Chapter 86: Life Advice

As the portal closed behind us I saw Peter looking around.

Likely an awed expression on his face.

But I can't tell because of his mask.

"What is this place?" Peter asked.

"The Command Center." I told him.

"What, like from Power Rangers?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "Exactly." I replied.

"No way. Does that mean you have zords?" He asked me.

"We do not." I replied.

But that does give me a new idea.

"Anyway enough about that for now, let me give you a tour of this place." I spoke. "Also you can take off your mask. No one here will reveal your identity. Right ADAM."

"Indeed." He spoke.

Making Peter jump. "Who said that?" He asked.

"My AI creation and one of my closest friends ADAM. Which is short for Artificial Data & Analysis Manager." I explained.

"Greetings Peter Parker." ADAM spoke.

"Oh, my, god." Peter cried.

He then froze up.

Damn, I hope we didn't break the kid.

My worries proved to be for not a few seconds later when Peter started moving again.

Specifically he reached up and took off his mask.

Once he did I started giving him a tour of the Command Center.

Which he loved.

Telling me Peter was now hooked firmly to my cause and organization.

So with that I decided it was time for him to get his greatest surprise of the day.

Arriving at the personal lab of the Parkers on the sixth floor of the Command Center Peter and I entered it.

When we did so Richard and Mary stopped whatever each of them were working on and looked in our direction.

Their eyes going wide with shock, and then pure joy.

The same for Peter.

"Mom...Dad." Peter softly said.

"Peter, is that you?" Mary asked her son.

"You're Spiderman." Richard said.

Since I had informed the Parkers about Spiderman as soon as he appeared. Though I didn't tell them who it was.

I thought their son should do it himself.

"Yeah. It's me." Peter said.

Tears beginning to stream out of his eyes.

"I'll give you three some time alone." I spoke.

I then left the lab.

Since I didn't want to intrude any further on the family reunion.

Leaving the Parker's on their own I went to handle something else.

Until Peter was ready to talk again.

Which I suspect won't be for at least a couple of hours.

Enjoy yourself Peter. You've earned it.


(Roman Clone #1: POV)

In the mirror dimension I walked through the halls of Oscorp.

The original having tasked me with retrieving the remaining spiders Richard developed during his time at Oscorp. As well as find and destroy any research or materials related to them.

The same for the OZ serum.

Since we really do not need a Green Goblin appearing in this version of the MCU.

Seriously, no.

That's why I'll make sure to do this job throughly.

Arriving at where Oscorp kept the spiders I opened up a magical portal and exited the mirror dimension.

I then took out a containment rack filled with canisters, which I obtained using magic, and began transferring all the spiders present to them.

Making sure to keep them all apart. For I don't want them trying to kill each other.

Or worse yet have them bite each other.

Since if that occured I'm not sure what I might end up dealing with. Probably some super mutated spider.

That's the shit I don't want.

Hence the separation procedures.

Once I had collected all the spiders in the room I was in I used magic to create a portal back to my personal lab at the Command Center.

Then the original Roman reached through and took the spiders from me.

Once he did I closed the portal.

I then re-entered the mirror dimension and began a thorough search of Oscorp from top to bottom.

In doing so I found the same room where Norman became the Goblin in the Sam Reimi trilogy.

I also found the exo-suit and glider he used.

Along with a whole slew of advanced and experimental technology being constructed by Oscorp. Including the Rhino exo-suit featured at the end of Amazing Spiderman two.

Which was cool, but it didn't really hold my interest that long. Given that I am a man on a mission.

So I kept up my search until eventually I found what I was looking for.

The OZ or Goblin Serum.

It was in its own sectioned off lab.


Given the labs level of security any normal person would be hard-pressed to make entry into it and interfere with the serum.

Unfortunately for Norman I'm an entirely different beast altogether.

Getting inside the lab and disabling its security was easy pesy.

Once I did that I destroyed all of the serum.

I then left the lab and headed for the Oscorp server room.

Upon reaching it I plugged in a thumb drive into one of its central data ports, which acted as a relay that allowed Danger entry and access into all Oscorp systems.

"All right Danger. You know what to do." I spoke.

"Of course." She replied.

Danger then went to work.

Deleting any and all information and data she found relating to Richard Parker's work and the spiders he created during his tenure at the company, as well as any and all information related to the Goblin serum.

Once she finished with this Danger then left a trail of digital breadcrumbs which would point to the culprits of the deletion of the data being the small group within Oscorp that wanted to weaponize Richards work.

Coincidentally I also found that same small group where also the ones who were planning to sell Oscorp out from under Norman like in the trilogy.

Guess those greedy bastards never learned sometimes enough is enough.

Oh well.

Their lust for money and power is my gain.

Since they have become the perfect scapegoats for my actions against Oscorp.

Not to mention now Norman will retain ownership of his company, and won't rush the completion of the OZ serum.

Who knows, maybe it'll turn out well for Norman this time and he'll become something akin to a hero like some version of him I saw in the comics and television shows.

Only time will tell.

"It is done." Danger said. Once she finishes her business.

After she did I removed the thumb drive from the server and got the hell out of Oscorp.

My mission accomplished.


(Original Roman: POV)

Eating from a plate of chocolate chip and raisin cookies in the Command Center cafeteria I waited as Peter took a seat at the table and made himself comfortable.

Since a few minutes ago he finished up with his parents and then had them contact me to him here.

Thankfully just after my clone came back and merged with me, giving me his memories of his successful mission at Oscorp.

Boy cloning is a useful power.

But I also know how dangerous it can be. Given what happened to Twice in MHA.

That's why I only limit myself to five clones at any given time.

It's just too dangerous for me to create any more.

Especially with my power set.

If even one of my clones lost their shit the world might be screwed.

Which is why I keep that power close to the chest.

Moving on.

"Cookie?" I asked Peter.

"Sure. Thank you." Peter replied. Picking up and devouring one of the cookies.

"So, how did things go with your parents?" I asked.

"Good. Really good." Peter told me. A bright smile on my face. "We didn't get to talk about everything but we did talk about the important stuff. Like how you saved them and watched over them. And me and my aunt and uncle. And why they had to leave in the first place."

"Peter. Just so you know neither Harry nor his father had anything to do with that. I swear." I told him.

Since I didn't want to take risk of Peter going all revenge-driven on me.

"I know." Peter replied.

And from listening to his heartbeat using my enhanced senses I knew he was telling the truth.


"It's just. A lot you know."

"Oh, I do. Trust me." I replied. "I do. So, you still going to keep being Spiderman?"

"Yeah. I am." Peter said. "My parents and I actually talked about that."

"Really?" I questioned.

"Yes. We did. And although they don't really like it they agreed. Since they knew you would be watching over me." He said.

'Dammit Richard and Mary.' I thought.

I was going to watch over Peter anyway, but hearing that those two have out so much of their faith in me to do so means now I damn sure can't let anything happen to their kid.

"I see." I mused. "Well okay. So Peter, I know you've had a lot thrust upon you but there are some things we still need to discuss." I told him.

"Sure Mr. Maxwell." He said.

"Just call me Roman. I'm not that much older than you." I said.

Well physically speaking at least.

"Okay Roman. So what do we still need to discuss?"

"First off, your job." I said.

"Sorry, my what?" Peter questioned.

"Your job. As a paid intern for Abstergo Industries. That way you have a reason to come and go in your civilian life and people won't get suspicious." I explained.

"Okay. But why paid?" He asked.

"Because Peter. I want you to work for me. You're a bright kid. I mean you made that web fluid of yours from household supplies. I can't even imagine what you'd be able to do with actual resources. And if you're doing such work then you should definitely be paid for it. Of course I also won't stop you from being Spiderman." I spoke.

"I see. Thanks Roman." He said.

"No problem. Now then, onto point number two. I also want to give a paid internship to your girlfriend Gwen. As well as bring her in on the Guardians. And your identity as Spiderman. Same for your aunt and uncle."

"What, why? Also, I keep telling you Gwen is not my girlfriend." Peter spoke.

"First off, to answer why is simple. It's for you Peter. I can see your struggling keeping your hero identity a secret from your family and closest friends. I can see how heavy a burden it is on you. Which is why I think you should at least tell them."

"But I don't want to put them in danger."

"Peter, if an enemy finds our your secret identity they'll be in danger anyway. At least this way they'll be prepared in case danger does come their way. Not to mention don't you think your aunt and uncle also deserve to know the truth about your parents?"

"I...I...No, you are right Roman." Peter relented. "Okay, I will tell them."

"What about Harry and Ned?"

"Yeah. Probably them too." Peter agreed.

"Good. Trust me you won't regret it." I told him.

Peter nodded his head.

He then asked me a question.

"Hey, why do you keep calling Gwen my girlfriend?"

"Since it's obvious to anyone who looks at you two your in love." I said simply. "Are you not?"

"Well I mean... that's" Peter stammered. His face turning red.

"So, it's true?" I asked.

"I...Yes. I like Gwen." Peter finally admitted.

"Alright then. So why haven't you asked her out then?"

"Well what if it doesn't work out? Gwen is one of my closest friends. And if I lose her then I don't know what I'll do." Peter admitted.

"Peter I understand. But if you let fear rule your life you'll never truly live." I explained. "Not to mention would you be happy if someone else started dating Gwen?"

"I wouldn't." Peter immediately answered.

"Then stop wasting time and go for it." I advised him. "Don't let fear rule you on this Peter. Take the reigns. Or as a wise man once said either nut up or shut up."

"Right." Peter replied. "I'll think about it."

"That's all I ask." I spoke. "Well I think you've been here long enough so let me send you home and we can resume this conversation tomorrow."

"Sure." Peter said.

So with that I created a magical portal and sent him home.

Happy I was able to give the kid some life advice.