." Sage said. "You're worried about their education, right?"

"Yes." I replied. "And I'm trying to decide what to do about that." I explained. "Since sending them all to any regular school is out of the question."

"Why do they need to go to school at all. I didn't and I turned out just fine." Laura spoke up.

"Yes, but you're one of those special cases like me and Sage. Most other people generally attend school." I explained to Laura.

Who gave me a curt nod of acknowledgement.

"If it's that much of an issue can't you just create your own school or something?" Maya asked me.

When she did I had a lightbulb moment.

"Yes, that's it. Maya you're a genius." I proclaimed.

"I know. But it's nice to hear it sometimes." She spoke. Putting a proud smile on her face.

Ignoring her smug words of self-praise I quickly started making plans to open my own school.

Then once I thought up some preliminary ideas I turned my full attention back to the matter of the Hellfire Club.

For I now feel that Phase I is complete.

Which means it's time to move onto Phase II.

Time for those bastards to experience a true hell on Earth.