Chapter 78: Canon Begins

A/N: Hey readers.

So I wanted to let you know because this is an AU MCU the timeline of certain events will be a little off.

I mean you probably guessed that already I just wanted to remind you. Also it's slightly my fault. But the MCU has become so big keeping the dates right can get confusing.

Anyway enough about that, time for the chapter.


[Kunar Regional Province, Afghanistan]

[May 28th, 2008]

(3rd Person: POV)

In the middle of the Afghan desert a collection of people were gathered.

All of them were either United States military personnel, specifically from the Air Force, or from fne US Defense Department.

Except for one.

That one person was an older man dressed in a high-proced and fashionable suit.

His name is Anthony Edward Stark.

More commonly known as simply Tony Stark.

The heir, and current CEO of Stark Industries. One of the largest and most successful companies in the entire world.

[Insert Image of MCU Tony Stark/Iron Man Here]

As to why Tony is in the desert wearing a high priced suit he is giving a demonstration to the military personnel assembled their today.

A demonstration of his companies latest invention, the JERICHO missile.

Standing in front of the assembled military and government personnel Tony displayed his usual care free attitude.

"Alright, ladies, gents, others. Let's get this show on the road." Tony spoke. "I know why you're here and you know why you're here. Even so let me show you. I present to you today, the JERICHO missle." He said.

Tony then gave a signal.

Once he did the JERICHO missile that was being used for today's live test was fired.

Then seconds later if hit it's target and exploded. Tony raising his arms up in the air for emphasis once it did.

[Insert Tony Stark Desert Explosion Scene Here]

Seeing the explosion the various military personnel began clapping.

"Impressed. Yes of course you are. Now, who wants Scotch?" Tony asked.

As one of his people brought him a glass on a silver platter, which he happily took.

"Boy, it's great to be me." Tony mused.

Completely oblivious as to what was about to happen to him, and how it would forever change his life.


[R-18 Scene Ahead. Read at your own discretion]

[Romans' Expensive New Jersey Apartment]

(Roman: POV)

*Slurp Slurp Slurp*

Enjoying the pleasure I was feeling, which the wet slirping noises only increased, I looked into Starfire's eyes as she greedily gobbled my cock in her mouth.

Giving me a phenomenal blowjob.

Since over the past three years she has become one of my girls, along with Emma and Laura.

Of course I didn't immediately seduce her.

I'm not that thirsty.

No, I gave her time to acclimate to life here on Earth. Then after a year passed I turned on the rizz and now here we are.

Emma and Laura took no issue with this by the way.

Really, my girls are great.

It's one of the many reasons I love them all.

Putting my entire length into her mouth, I felt my tip hit the back of Starfire's throat. As her nose lightly brushed up against my pubic hairs.

While her hair ticked my thighs.

The stimulation was enough to send me over the edge. Thus I emptied a load down her throat.

Which she swallowed without any problems.

Once Starfire was done swallowing she removed her head from my cock with and audible pop.

After she did I got up on my knees and quickly took hold of her.

I then turned her around and put her ass in the air.

I then gave it a light slap.

"Hah!" Starfire moaned in pleasure.

Since she likes it when I punish and play with her butt.

"You like that?" I asked. Giving her ass another slap.

"Nhn, yes~" Starfire moaned out. Making me rock hard as I heard her.

"Good. Then you'll love this." I said.

I then lined up my cock with Starfire's asshole and jammed it in.

As my entire length entered Starfire's butt I felt as if I had just stuck my cock into a warm glove.

Her insides were always warm like this.

Which I can only assume is a product of her physiology and innate powers.

Awesome if you ask me.

While using my perfect body control to not cum immediately I used my rubber powers to slightly enlarge the width of my cock.

A technique I can do and have been practicing.

As my size increased and stretched Starfire to her limit I began moving and pounding her without any hesitation.

"Yes. I like that. Give me more." Starfire purred.

So I obliged.

Picking up my speed I fucked her with powerful force.

Which likely would've been enough to destroy my bed.

So it's a good thing I reinforced the frame with Adamantium when I had the chance.

I also made sure to reinforce the walls of my apartment so no sound would leak out.

Which I did with all the apartments in the complex where I live.

Since I bought it and now own it.

Moving on.

Picking up Starfire from behind I grabbed hold of her breasts and stared kneading them like dough.

Leading to Starfire becoming puddie in my hands.

As she worked to slamm her own hips against mine and sync our thrusts I went and began nibbling on her neck.

Staring to leave hickie marks all over it.

While the pleasure built and built after 20 minutes of pounding Starfire I decided it was time to give her her reward.

So I let myself cum.

Filling up her right little hole with the white fluid it had been craving.

"Yesss!!!" Starfire screamed at the top of her lungs.

Her body turning into jello in my grasp.

When I finished cumming I let Starfire drop face first onto the bed and pulled my cock out of her.

My cum flowing out of her ass and painting the bed sheets white. Starfire wearing a satisfied expression on her face.

Nodding to myself at this I slipped out of the bed, out on my shorts, and headed to the fridge ro get a bottle of water.

Since I was thirsty after that workout.

Once I finished off my water I returned to the bedroom, only to hear my Guardian earpiece beeping on my nightstand.

Going over to it I placed it my ear and activated it to answer whoever was trying to contact me.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Roman, it is me." ADAM said. "I have called to inform you that I just intercepted a US Air Force military that Tony Starks convoy was attacked in Afghanistan and he is missing and presumed dead." He explained.

Telling me the events of Iron Man 1 have begun.

Meaning the start of the MCU canon is finally here.

'Ah, and so it begins.' I thought.

"Understood ADAM. Thanks for informing me and keep monitoring the situation." I explained.

"Understood. Also, shall I make plans for us to rescue Mr. Stark?" ADAM asked.

"Yes." I replied.

But it's not like I think we'll need to act on them.

If events play out like the film.

Then again this MCU is an AU version. So anything could happen. That's why if I need to go and rescue Tony I will.

But again I likely won't have to.

I hope.

"Very well." ADAM replied.

He then signed off.

Once he did I sat on my bed and removed my earpiece to place it back on the nightstand.

Taking a moment to truly process what I had just learned.

The beginning is here. Iron Man. Then it will be Hulk, followed by Thor, then Avengers, and everything else. Including Thanos.

Time is up and now I'm on a clock.

Now I just have to hope all the preparations I've been making are enough.

And if not, then I just need to do more.

For I won't allow anyone of anything to take what I have come to cherish.

So bring it on canon.

I, Roman Maxwell, have no issues fucking you up.