Chapter 67: The End Of Doom

Flying through the skies above New York, I carried Doom over my right shoulder.

I kept going higher and higher, and then when I was sure we wouldn't be spotted I opened up a portal using Blinks powers and went through it.

Finding myself at a location I had chosen and prepared beforehand I closed the portal I opened and then sat Doom down on the ground in front of me.

Once I did I put both my hands on his shoulders and then accessed the abilities I obtained from Ice Man.

Lowering the temperature further and further I didn't stop until I was certain Doom's blood was frozen solid.

When I was sure it was I removed my hands from his shoulders and then shifted into my organic diamond form.

I then sent a punch straight through the frozen Doom's chest, shattering the man into many pieces.

But that wasn't nearly enough for me.

Raising my feet I began stepping on the frozen chunks of Doom. Breaking them down even further than they already were.

Since I refuse to live in a world where any version of Dr. Doom is breathing.

The man is too dangerous to be left alive.

When I first laid my eyes on Doom's frozen body earlier I suddenly recalled that one storyline from the comics where he stole the Beyonders' powers.

The Beyonder. One of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe and Doom stole his powers.

Yeah, I can't take a chance of that happening.

I also can't take the chance Doom will return, or worse yet him falling into the hands of SHIELD aka Hydra.

That's why I'm eliminating the threat now.

Once I felt I had stopped on Doom enough I shifted out of my organic diamond form.

Once I did I activated my powers from Sunspot and sent several blasts of energy to melt the ice chunks of Doom into nothing but water.

Erasing any and all traces of Doctor Doom from this reality.

After I was done I opened a portal back to my New Jersey apartment using Blink's power and stepped through it.

I then closed the portal behind me, utterly and thuroughly satisfied.

Sending my suit away with magic I headed to my bedroom and got in bed.

Where I fell asleep with a satisfied smile on my face.


[Triskelion, Washington D.C.]

[July 15th, 2005]

(3rd Person: POV)

Leaning back on his office chair Fury read the report Coulson had complied for him concerning the incident involving the Fantastic Four in New York a week ago.

Of greatest interest to Fury in the report was the involvement of Sentinel in the incident.

As well as the complete and utter disappearance of the enemy the four had battled.

One Victor Von Doom, who also went by the name Dr. Doom.

Putting down the tablet he has read the report on Fury focused his eye on Coulson, who was standing in front of him.

"So, what did Dr. Richards and the others have to say about Sentinel when you interviewed them agent Coulson?" Fury asked.

"Nothing much director Fury." Coulson replied. "They say he showed up and assisted them in the aftermath of the battle. Though I could tell they were holding something back. But I decided not to press them." He explained. "Shall I place a full time survelliance detail on them?"

"No." Fury immediately replied.

He knew how smart Reed Richards was, and Fury didn't want to risk alienating a man like him and his entire team if they discovered SHIELD had them under survelliance.

"Understood." Coulson replied. "So, next move?"

"Keep up a steady stream of communication and observe their actions from a safe distance." Fury said.

Coulson giving a curt nod to his words.

"Shall I add them to the Avengers Initiative sir?" Coulson asked.

"No, not just yet." Fury said.

Though he would likely make his decision permanent. Since Fury's instincts were telling him the newly dubbed Fantastic Four wouldn't make good Avengers.

But s hero team that Fury could call in was an entirely different story.

"Understood sir." Coulson replied.

"Good. Now then, I want you to put more effort into locating Sentinel. I think it's about time he and I had a little chat." Fury said.

"Yes director Fury sir." Coulson answered.

Thus SHIELD had finally set it's sights on Sentinel.

"Oh and any word yet on this Dr. Doom?" Fury asked.

"Unfortunately no director." Coulson quickly answered. "We did our best efforts to track him down but ever since his fight against the Four in New York he's disappeared without a trace." He explained.

Which Fury didn't like one bit.

A man like Doom, out there on the loose work his powers and intellect made Fury nervous.

"Redouble our efforts to track him down." Fury ordered.

"Understood sir. But I think a better use of our resources would be tracking down Sentinel. Seeing as how our reports having him being the last one to actually see this Doom." He spoke.

"Then get on it agent Coulson." Fury spoke.

SHIELD now having even more reason to track down Sentinel.

Little did they realize it was not going to be that easy.

Not by a long shot.