As soon as we'd put the girls to bed later that night, Jax, Colt, Whitney, Wyatt, Isach, and Abby arrived. It was like they'd timed it or something. Maybe that had. Either way, the discussion we had to have tonight was one that needed my full attention, so it was best they'd waited until the twins were asleep.
When I came back downstairs, everyone was lounging in the living room, except Trent and Isach. Those two were huddled in the kitchen, speaking in hushed whispers. I narrowed my eyes, wondering what they could possibly have to talk about that they didn't want anyone else to hear. I'd be so glad when I changed and had enhanced senses. Then I'd be able to hear and see things better.
"How're you doing?" Abby asked, jumping up to give me a hug. "Mom said she stopped by earlier, and you looked tired and rattled."