Chapter 87: Big Green

A/N: Triple chapter release. Surprise!


[May 12th, 2010]

(Roman: POV)

*Slap Slap Slap*

Only slapping sounds filled the air as I pointed into Emma's ass.

The rest of her body entirely limp on fne bed.

But she is wearing a satisfied expression on her face.

Seeing that is all I need.

Unleashing yet another load into Emma, during our eight hour long sex marathon, I eventually pulled out.

To give her a rest.

Since even with her new Logan/Laura healing factor and all the benefits that come with them she still can't keep up with me in bed.

But at least now I don't have to worry about breaking her.

So silver linings.


Getting out of bed I headed to the kitchen, since the two of us are in my apartment, and grabbed us both a bottle of water.

I then headed back to the bedroom where both Emma and I began re-hydrating.

We then decided to take a rest, cuddle, and watch some Netflix.

Of which I invested, and am a major shareholder in.

While the two of us watched one of those cheesy romantic comedies my work phone beeped.

Telling me an alert has just gone off.

Picking it up I looked to see what it was about.

Finding out it was related to the big green man himself, Hulk.

Apparently that moron Ross just tried to apprehend him at Culver University and as always he got his ass handed to him.

A fact which I love.

Since Ross just rubs me the wrong way.

Especially where his actions where Bruce/Hulk are concerned.

How that man wasn't court martialed and arrested for the shit that went down in the Incredible Hulk film is beyond me.

What galls me even more is his hand in the Sokovia Accords.

Well that's not going to happen this time around.

Since I have been gathering evidence against Ross, and once the events of Harlem take place I'll see to it that man has a date with the health inspector and gets his salad tossed.

Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face.

Especially since this universes version of Ross is still William Hurt and not my boy Harrison Ford like I heard about in the upcoming Captain America film before I died in my previous life.

Since I don't know how I would feel about sending my guy Indiana Jones/Han Solo to a date with the booty warrior.

But since I already killed David Tennant who was Kilgrave in this world I could've done it.

It just would've left a bad taste in my mouth.

But sometimes that's just how life goes.

"What is it?" Emma asked me. Seeing I was looking at my phone.

"Our friend the Hulk might arrive here soon." I explained.

Since I told Emma about Bruce long ago.

Who is already Mark Ruffalo and not Edward Norton like in the original film.

"I see." She replied. "So, shall I begin preparations?"

"Tomorrow my dear. For tonight you are mine." I spoke in Emma ear.

Which re-ignited her passion.

Thus we ended up not finishing the movie.

Because we ended up doing something much better and more fun.


[Harlem, New York]

[June 4th, 2010]

Standing on a rooftop within Harlem I enjoyed the night cityline of this neighborhood of New York.

I was also telepathically coordinating with the Guardians given I asked for their assistance in dealing with what was about to happen.

Since I feel this is the perfect time for us to debut.

Not to mention recruit Stern, make Bruce our ally, and once again screw over Ross.

Four birds, one big ass stone.

As I continued making sure everything was in order Peter landed next to me.

Wearing his new and improved Spiderman suit.

Which instead of the iconic red and blue is red and black like what the Superior Spiderman wore in the comics.

If that's not enough Peter is wearing a harness on back which houses mechanical spider arms, which he molded off Dr. Octavious's own mechanical limbs.

See, I knew with the right resources Peter could do incredible things.

Like he's already modified his web fluid formula to give it more tensile strength and stopping power.

Which my company has turned into better bullet proof vests, that we are selling to law enforcement agencies all across the US. But soon we will sell it internationally.

On another note Peter took my advice.

He asked Gwen out and she accepted. Those two are now a couple.

Gwen having accepted my offer to be a paid intern at Abstergo Industries

Her being the unofficial protege of both Maya and Curt.

Peter also told Gwen, his aunt and uncle, Harry, and Ned about him being Spiderman. Which all of them accepted just as I thought.

Though May freaked out a bit.

But she calmed down once Richard and Mary explained the situation.

Speaking of those two the time for them to re-enter normal society is close at hand.

Already Norman has begun taking action against that greedy faction within his company.

Harry assisting.

Yep, everything is looking good.

'This is Sentinel checking in. Everyone ready?' I telepathically asked.

I soon got replies.

'Warpath ready. Blink ready. Sunspot ready. Starfire ready. Nightcrawler ready. Khione ready. Talon ready. Multiple Man ready. Domino ready. Colossus ready. Spiderman totally ready.'

I nodded my head at their telepathic replies.

I then scanned the area, just to make sure there were no unexpected surprises.

When I did I picked up on a highly focused mind.

One not belonging to Ross or his soldiers.

Zeroing in on its location I proved it slightly and found I was reading the mind of one Antione Triplett.

One of the characters from Agents of SHIELD. As well as one of the true SHIELD agents in the Hydra infested nest.

[Insert Image of Antoine Triplett Here]

As I continued scanning Trips mind I found he was under orders to surveil Banner.

But only surveil and not interfere.

Which makes sense.

Because in the Avengers film Natasha did say SHIELD had been keeping track of Banner.

Backing out of Trips mind I let him continue to do his job.

Just as I did I noticed the final events of the film taking place.

Banner was being escorted in chains toward a military chopper.

Betty alongside him, sending a murderous glare towards her father which had all to real emotions behind it.

Yet Ross didn't care in the slightest.

[Insert Image of MCU Bruce Banner Here]

[Insert Image of Betty Ross Here]

[Insert Image of Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross/William Hurt Here]

Man, to have your own child hate you that much.

I almost feel sorry for Ross.


As the group boarded the chopper and it took off several minutes passed before the building exploded and Emil Blonsky aka Abomination exited Kool Aid Man style and landed onto the street.

[Insert Image of Emil Blonsky/Abomination Here]

When he did I gave the telepathic command to the others.


Because it's finally showtime.