It has been weeks since she had gone on that rendezvous with the boys, one of the fun time she has had in a while.

"I seriously don't see why this much food is needed, it's not like a party is been thrown" she turned to Fatima. They had been in the kitchen for hours seemingly preparing for Hajiya Iya's arrival which was in any minute, she had called earlier saying that she was coming. Only Hajiya Iya will call when she was only some hours away, on her way from where she lived in Kano where their family house was.

"You never know" she shrugged as she covered yet another tray full of delicacies with an aluminum foil.

"I guess that's all, right?" she looked at the countless dishes arranged on the kitchen island.

"InSha Allah" Fatima said tiredly. With a nod of her head she turned on her heels rushing up the stairs to her room. She needed a bath, she smelled of food spices.

She drew herself a bath taking her time to put some bath bombs in the water, she put in drops of lavender oil. Nothing better than a good and relaxing soak after a tiring day. It was when she almost dozed off in the water, that she decided to come out of the tub.

She wore a plain black dress and a beige veil. She decided to go to mama's sister's house to pass time and also because she was avoiding Hajiya Iya so she quickly went to mama's room and took permission

She left the room and called one of the drivers from the closest land-line she sighted which happens to be near the console. By the time she was done doing the last minute adjustment to her appearance, she knew he was already in the car. She rushed downstairs to the car but not before making a stop at the kitchen to slyly steal a cupcake. She entered the car gobbling the cake, being extra careful not to ruin her lipstick. She kept humming to the tune of the music playing on the radio, as she checks her messages and notification. She stopped at a particular one, it was a message from Hadiza.


7 feb, 1:33pm

Hey baby, where are you?

On my way to aunty Halima's house

Okay let's meet there

*Yes please! Bring yourself and an apple pie please ☺️

I'll think about it 😏

Have I ever told you how much I love you? 😘

yeah yeah 😂

Aysha chuckled at their banter before looking up to see that they were almost at the house. Aunty Halima's house came into view, it was an average duplex building. The driver horned when her reached the gate and the gate man opened the door. They drove inside and the driver dropped her before turning back and leaving.

The door was open like always, she entered with a salam. She entered the sitting room knowing aunty Halima will be there.

"Assalamu Alaikum, good afternoon aunty Halima" she said as she entered.

"Aysha, *yaushe a gari inji mai gudun bako*! I haven't seen you in a while" Aunty Halima dramatically exclaimed as she hugged her tightly.

"Wallahi I've been very busy, where are Fatima and Zeeyad?" She asked about her children.

"They're upstairs watching TV. If not they would've turned the house upside down by now" she sighed.

"Let me go see them" she laughed heading upwards. She could hear their voices as she climbed up the stairs. She followed the voices and it led her to Zeeyad's room.

"Hey guys!" She waved as she stood by the door frame. Unexpectedly, she tumbled to the ground as the two small bodies wrapped her in a hug.

The carpet does not feel as comfortable as it looks.

After groaning and moaning she managed to stand up with the help of fatima who extended her little hand to help pull her up.

"Ouch, you guys have broken my back. What is your mum giving you, you've gotten fatter" she said as she sat down to rest, all that was so tiring.

They simply gave her an innocent look and sat beside her. Zeeyad is the youngest at 4 years old while fatima is 6 years old.

She talked with them as they told her stories about their friends, school and many other things with the sudden reenacting of action scenes, which always left her worn out after every round. It was when asr prayer was called, when they all decided to go and pray.

When they were done praying which on the children's part wa playing '*yar dungure* competition, she went downstairs to the sitting room to check on aunty Halima, but she wasn't there so she decided to check the kitchen. Aunty Halima was in the kitchen cooking so she helped her cook while they gisted.

When they were done they went back to the sitting room to watch some Indian series. The entrance door opened and then a salam echoed in the while house, Aysha recognized who it was so she quickly leapt to her feet just as Hadiza rounded the corner to the sitting room. They both hugged each other with so much enthusiasm before they let go. She greeted aunty Halima before she turned to Aysha.

"Guess what I bought" she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Apple cake?" She asked with a wide smile.

"Maybe . . Or maybe not" she teased and Aysha gave her a puppy dog look.

"You look like a constipated cow" she said with seriousness "anyway its in the kitchen I gave the maid when I came in"

She quickly rushed to the kitchen and on the kitchen counter laid a ceramic warmer of apple pie. Hadiza was really good in making desserts but apple pie is her speciality. She cut a piece putting it on a plate and grabbing a fork on her way out. She took a picture and posted on Snapchat before she fully devoured the apple pie.

They talked while eating the food and watching the TV, Aunty Halima has since gone out of the sitting room when she couldn't resist all the girly squeals. They talked about everything to nothing until after maghrib when they decided to go home, they bid aunty Halima goodbye before going to Fatima and Zeeyad, they kept insisting for them to stay over as they clutched the two of them tightly, after a lot of persuasion they let them go with the promise of them visiting soon.



I'm literally dozing off as I right this chapter 😴😴

So I've always wanted to ask you a question, so let's start with this. Who amongst you watches horror movies, and what's your favorite?

Allah Hafiz,