Chapter 68: Giving & Recieving

[July 22nd, 2005]

(Roman: POV)

Stepping through the portal I arrived at Kamar-Taj.

I was then led by one of the master's to the room where the Ancient One was waiting for me.

Since we had a meeting schedule for today.

Entering the room I took a seat, as the master who escorted me closed the doors when he left.

"Mr. Maxwell. Good you see are still in one piece." The Ancient One spoke.

Since we hadn't spoken ever since I asked her for information on dealing with Selene during the Hellfire Club incident that took place last year.

"Yeah. Also, I apologize for not contacting you after the incident concluded. There was just so much to handle afterwards and time just got away from me before I knew it." I spoke.

"That is quite alright." The Ancient One said. "I understand you were dealing with a time sensitive situation and were on a clock. I'm just glad your time didn't run out when dealing with Selene." She said.

A cheeky and shameless smile on her face as she laced her words with obvious time puns.

"Right." I said. Ignoring the time jokes. "So anyway I asked for this meeting today for two reasons. The first is that I have someone I would like you to admit here as a student."

"The Thing. Ben Grimm." The Ancient spoke.

Me not at all surprised.

"Since you already know I must ask, will accept him, and can you help him?" I questioned.

"Yes to your first question, and as for the second one I cannot. Only Mr. Grimm can help himself. I can only be his guide." The Ancient One said.

So that means there's hope for Ben.

Good to know.

"Alright then, I'll let Ben know the good news. Now then as to the second reason I called this meeting."

Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a syringe and placed it on the table.

When the Ancient One curiously looked at it told me she wasn't able to foresee these events with the Time Stone.

Telling me that while the Ancient One can use the stone to perceive my involvement in the future of others, she can't directly see my future.

I mean I knew this of course, but confirmation helps.

"Mr. Maxwell, what is that?" The Ancient One asked.

I held up the syringe. "A serum I developed that will make anyone injected with it semi-immortal. It won't stop the aging process but it will severely slow it. Not to mention it gives the one injected with it the power to recover from almost any injury. Even from a nuclear explosion." I explained. "And the reason I brought it with me today is to give it to you. As a way of saying thanks for all you've done for me. But also to help you out of your current situation."

"I see. So you too know about things other no one else should." The Ancient One spoke.

"It depends on the person." I replied.

"Would you be willing to tell me exactly how much you know?" Ancient One asked.

Silence was my answer.

"I see. Well that's understandable Mr. Maxwell." Ancient One said.

"Thanks for your understanding. Now then, let's get this over with."

The Ancient One nodded at my words.

She then accepted the serum injection without any complaints.

Then we did some tests to make sure it was working properly.

Once we learned it was the Ancient One out s full blown smile on her face and gave me thanks.

We then discussed a few more things before I took my leave.

Happy that the Ancient One didn't decide to be stubborn when accepting the serum.

Now she won't have to draw energy from the Dark Dimension to keep her youth any longer.

Once again I have fucked over the canon.

I can't wait to see what ripples affect this change will have.


[July 25th, 2005]

Landing atop the balcony of the reconstructed Baxter Building I was met with the entirety of the four.

Ben with two suitcases by his side.

Since today is the today I take him to Kamar-Taj.

"Ready big guy?" I asked him.

"As I'll ever be." Ben said.

I nodded at his words.

Once I did I opened a portal directly to Kamar-Taj.

Which caused the jaws of all the Fantastic Four to hit the ground.

Reed's literally.

Gross, but cool.

"What, a stabily generated tear in space. How?" Reed asked.

"Magic." I said. Doing jazz hands.

"Holy shit." Johnny said.

"Took the words right out of my mouth little brother." Susan said.

"Magic is real." Ben mused.

"Oh my friends, you have no idea." I said. "Anyway Ben don't just stand there, let's go. Chop, chop." I said.

Coming out of his surprised stupor Ben nodded at my words.

Once he did he grabbed his bags and stepped through the portal.

I then followed right behind him.

But not before handing Susan a personal business card with a number to an untraceable phone on it.

"Any more questions guys, just call me." I spoke.

Slamming the portal shut.

A smile on my face.

Boy, who knew screwing the Fantastic Four would feel so good.

Oh I hope I don't developed a superhero trolling habit.

Moving on.

Looking around Ben was amazed at what he saw.

"Incredible." He said.

"Quite Mr. Grimm" The Ancient One said, walking up to us.

Illyana trailing right behind her.

"Who are you lady?" Ben asked.

"She's the leader of this entire place and the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth." I explained.

When I did Ben looked scared.

"Forgive me." He quickly spoke to the Ancient One.

"No, no, that is quite alright Mr. Grimm." The Ancient One said. "Well then I know you have a lot of questions. So then let me begin to answer them." She said.

Thus Ben Grimm took his first steps onto the path of magic.

Once I saw this I created a portal and left.

My job there finished.

Now as the Ancient One said the rest was up to Ben.

Though I have no doubts he will wholly succeed in his task.


[July 31st, 2005]

Finishing up the last bit of my lunch in the Command Center cafeteria I got up and then moved to put my tray filled with plates in the designated dish area.

I need all that food after the intense training session I just had after all.

Especially since I was working with my newly acquired powers from Reed and Susan.

Which are truly fantastic.

Pun intended.

Having put my dishes away I started getting ready to make my way down to my personal quarters.

Only when I turned around I found Laura standing there.

Giving me a really intense look.

Which she has been doing the past few days.

"Yes Laura, can I help you?" I asked her.

"I like you. As a man." Laura bluntly told me.

Though given her personality I'm not surprised by her love confession.

I'm also not surprised by her confession itself.

Given all the flirting I've been doing with her.

Though I thought it would take her longer to reach this point.

This has taught me not to underestimate this girl.

"Well thank you for that. And I like you to. As a woman." I said. "So, what now?" I asked.

When I did Laura grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled my head down to grasp my lips in an intense kiss.

A few seconds later she broke it.

Rubbing her left knee lightly over the weapon in my pants.

"How forward." I said.

But since I'm into that shit I have no issues with her actions.

Scooping Laura up in my arms I quickly opened up a portal using Blinks powers to my room in the Command Center.

Once I stepped through I closed it.

Ready to show Laura exactly who the one in charge in this relationship is.