Chapter 60: Title At The End

[July 2004]

(3rd Person: POV)

In the void of space all was quiet.

Then suddenly everything changed.

Near the edge of the Sol system an object traveled through the void of space at incredible speed.

Making its way past, and through the Kuiper asteroid belt, said object easily passed Neptune.

Then it passed Uranus.

Saturn was next.

Then as the object got close to Jupiter it began to slow down, revealing itself to be a spaceship.

Which was on a direct course for the planet Earth.

What's more, it wasn't alone.

Right behind the ship heading towards Earth were several others.

As to why this was happening, only time would reveal the reason.


(Roman: POV)

Sitting in my personal lab within the Command Center, O-O-H Child by Five Stairsteps playing on my labs speakers, I reviewed some information ADAM had just provided me.

Concerning a company known as the Essex Corporation.

Turns out it exists in this reality.

Which means in all likelihood Mr. Sinister does as well.

"God dammit." I muttered.

I was really hoping that clone happy bastard didn't exist. Since he'll be a total pain in the ass to deal with. Even more so than the likes of Apocalypse. Since at least with him I know that if I kill him he'll likely stay dead.

But Sinister it's a different story.

Whose to say how many clone bodies that bastard has made of himself and stored away over his long years of life. I certainly know the number isn't small. Which means even if I quickly dispatch that bastard another one of him will just take the deceased ones place.

Put simply it's annoying as hell.

But if I want Sinister dead there's no use complaining.

Even so I'll still do it. Since I can and it doesn't cost me anything.

After I finished reviewing the information ADAM had collected for me on the Essex Corporation I put it away.

I then pulled up several project files and began working on them. Including a new one I just recently created.

Project Watchtower.

After working on the files for some time I stopped when I got hungry.

"Time to get some fuel." I spoke. Stretching my arms into the air.

I then stood up from the workstation I was sitting at and headed out of my lab, my destination the Command Center first floor and its cafeteria.

Arriving in no time at all I began to satiate my hunger.

As I ate I couldn't help but wonder how the meeting between Emma's team and Magneto and his Brotherhood would turn out.

She and her group left for the meeting a few hours ago, taking one of the VTOL since we didn't want to reveal all our groups capabilities, and while I am hoping for a good outcome I also won't be disappointed if nothing comes from this meeting.

"Only time will tell I guess." I muttered.

I then finished off the rest of my food.

Once I did I returned to my lab.

"Roman, I have urgent news."

But the moment I stepped inside ADAM spoke to me.

(A/N: To remind those readers who forgot ADAM's voice is that of Peter Cullen)

"What is it my friend?" I asked him.

"Our satellites have just detected a craft of unknown origin entering Earth's atmosphere."

ADAM was right. This is important news.

Namely because it will give me a chance to acquire some alien technology before the Chitauri invasion during the events of Avengers film.

Oh and speaking of aliens that reminds me I need to check on something. But I can deal with that later.

Right now I need to focus on what's happening right now.

"ADAM, where is the craft right now?" I asked him.

"It is on a descending trajectory, and based on its velocity I have calculated it will land in the Great Victoria Desert in Australia." ADAM explained. He then quickly calculated the predicted coordinates of where the ship would land and gave them to me.

"Thank you." I told him. "Also, contact the others and explain the situation to them. I want them ready to move out in five minutes." I explained.

"It shall be done." ADAM replied.

I gave a curt nod to his words.

I then moved over to one of the display cases. Where the new super suit I had designed and had just finished building was ready and waiting.

[Image Here]

And I think this is the perfect situation to take it for a test drive.

Removing the suit from the display case I put it on.

Once I did so I headed out of my lab and then towards the vehicle/hangar bay on the fifth floor.

Soon after I arrived the others did.

"Alright guys I assumed ADAM explained the situation to you, but I'll go over it once more. Our satellites detected an unknown craft, likely alien in origin that is on a crash course with the Great Victoria Desert in Australia. Our mission is going to be to head there and secure the crash site. Then secure any alien technology we can. Any questions?" I spoke.

"What if we end up encountering survivors from the crashed vessel?" Kurt asked.

"We won't attack immediately. But if they give us a reason we'll take them down, hard." I spoke. "Any other questions?"

No one spoke up.

"Alright then. Off we go." I spoke.

I then took out my Sling Ring from one of my belts utility pouches, then used it to open up a portal near the coordinates ADAM gave to me.

Once I did everyone went through it, with me being the last one.

As soon as we all cleared the portal I closed it shut.

Preparing myself for my first contact with alien life.


[Great Victoria Desert, Australia]

Standing on a small rock I stared out ahead of me.

Enjoying the majesty of the clear night sky, featuring the ocean of stars above.

"You can't get a view like this in the city." James spoke.

"No, no you cannot." I replied.

"Beautiful." Laura said.

'It truly is." Sage added.

"A wunderful sight." Kurt added.

"Da. Is beautiful." Piotr said.

The six of us admired the night sky of the Australian outback.

Which changed when we saw an object hurdling from the sky towards the ground at incredible speed.

"Looks like our target has arrived." I spoke. "Everyone get ready." I spoke.

Since we have no idea what we're about to encounter.

Heeding my words everyone prepared for battle.

Just as they did the craft crashed into the ground, creating a trail along the ground until finally it stopped.

"Multiple Man, Sage, watch the perimeter. Colossus, Talon, you two are with me." I spoke.

Everyone acknowledged my words.

Once they did Laura, Piotr and I started moving in towards the craft.

Reaching it in no time at all.

Finding ourselves two meters (6ft.) from the craft I stopped in my tracks, as did both Laura and Piotr. Once we did this I began examining the crafts design. Seeing if I could find a way for us to enter it without carving our own way in.

Though a few moments into my examination a piece of the alien craft exploded outward. The three of us then saw a figure start to pull itself out of said opening.

When the figure had fully pulled themselves out of the craft I was at a loss for words.

Since the individual I was looking at is someone who I had seen before numerous time.

It was a tall woman, with orange-colored skin, deep green eyes with no pupils, and long fiery red hair. Dressed in purple clothing that accentuated each and every one of her curves.

This woman is none other than Koriand'r, also known as Kory Anders on Earth. But her most famous name if Starfire. One of the most iconic members of the DC comics superhero team the Teen Titans.

[Insert image of Koriand'r/Starfire here]

As I looked at Starfire only one thought crossed my mind.

'What the fuck is she doing here?!'

Title: Starfire


A/N: Yes, my friends. Starfire that's right. Her!

As to what she's doing in a Marvel universe, stay tuned in to find out.

Until the next chapter.