New Plan

Reva was so absorb in her drawing she doesn't realise that zara was now standing by her side , zara saw the girl so focused she looked so charming like the rabbit zara had an urge to have that rabbit for herself she was in her thoughts when Reva finished her drawing and started to get up and her head bumped with zara and they both trepped over bed zara was now on top of Reva .

Reva was cursing her self for being this clumsy not realising that Zara was now staring at her intensely Reva noticed Zara's gaze her cheeks flushed their faces was so close to eachother.

Zara's was st at her to zara Reva looked so beautiful and her big eyes her gaze traveled to her cheeks she saw how they flushed she came to her senses she got up and said "May I ? Reva was still in daze but she eventually give the paper to her. zara cleared her throat lightly and said good night and left.

Zara was now in her chamber resting on her bed but the images of Reva keep surfacing in her mind " seriously myself you can't hide it ok you like that girl ,but she is a girl, that should not matter ok when you were on treaning for combat in warrior house there were some couple who were same gender even the biggest power like warrior house support the same gender relationship come on become a little mordern you know what my self I do except that I like her but now Stop this garbage " zara was fighting with her self or rather talking to her self after fighting like this she got tired and eventually falled asleep.

next morning Zara woke up and went through that boring process again but now there was the son of royal advicer sonu she selected him . and they both made their way toward the garden. zara said you know why I selected you the son of advicer sonu Carty nooded . he was a bit uncomfortable like he wanted to say something .

" good then know one thing that the marriage between you and me will be for show we will never have a relationship of husband and wife ." Carty suddenly bowed his head and said " my queen I am loyal to you and the kingdom I am ready to sacrifice my life for it but I can't marry you because I promise someone that she will have me as her husband for the rest of her life I love her and she loves me I am extremely sorry I can't do it even if it just an act you can punishe me your highness but I can't go back over my word " he bowed his head so low that it touched the ground he .

" raise your head " zara said , she knew that she can't make people do something that they don't want to do beside she needed people who will not go back on their words just for power so she was happy to see she have a person like carty " you don't need to apologise I like it that you didn't go back on your words even if you had chance to become a king so I will not force you to do something which you don't want to do you may go now"

carty was stunned for a moment before bowing his head in gratitude and departed.

that moment Rey appeared " your highness the sketch " zara nooded and give him the sketch Reva had drawn. " search them and bring hare ." Rey nooded and despered .

Now zara was thinking how to fail the evil plan that veer has thrown her way , she needed a faithful person for it who will not tell anyone but also a person who will obey her every comand . because she needed a showcase not a real husband as she was pondering suddenly an idea popped in her mind she laughed evily and said to herself " so you all wanted a pair to rule on you a facade to show now you'll get a real facade and ofcourse you didn't said that it should be a man a pair means anything even a girl will do just fine right that if you know that she is a girl" zara smirked to her self no matter what she would not let evil succeed.

zara quickly made her way toward the guest room Reva was there getting bored so she decided to read a book she heard footsteps she saw zara made her way toward her she bowed her head " greetings my queen what brings you hare my queen ? " she asked

zara said " let's talk in my chamber Reva nooded and followed zara they reached at the chamber zara quickly closed the door before Reva can say anything Zara said" marry me ."

two simple words but her world was now up side down. the first word that left Zara's mouth was "whattt ????."