Chapter 58: The End Of The Inner Circle

"A hunting I will go~ A hunting I will go~ Heigh-ho, the derry-o, A hunting I will go~" I sang.

Standing in one of the Command Center's elevators as it took me to my destination.

Which it soon arrived at.

Floor ten

When the elevator doors opened up I stepped off it. I then walked with a little skip in my step, arriving in no time at all at my destination.

The holding cells where Sebastian Shaw, Reeva Payge, and Benedict Kine were being kept. Their home sweet homes for the past month and a half, ever since our war with the Hellfire Club came to an end and we came to an understanding with its new, and only, leader Selene.

Who I absolutely do not trust.

But since I am not strong enough to take her down yet I am playing nice.

Though I have already begun preparing myself for when playtime is over and the day comes when we eventually come to blows.

To that end I have absorb and acquired the powers of both Roberto and Clarice. Which are both fine additions to my arsenal of abilities.

Having left Proudstar and Kurt's abilities alone, since have already obtained abilities similar to theirs.

In addition to that I have also started training myself to absorb kinetic energy. Which is currently progressing a bit slowly, but given the rewards for learning and mastering the ability I can deal with a little learning curve.

Though given what I am going to do that learning curve will likely disappear.

Walking up to Shaw's cell door I typed in my personal security code on the keypad next to it, and a second after I did the door slid open.

Once this happened I quickly entered the cell, and then the door closed behind me a moment later.

Looking in my direction after I entered his cell Shaw said nothing, nor moved from the position he was in.

Which is currently sitting on the floor at the foot of his bed.

Not that I expected much from the former Black King. Given his current condition.

Disheveled hair, sunken cheeks, a pale complexion, and unfocused eyes. He's become a man whose spirit has been broken, and has lost all his will to live.


That's exactly how I wanted this bastard to feel.

From what Selene told me Shaw has always looked down on others and enjoyed crushing their spirits. So it's only right he get a taste of his own medicine before stepping through the gates of hell.

Stripped of his position, his powers, and forced to live in a cage like a beast.

Yes, I can hardly think of a greater punishment for a man like Sebastian Shaw.

Seeing it brings a smile to my face.

Noticing my smile I noticed life return to Shaw's eyes. I then sensed burning rage and hatred from him, directed squarely at me.

'Well, looks like Shaw still has some spirit left after all.' I thought.

Not that I truly care.

Since I'm about to send Shaw to meet his maker.


"-Yes, yes, me." I interrupted Shaw.

Then before he could say or do anything else I used my telepathy to bulldoze my way into his mind and began prying out all of his secrets.

Though the more I looked through Shaw's mind and memories the more disgusted I became.

I thought I knew just how much a monster he was, turns out I was dead wrong.

In his long life Shaw has performed heinous experiments on others with the X-gene, started conflicts all across the world, and killed entire families without any remorse or shame.

It's taking all I have not to throw up right now, or beat Shaw to death with my bare hands if only to give him a small taste at what he has given others.

"Stay calm. Just stay calm." I told myself.

For I had almost finished reviewing Shaws' mind, and stealing all the information I wanted from it.

Which didn't include working with the Nazi's in World War II and killing Magneto's mother in front of him like it did in the films.

Meaning the one Erik encountered during that time in his life was likely Nathaniel Essex, aka Mr. Sinister.

After I finish with this I need to check if an Essex Corporation of something of the like exists in this world. Since if it does that means I have yet another person to add to my kill list.

Which is already quite large.

Oh well. Nothing I can really do about it except to keep crossing names off the list until it shrinks.

Which is a task I most certainly enjoy.

Moving on.

Soon my telepathic probing and scanning of Shaws' mind was done.

Once it was I decided to put him out of his misery.

So I used my telekinesis to take hold of Shaws' heart and then squeezed it until it popped.

The second after I did the former leader of the Hellfire Club fell face first onto the floor, utterly dead.

After this happened I conjured some magical fire and burned his body until nothing but ash remained.

I then exited Shaw's cell and moved to enter Benedict Kine's.

Who charged right at me the moment I did.

But before he could even touch me I used my telekinesis to break both his kneecaps.

"Agh!" Kine screamed, falling face first onto the floor.

He then looked up at me and got ready to say something. But just like with Shaw I didn't want to hear anything from his mouth. So just like what I did to his former leader I hit him with a telepathic probe and scan, taking any and all information from his mind I found useful.

Then once that was done I leaned down and touched him, absorbing his powers. I then crushed his heart using my telekinesis and burned his body to ash with magical fire, just like with Shaw.

"Two down, one to go." I muttered as I left Benedict's cell.

I then moved and entered Reeva's.

When I did and the former White Queen of the Hellfire Club laid eyes on me she instantly backed up as far as she could from me, her entire body shaking with unbridled fear.

Yes, now this is the reaction I have been waiting for. This is what I want from my enemies or those who would try and cross me. To cower in fear in my presence, or at the mere mention of my name.

Man, does seeing it feel good.

But enough of that.

Launching my telepathic probe and scan into Reeva's mind I treated her just like Kine. I took what I wanted, absorbed her powers for myself, and then when I was done I killed and disposed of her just like her two associates.

Finally bringing a close to me and the Guardians fight with the Hellfire Club.

For now at least.

Leaving Reeva's cell I headed back towards the elevator.

Feeling like a meat lovers pizza for lunch.

Since killing your enemies sure does work up an appetite.