Training for selection process

Reva was now In so much shock she wanted to ask a million questions but before she can ask she was cut off " not a real marriage just a drama like a fake marriage and the story is pretty long a will tell you later just know that if you want to save the kingdom falling in hand of evil people you need to do this "

Reva understood direness of situation but she asked " but why me my queen ?" zara knew that she would ask this but she just couldn't say that because you walked in lions Den walking like a lamb so she said " well I will tell you but first stop calling me queen we are at same age so you can call me by my nick name zia and I won't take a no for an answer we are friend's right or you don't want to be friends with me " Reva found the method of making friends a bit odd .

zara knew that she is bad at thing's like this but to her suprise Reva nooded and said" ok but I'll call you queen zia if that's fine" zara was so happy that she made a friend but quickly went on the topic at hand .

" so the first thing is that I did chose someone else but let say something happened so that person is not available now and I can't just trust anyone right and I was thinking about how to replace the person so I thought you well be the perfect candidate so you were the first person that arrived at my mind seeing as you are loyal to the kingdom you will help us and we can trust you.

even though it is a praise but somehow to Reva it sounded like she is the prey and she is going further in trap of her predator but what choice does she have " okay I will do it but what if someone finds out that I am a girl "

" that you don't need to worry about it now because the most important thing is traning "

Reva was confused at first what training but soon she was traning with Rey sword and fighting skills in order to her get married to queen she needs to pass through 2 more tests one was any skill a person has mastered in and the other was sword fighting and combat seriously why did I even agree to this in the first place I was only here for being rejected but now I am selected and even have to marry the queen you know what I am a girl how did I even ended like this my fate must have been written by the devil himself.

Reva was so pissed off but she didn't have any other choice then bear with the torture. the the rest two steps will be held in next month so she needed to learn fast during this time zara also had to take care the they both hadn't seen each other in one week but finally Zara got time of she went to see Reva and how far she have progressed Reva was as always was practicing sword with Rey Zara quietly stood there watching Reva Reva was now constantly attacking Rey but Rey was one of the best warrior so naturally she was not even able to hold him 1 min.

Reva and Rey noticed zara and bowed their heads suddenly zara picked up a sword and was now standing in front of Reva Rey understood and left them on their own Reva was stearing at zara like what are you doing kind of expression zara raised her eyebrow " what I am just going to test how much you have learnt " with this she attacked Reva , Now Reva was caught off guard but she still managed to dodged the blow, zara was impressed with her results Reva was now preparing to attack zara she moved her body in full force but instead she trepped on her foot and was going to land on ground face first but as always zara grabbed her before her fall Reva was in relief but she heard a giggling sound she saw that zara was laughing

" why are you laughing like that "

" well do you like me or what when ever you are with me your always falling and trepping are you this clumsy or just pretending " zara said in a teasing tone.

" what no I.. why would I.... I just... don't know why I keep falling like that " Reva was practically stamaring zara laugh at that " well don't get to serious I was just joking because even in our first meeting you trepped over "Reva was stunned " so you remembered the first time we ever saw eachother " before zara can think of anything she blurted out " why would I forget about a beautiful girl like you " hearing this Reva blushed furiously zara cheeks also had a little hint of pink as she relized what she said. Reva turned her head trying to stand up but relized she cramped her leg she growled in pain.

zara asked in worried tone " what happened did you cracked any bone." no I think I just had little cramp in my leg. " Can you still walk " I think so, but when Reva was standing she fell again. " Reva I am going to carry you to your chamber " what no queen zia that would be embarrassing " you know what just forget about the embarrassment we need you in good shape so now you will keep quiet like a good girl got it " Reva was a little reculent but zara was right they needed her to be in good shape so she carried Reva to the chamber whole way Reva head was low she didn't know why but she felt her heart go crazy maybe she started to like zia.

after all zara looked so domenering and cold but as Reva saw the person zara was now she felt warm in her heart .