Chapter 85: Change Of Fates

(3rd Person: POV)

Heading outside the front doors of Midtown Peter headed to towards his uncle Ben's car.

His uncle following right behind him. A frown in his face.

Since after the fight earlier in the cafeteria Peter and Flash were both taken to the principals office, where their guardians were called to come get them.

Ben having just arrived.

Reaching the car Peter and Ben got inside of it.

The latter then leveled a glare at the former.

"So, anything to say for yourself?" Ben asked Peter.

"Come on uncle Ben." Peter said.

"Don't "Come on" me young man." Ben protested. "You know how much trouble your in. Fighting, getting kicked out of school. Not to mention I had to take off from work to come get you. Then there's the Thompson boy. You know he had to go to the hospital for an examination after your fight."

"Good." Peter replied.

"What was that?" Ben asked.

"I said good." Peter replied. "After all the times Flash has bullied me, not to mention others, it's nice he's getting a taste of his own medicine."

"I see. So you like bullying others now?" Ben asked.

"It's not like that uncle Ben." Peter said. "Flash always gets away with his actions. Why just earlier he hit Gwen with a spitball in the cafeteria and almost made her fall. Yet did anyone care? No. So I did something. End of story." He explained.

"Peter. That's not how you should solve your problems. With great power, comes great responsibility." Ben said.

"Yeah, whatever." Peter grumbled.

He then turned his head away from Ben and looked outside the window.

Seeing this Ben only sighed.

Saying nothing more he started up his car and drove away from Midtown.


Leaving a bodega, Peter had an angry expression on his face.

Since today's events had soured his mood entirely.

First he gets kicked out of school for beating up Flash.

Then his uncle Ben admonishes him for it.

Finally just now the clerk inside the Bodega was being a complete dick and wouldn't let Peter buy the milk he wanted, all because he was two cents short.

Though he still got it thanks to the stranger in line behind him.

"Screw this day." Peter said.

Opening up his milk and taking a sip from it.

He then get out ready to head back to where his uncle Ben was parked.

Only to stop when the stranger from early came rushing out of the store behind him.

"Stop, thief!" The bodega clerk yelled. "Hey kid, stop him!"

Hearing the bodega clekrs plea Peter thought about it for a second before dismissing it from his mind.

'Its not my problem.' Peter thought.

So he let the robber go on his way.

Peter then started heading back to where his uncle Ben was.


Only to hear a gunshot go off as he did.

Hearing this Peter picked up speed and began running to his uncle Ben's location.

Arriving he saw his uncle Ben, as well as the robber he let go earlier.

Along with the superhero Sentinel.

Who was floating in the air over the robber, who was unconscious on the ground.

"Uncle Ben!" Peter cried.

Running up to his uncle and engulfing him in a hug.

"I'm so glad." Peter whispered.

"It's alright son. Really. I'm fine. Thanks to Sentinel." Ben spoke.

"All in a days work." Sentinel spoke.

When he did Peter stopped hugging his uncle and focused his attention back on the hero.

"You're Sentinel." Peter spoke.

"Yeah, I am." Sentinel replied.

"I...No, thank you for saving my uncle Ben." Peter said.

"Like I said. It was no problem. I was passing by when this mugger tried to take your uncle's car by force. Seeing as I couldn't allow that I took him down. Simple as that." Sentinel explained.

Making Peter both relieved and upset at the same time.

Since he had a chance to stop the mugger and he didn't take it. Even though Peter knew he had the power to do so.

'If it wasn't for Sentinel, and my own actions, then uncle Ben might've...' Peter thought.

Not wanting to finish that thought.

Instead he remembered what he uncle Ben always told him.

With great power, comes great responsibility.

Now in this moment, Peter truly understood what those words meant.

He had the power, so he was now going to use it.

Seeing the look in Peter's eyes Sentinel nodded.

Glad that Spiderman was still going to be a thing.

A few moments later the cops arrived and took the robber away.

After this happened Sentinel left Peter and his uncle.

Who then returned home and shared a nice family night with May.

Then a week later a man calling himself Spiderman appeared.


[April 3rd, 2010]

(Roman: POV)

Floating in the air, utterly invisible thanks to Susan Storms powers, I watched as Spiderman took down a few criminals in that horrid homemade costume he wore in the MCU.

Two weeks have passed since Peter started his career as the wall crawler, and I have to say the kid isn't as bad as I thought he would be.

But he's not anywhere as good as he could be.

Disregarding the subpar costume from what I can see he is wholly relying too much on his powers.

He's simply reacting and not planning.

Which so incredibly sloppy for a guy with Peters level of intelligence.

Then again Spiderman never really did use what he had too the fullest extent. Likely because he always felt guilty due to the incident with uncle Ben.

Ah, whatever.

Peter soon finished taking down the thugs surrounding him.

He then fired off some webbing from his left wrist, using his web-shooter, and then left the area.

Me following right behind him as he did.

Soon Peter landed atop the roof of a high-rise apartment complex.

He then began taking a moment to catch his breath.

While he did I turned visible and floated in front of him. Startling him.

"Sentinel, what are you doing here?!" He shouted.

"Nothing. Just following you and taking a look at your handiwork, Peter." I spoke.

"Wha-No. I'm not this Peter you speak of." He shakily spoke.

Making me give him a deadpan look.

"Okay. Stop." I told him. "I know exactly who you are kid." I spoke.

"Like I said. I'm not who you thi-"

"-Peter Benjamin Parker. Currently 15 years old. Resides in Forest Hill, Queens of New York City with his uncle Ben and aunt May Parker. Who have been taking care of you ever since your parents Richard and Mary Parker left you with them several years ago." I spoke. Interrupting Peter's attempts at denial. "You attend Midtown highschool. Your best friends are Harry Osborn and Ned Leeds. While your girlfriend is one Gwendolyn Stacey." I said.

"Wait, Gwen is not my girlfriend?!" Peter denied.

But from using my telepathy to scan his surface thoughts I knew he wanted her to be.


I also happened to see thoughts that told me Peter had a naughty teacher fetish and an elf fetish.

I guess it's true what they say.

It's always the quiet ones who are the biggest freaks.

Well since that applies to me I am not judging him at all.

"Really, she's not?" I asked.

"Right." Peter replied.

"Go it. So Gwen Stacey is your girlfriend." I said.

"Yes. I mean no." Peter instantly replied.

I then chuckled at his expense.

"Please stop." He asked.

"Sure, sure." I said. "But back to what we were talking about. There is no use in lying to me kid. I know exactly who you are."

"Fine." Peter said. "You got me. So, what are going to do now? Turn me in? Blackmail me?"

"What kind of person do you think I am kid, a two-bit Saturday morning cartoon villain?" I asked. "No, I'm not here to do anything to you Peter. Except help you, and offer you opportunities you wouldn't normally have."

"Why?" Peter asked.

"Step into my office and find out." I spoke.

I then snapped my fingers and used Blinks powers to open a portal directly to the Command Center.

"Cool." Peter said.

"I know it is." I replied.

I then floated through the portal. Peter then quickly walked through behind me.

Once he did I shut it closed.

Now having basically gained Spiderman to my side.