Chapter 71: Pym Particles

Sitting in one of the conference rooms on the first floor of the Command Center I leaned back in my chair.

Watching as Dr. Foster and Ava, who had removed her mask, are reviewing the contracts I had given them a few moments ago after bringing them here.

Since they wanted to accept the deal I offered them.

But just like they don't trust met yet I don't trust them.

Hence the contracts.

Soon the pair finished reading their contracts.

"Everything is in order I take it?" Emma asked.

Since she is in the room with us.

Along with my company head of security, Yuriko.

Who had been doing marvelous job ever since she took the position.

On both the public side and the private side.

Yeah, Happy Hogan ain't got nothing on her.

"Yes." Bill answered.

When he did Emma offered him a pin.

"Then if you please Dr. Foster." Emma said.

With that Dr. Foster signed the contract.

He then handed the pen to Ava who signed her own.

Thus bringing them both officially into my employee.

The contracts signed Emma accepted them.

"Well now that all the legal business has been handled let's move onto the fun stuff." I said.

I then began bringing Ava and Bill into the fold.

As I told them about some of my plans they both ended up shocked.

In particular when I told them my identity as Sentinel.

Which I can erase from their minds any time I want.

When the tour ended I expected Dr. Foster to one of the empty labs on the Command Center seventh floor.

"This will be your lab Dr. Foster." I said as we entered it. "So before anything else, tell me, what exactly is it you need to start working on a way to help Ava?"

"From what I can see the resources you will provide me with will more than adequate, though with Pym Particles I fear I can't truly begin my research in earnest." Bill explained.

"Don't worry I've already got a solution to that in motion." I told Bill.

"Really?" Ava questioned.

"Yes Ms. Starr, really." I replied.

I've had plenty of time to plan this out after all.


[San Francisco, California]

[Cross Technologies]

A perfectly fake smile on my face I walked through the halls of Cross Technologies, formerly known as Pym Technologies, being personally escorted by the company CEO Darren Cross.

[Insert Image of Darren Cross Here]

Who I was pretending to listen to as he droned on and on about how he was going to use his company to change the world.

'My god this man is full of himself.' I thought.

No wonder Hank never trusted him with the secret of the Ant-Man.

"So, what do you think Mr. Maxwell?" Darren asked me as the tour ended.

"I think you're doing great work here." I said. Lying as easily as breathing. "And I've heard you've been working on something people only think is a tall tale. The Ant-Man."

"So you know of him?" Darren asked me.

I nodded. "Yes, I do." I said. I then leaned in closer to Darren and whispered. "Not only that I'm here today to tell you you were right. The Ant-Man is real. I have proof." I explained.

Leaning back I saw the shocked, and then the excitement across Darren's face.

"I knew it." He muttered. "Hank, that bastard. He's been lying to me for years."

"Well regardless it doesn't matter now does it?" I asked.

"No Mr. Maxwell. You are right. It doesn't." Darren said. "Because now we can change the world."

"Yes, let's." I spoke.

Darren and I then shook hands.



A smile on my face I entered Dr. Fosters lab.

When he did he turned from the workstation he was sitting at to face me.

Arriving in front of him I placed down a folder on the counter in between.

"Files related to the Pym Particle. Including the formula on how to create it and other details." I explained.

Picking up the file Bill looked through it and slowly nodded his head. "I can't believe it. It's all here." He spoke. Bill then looked at me. "How did you get this?"

"Just swindled one Darren Cross is all." I said.

"Oh, him." Bill said. An annoyed expression on his face.

"I take it you know him?" I asked.

"He came to me just like you for information on the Pym Particle and the Ant-Man. But I would never give such an arrogant man the time of day. Especially after what he did to Hank. We may have had our differences but I still respect the man. Enough I would never boot him out of his own company unless absolutely necessary." Bill explained.

"I see." I spoke. "Well good on you then Dr. Foster. And with that I'll see you later. Also if you need any help, don't forget to ask your colleagues."

Since I introduced Bill and Ava to everyone else a while ago.

My peace said I took my leave from Dr. Fosters' lab and then headed to my own personal one.

Though the moment after I did the comm systems came alive and Danger spoke to me.

Yes, Danger. The same one from the X-mansion.

Over the past three years she's become an ally of mine and the Guardians.

She and ADAM have also entered into a relationship.

Artificial Intelligence dating.

It's weird I know but that's the world I live in so I'm just rolling with it.

"Good day Roman, I have contacted you in order to inform you that there has been an incident at Seagate Penitentiary in Georgia. One Albert Rackham is dead and Dr. Noah Burnstein has been subsequently fired from his job there as an employee." She explained.

I smiled upon hearing this.

Since that means the bulletproof Blackman has finally been born.

Luke Cage.

"Thank you for informing me of this Danger. On that note engage the Defenders Protocol." I said.

"Understood Roman." Danger said.

She then signed off.

While I took a seat and leaned back in my chair, placing my hands behind my head.

For everything is coming together.