Chapter 72: Jessica & Luke

[New York City]

[February 10th, 2008]

(3rd Person: POV)

Her scarf wrapped around her neck Jessica Jones made her way down the streets of the Big Apple.

[Insert Image of MCU Jessica Jones Here]

In a fowl mood.

She hates her current job.

Working in a crappy office for a sexist boss.

"I need a change." Jessica muttered.

As she continued walking she thought about what she could do about her boss.

When doing this Jessica suddenly started getting the idea to blackmail her boss.

Then immediately those thoughts disappeared as she was pulled into an alley she was walking past.

Landing on her butt Jessica looked up at the person who just attacked her.

An angry expression on her face.

"You picked the wrong one asshole!" Jessica snarled out.

She then jumped to her feet and threw a punch with her left fist toward her assailant.

Who raised up their left hand and easily blocked Jessica punch.

Shocking her to her core.

Since she knew how strong she was, and knew no one she able to block her punches.

Yet the person in front of her did. Without even breaking a sweat.

"What the shit?!" Jessica questioned.

"A good punch. But you rely too much on power and have no form at all. Though given you've never had an actual training that's understandable." The man in front of Jessica easily spoke.

Which was James Proudstar aka Warpath.

Coming out of her stupor Jessica pulled her fist back, which James let her do.

"Who the hell are you? How did you block my punch?" Jessica asked.

"The name is Warpath." James answered. "And as to how I blocked your punch it's because I am a metahuman like you."

"A meta what?" Jessica questioned.

"Metahuman." James said. "It's a term that will be explained to you if you accept my employers offer."

"And what offer is that?" Jessica questioned.

"A job offer of course." James replied.

Then a second after he did a portal opened behind him and his girlfriend Blink stepped through it.

Shocking Jessica even further.

"Again, what the shit?!" Jessica asked.

"It's a lot to take in, I know. But if you accept our bosses job offer all will be explained. You can step into a bigger world. But if you would rather continue on in a crappy office job with a sexist boss we completely understand." Clarice spoke. "Though working for our boss does come with a sizeable paycheck and excellent insurance."

"Alright then. I'm in." Jessica spoke.

Honestly this was all crazy.

But if got her out of her crappy job, and her boring mundane life, then she was all for it.

"Ok. Follow us then." Clarice spoke.

She then stepped through her portal.

Jessica and James following right behind her.

Once all three were through the portal it closed.

Leaving the alley empty, as if no one had ever been there at all.


Sitting in a room Luke Cage, formerly known as Carl Lucas, wore an angry expression on his face.

[Insert Image of MCU Luke Cage/Power Man Here]

One minute he was getting ready to open his bar, which he managed to acquire a month ago after he settled down in New York, and then the next he found a blue man with a tail standing in front of him.

A person who called himself Nightcrawler.

Who then suddenly grabbed Luke, and then he found himself alone in the room he was currently sitting in.

A room that he couldn't use his strength to bust out of.

Which he had tried.

All around the room there were dents in the walls from where Luke punched and kicked it.

A task he did for the first ten minutes he was inside of the room, until he eventually realized it would get him nowhere.

So he gave up.

For the moment.

But Luke swore the moment he saw his chance he was busting out of the room

No matter who stood in his way.

Then seconds after this thought crossed Luke's mind the door to the room opened up.

Turning his head in its direction Luke saw none other than Roman Maxwell step inside and then shut the door behind him.

Before moving to take up the only other seat in the room.

At this Luke was stunned.

For even if he had been in prison until only recently he knew who Roman Maxwell was.

The founder of Abstergo Industries.

One of the fastest growing companies in the entire world.

A young man ahead of his time.

Yet seeing Roman sitting across from him Luke realized it was him who had had that Nightcrawler fellow being him to the room he was in.

This infuriated Luke.

But before he could do something about it Roman looked him dead in the eye and spoke up.

"Carl Lucas. No excuse me, you go by Luke Cage now. A pleasure to meet you. I'm Roman Maxwell as you might already know, but I'd thought I'd introduce myself just in case you didn't."

Hearing the words Roman spoke anything Luke was about to say died in his throat.

He then formed new ones.

Only this time they were questions.

But just like before when Luke was about to speak Roman spoke up before he could.

"To answer your questions Mr. Cage, yes I know who you truly are. No, I will not turn you over to the authorities. Why? Because when I say I know who you truly are I mean who you truly are. Including how you were framed for a crime you did not commit. As well as your incredible strength and your impervious skin. Now then as to the reason I brought you here, it's because I wish to offer you an opportunity. One to truly gain back your freedom, and while doing so making a true difference in the world." Roman spoke. "As well as a chance at revenge." He added.

Roman then snapped his fingers and using Blinks power opened a portal in the middle of the table.

A second after Roman did this a tablet fell through the portal which he easly caught.

Once it did Roman snapped his fingers and the portal closed again.

Seeing all of this Luke ended up with a stunned expression on his face.

"You, are like me?" Luke asked.

"Yes. I am a metahuman. A person with extraordinary abilities. Though unlike you Mr. Cage I was born with my powers and didn't gain them through artiical means." He explained. "But we can talk more about that later. Right now please take a look at this." He said.

Roman then powered up the tablet and handed it to Luke.

Who took it and looked at it.

A few seconds later Luke got an angry expression on his face.

Since the information he was reading on the tablet detailed how and why he ended up in prison.

As Luke continued reading his rage continued to build, as did his grip on the tablet.

Though it didn't break.

Considering it was a reinforced tablet Roman had designed and built for those with enhanced strength.

When Luke finally got to the end of reading the information he slammed the tablet against the table and then screamed.


Roman just sat silently and watched this happened.

Since he wanted Luke to get out all his anger so they could have a proper conversation.

A few minutes later Luke stopped yelling and looked at Roman once more.

"Before you ask, yes the information you just read is all true." Roman answered. "And if you accept my offer I can help you act on it."

"How?" Luke asked.

"I can provide you with money, resources, training. And as I said before I can help you truly become a free man once again." Roman said.

"What's the catch? You can't just be doing this out of the kindness of your heart?" Luke questioned.

"The catch is I want you to use your gifts. Your strength. I want you to become a hero. Not only to be a symbol for other metahumans. But for metahumans of color. Since as you well know Mr. Cage, this country we live in hasn't generally been kind to people who look like you an me." Roman spoke.

Referencing his race.

Since he is African-American through his father, and Egyptian through his mother.

Which was the same in his past life.

On a quick note Roman looked up his parents in this new world and while his mother was the same his father was different and completely unknown.

"So what do you say?" He asked.

Roman extending his left hand in Luke's direction.

Looking at it, and thinking about everything, Luke a decision.

Reaching out he grasped Roman's hand and shook it.

"You've got yourself a deal." Luke said.

"Excellent." Roman replied.

Happy he has just suceesssfully recruited Power Man.