Chapter 59: Permission

"The meeting with Magneto has been set." Emma spoke.

The two of us are currently in my personal office at Abstergo Industries HQ.

Given everything that went down with the Hellfire Club during the past two months both Emma and I have been absent from the offices for quite some time.

Which we both decided to immediately rectify once we had the chance.

Not only to make sure everything with the company was still running smoothly, but also to make sure our employees, well regular employees, didn't think the two of us were becoming asshole bosses like the leaders of big companies seen in movies or on cable television.

So here the pair of us are.

"Excellent." I replied.

This meeting has been a long time coming.

"So, who are you taking with you?" I asked Emma.

"Warpath, Blink, Sunspot, and Domino." Emma replied.

Having no issues using the others codenames in my office. Since it is just as secure as the Command Center. No information goes in or out of it unless I want it to.

"Nice roster." I said.

"Thank you. That is the reason I chose them to assist me on this mission after all." Emma replied. "Now then, cornering the academy. Preparations on it have begun and are currently going smoothly. By my best estimates it should be up and running by next year." She spoke.

Emma giving me a report on the metahuman academy I decided to create. Not only to help Sarah and those four others we rescued from the Hellfire Club, but also to help other children in the exact same or similar situations.

Though unlike Charles school my academy will prepare its students for the harsh realities of the real world after they exit it.

I have even already decided on a name for the school.

The Umbrella Academy.

I can't wait to see it.

"Excellent. Truly." I spoke.

Once I did Emma and I discussed several other things in regards to the company and matters related to the Guardians. Until finally we had talked over everything of importance.

"Well with that I call this meeting to an end." I spoke. After Emma and I finished discussing the last topic.

"Actually there is one more thing I would like to discuss with you Roman." Emma spoke.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked.

"Why you have been flirting with Laura." Emma stated.

"Because I like her. Just like I do you." I replied without any hesitation.

Emma raised a brow in my direction after my statement. "To think you would say you like another woman in front of your girlfriend. What kind of man are you Roman?"

"A man that knows what he wants, and isn't afraid to say so." I replied.

"Have you no shame?" Emma asked me.

"Nope." I replied.

Shame, what is that? Can you eat it, does it taste good?

Hearing my answer Emma didn't reply. Instead she just licked her lips in a seductive manner, and stated broadcasting some extremely risque thoughts into my mind. Involving me, her, and Laura.

Letting me know what I had suspected for a while. Emma didn't mind he having other lovers.

Since if she did she would've immediately tried to put a stop to my flirting with Laura when she first noticed it. Key word being tried, since there was no way I was going to give up going after Laura.

Now don't get my wrong, it's not that I don't value Emma. I do, very much.

But it's like I said earlier. I'm now a man who isn't afraid to go after what he wants. So if I see a woman I like then I'll do all I can, within reasons of course, to make her melt in my arms.

For Roman Maxwell isn't a beta but an alpha.

Picking Emma up with my telekinesis I moved her into my lap and then gave her butt cheeks a pinch. "My, my Ms. Frost. That is quite the dirty mind you have. And you said I have no shame." 

"Well you don't." Emma replied. Grinding her butt on my crotch.

"Though isn't that what you love best about me?" I asked.

"One of the many things I do." Emma replied.

She then leaned forward and connected our lips.

When she did I stuck my tongue inside of her mouth and tamed hers within seconds. Soon Emma was putty in my hands before she knew it.

After a few minutes I broke our kiss. A trail of saliva between our lips. I then put a serious expression on my face. "Hey Emma, just so you know I'm not going to go after ever girl with a nice pair of breasts. Firstly, because I am an ass and thighs man. Secondly, it's because I want to be with woman who can stand beside me. Like the one in my arms right now." I spoke.

"You truly are a charmer Roman Maxwell. And thank you." Emma replied.

"Any time my frosty queen. Anytime." I said.

The two of us then resumed our kissing session. 

Which eventually evolved into something I had always wanted to try.

Office sex.

Which was everything I expected and more.

Needless to say after Emma and I went a few rounds I had no doubts in my mind I had her permission to pursue Laura and others who caught my fancy.

Seems dying and reincarnating was the best thing that could've ever happened to me.