Chapter 77: A Visit From SHIELD


[May 14th, 2008]

(Roman: POV)

"Today another armed robbery was foiled by Power Man, and a multi-car pile up was resolved by Jewel-"


"They're nothing but loose cannons. I tell you. They have no business involving themselves in matter that should be handled by law enforcement and other trained professionals-"


"I know as an officer of the law I shouldn't be saying this, but I honestly think we're better off with heroes like Jewel and Power Man out there."


Changing to yet another national new station I found them also talking about Luke and Jessica, or Power Man and Jewel as people like to call them.

Even if the two of them don't hide their identities like the rest of the Guardians.

Since just like with my super suit I installed glamour charms on their as well. So no one will ever associate their civilian identities with their hero ones.

But back to my point.

The fact Jessica and Luke don't really hide their identities is the exactly the reason I recruited them in the first place.

They are public heroes, just like the Fantastic Four.

Some the first.

Who will be the building block to introducing heroes and other superhumans to the world.

Along with the Avengers when they appear in another four years.

Of course the Guardians will be in on that game as well.

But unlike the Four and the Avengers we'll be advocating for heroes who wish to keep their identitities hidden.

Like Spiderman.

Who, if my math is right, should be appearing on the scene in the next year or so.

Given that this universe's Peter Parker was born in 1995 like in the Amazing Spider-Man films, but looks like Tom Holland.

(A/N: Mentioned this in an earlier chapter for those who forgot)

And boy I can't wait to meet the web head.

Though enough of that for now, time to get back to work.

Standing up from the couch I was lounging on I turned my gaze to one Dr. Noah Burstein.

[Insert Image of Noah Burstein Here]

Who I currently have trapped in a telepathic illusion while I drain all the knowledge I find relevant from his mind.

In a few more minutes the download was complete.

Once it was I used my telekinesis to turn Dr. Burstein's head 180 degrees. Ending his life.

Since I didn't want his research falling into anyone else's hands. But if I had tried to hire him it definitely would've pissed off Luke.

Not to mention he experimented on prisoners.

Some of whom I'm sure I would kill if I got the chance, but I'm sure others didn't deserve the pain he inflicted on them.

Bottom line is I didn't need him so he had to go.

Leaving the good doctors home I then accessed the powers of Sunspot and blasted it, and the rest of the property, with solar energy and watched as it all burned to the ground.

Once it did I used Blinks powers and created a portal home to my New Jersey apartment.

Where upon stepping through I found Laura waiting for me, completely and utterly naked.

No words needing to be exchanged I gave her exactly what she wanted.

A big helping of vitamin D.

All night long.


[Triskelion, Washington D.C.]

[May 21st, 2008]

Sitting in his office Fury faced Coulson.

"Report agent Coulson. Have you made any progress in recruiting this Power Man and Jewel into the Avengers Initiative yet?" Fury asked.

Since as soon as they appeared in New York Fury had tasked Coulson with doing just that.

After doing an assessment and background check of course.

"Unfortunately no director Fury." Coulson replied. "Each and every time I've approached either this Jewel or Power Man they've refused to talk to me and referred to the lawyers that represent their interests." He explained.

"Lawyers?" Fury questioned.

"Yes sir. Lawyers." Coulson replied. "A new York law firm named Hogarth, Chao, & Benowitz. Retained for them by their employer, Abstergo Industries." He explained.

Suprising Fury.

Since he had never expected one of the newest, and fastest growing, companies in the world to be involved with superhumans.

Then again the companies founder Roman Maxwell was known to be well, an unknown.

No one could ever really tell what he was thinking, despite his world-wide game.

But now that Fury knew he and his company were involved with superhumans he was going to re-evalute the young millionaire.

Since Roman is currently worth 600 million dollars.

"Interesting. Agent Coulson I think you should Roman Maxwell a visit."

"My thoughts exactly director Fury." Coulson replied.

The two then shared a knowing smile between them.

Having no idea what they were in for.


[May 27th, 2008]

(Roman: POV)

Sitting in my personal office at Abstergo Industries HQ I waited.

For today I was having a meeting with one Phillip J. Coulson.

Looks like SHIELD has finally decided to make contact with me in my civilian life.

Though given what Luke, Jessica, and Hogarths' law firm has told me about Coulson, and by extension SHIELD, contacting them I knew this meeting happening today was only a matter of time.

A meeting I am more than ready for.

Hearing my intercom go off I answered it. "Yes." I spoke.

"Mr. Maxwell one agent Coulson is here to see you." My secretary spoke.

"Alright, please send him in then." I said.

"Very well." She replied.

The intercom then went off.

Now, showtime.

Entering my office agent Coulson wore an easygoing smile on his face.

But I knew there was more to him than that.

So much more.

"Agent Coulson, nice to meet you." I spoke.

"Same to you Mr. Maxwell." Coulson replied.

Closing my office door behind him.

He then moved to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk.

"So agent Coulson I am curious as to why you called this meeting today?" I began. "I don't think I've broken the law in anyway." I spoke. Lying seamlessly.

"Oh no, you haven't." Coulson immediately replied.

"Well that's good to know." I said. "But again that does make me curious as to why a government agent suddenly requested a meeting with me. By the way, what agency are you with again? I don't think that detail was clear. CIA, FBI, Homeland Security?" I spoke.

"Let's just say I work for the government and represent their interests. I can't say anymore than that." Coulson replied.

"Ah, classified?"

"Something like that." Coulson mused.

"I see." I spoke. "Well alright. So agent Coulson what can I do for you today?"

"I wanted to discuss some of your employees with you." Coulson spoke.

"You mean Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, correct?" I asked.

"So you already know what I'm hear about."

"Of course. They are my employees after all. Very special ones as I'm sure you know. So when the government begins trying to contact to them I'd definitely know that." I spoke. "And what may I ask is the reason you are contacting the two of them?" I asked.

I mean I can guess the reason but I want to hear it from Coulson.

"I am a representative of a special program within the government. And we are interested in having Ms. Jones and Mr. Cage join this program." Coulson explained.

"I see." I spoke. "Well sorry to say Mr. Coulson but Ms. Jones and Mr. Cage aren't interested in working for the government. Please tell your superiors that they respectfully decline your offer. Also if you would stop trying to contact my employees I would very much appreciate it." I said.

"Understood Mr. Maxwell." Coulson replied. "Though on that note I have another offer. This one pertaining to you."

"Oh really?" I asked. In truth curious what Coulson was about to offer me.

"As you already know this world of our has many mysteries and is changing rapidly." Coulson spoke.

"I'll say. The metahuman population is growing steadily everyday." I said.

"Sorry, metahuman?" Coulson questioned.

"A term I came up with to describe people with who have extraordinary peoples. Whether they gained their gifts naturally or through artiical means. Like my employees Luke and Jessica, the Fantastic Four, or those other heroes that have appeared in recent years. Like the heroine Starfire." I spoke.

"I see." Coulson mused. "Metahuman. I like it." He spoke.

Which I knew he would.

"Then feel free to use it agent Coulson." I said.

"I think I'll do that." Coulson replied. "Now, back to what I was saying. The world is changing and the group I work for is in charge of tracking and monitoring such changes. And given your involvement with such changes already, your personal interest in it, and your scientific background we would like you to aid us in investigating such events when you have the time."

"Are you asking me to work for the government agent Coulson?" I asked

"Yes. As a consultant and independent contractor. What do you say?" Coulson spoke.

"I say sure." I replied.

I didn't expect this happen, but I'm not going to pass on such an opportunity.

Becoming a consultant for SHIELD will put me right in the thick of things to come.

As well as give me an inside track with certain people I wouldn't have otherwise..

Of course I know this means SHIELD will be watching me and my movements even more closely now that I have taken a job with them.

But to me that matters not.

Since I already have them eating out of the palm of my hands.

"Excellent. I'll let my superiors know and we'll contact you with further details later." Coulson said.

"Great." I replied. "Have a good rest of your day agent Coulson." I spoke.

The two of us then shook hands .

"Same to you Mr. Maxwell." Coulson replied.

He then left my office.

As he did I leaned back in my chair, pushed a button under my desk which would feed false information to any listening devices agent Coulson may have planted, and began laughing my ass off.

Since today turned out better than I expected.


(3rd Person: POV)

Getting into his car Coulson immediately pulled out his secure phone and called Fury

"So what's the verdict?" Fury immediately asked after answering Coulsons call.

"Roman Maxwell has an interested in enhanced individuals. Refers to them as metahumans." Coulson began. "Although he's young he's smart and deadly. Sort of like Stark would be if he actually tried. He knows his way around the law and isn't afraid to go against the government to protect his people. But he agreed to take up the consultation position with us so he has no issues seeing us as allies. In my assessment director Fury I don't really think we have anything to fear from Roman Maxwell. So long as we don't push him too hard."

"Understood." Fury replied.

The two then ended their call.

Neither Fury nor Coulson having any idea everything was all going according to Romans' plans.