"Everyday by day i just dey celebrate oh(eh)

Everything i do e just dey penetrate oh

I just want to say o thank you Jehova oh

See i'm living large i get Angels o for my gate oh

Never forget where i come from na from ghetto (eeh)

oh na n-" her high pitched voice sang along with the one of phyno singing to fada-fada, until Abdulraheem decided to put them out of the misery.

"Stop!" he dramatically shouted covering both his ears, making her pout. They had been enduring this from the moment she had emerged from the tailors shop, when she had tuned it to the station she had shouted saying the song was her 'jam'.

"Where are we going again seff?" She asked scrunching her face as she tried to face Abdulrahim who was driving, Fahad was sitting in the passenger's seat while Abdulrahman and her were sitting in the back seat.

"For God sake how many times will I tell you that we are going to an amusement park" he said exasperatedly.

"It just that I'm thinking about what you are going to do there" she said confused.

"What do you mean by what we are going to do there. Can't we go there to have fun?" Fahad raised an eyebrow turning to look at her for a slight second.

She turned her full attention to him raising both eyebrows trying to imitate him with a flat look on her face "Yeah right, three full grown ass men going to an amusement park like a bunch of three years old, just 'to have fun'. That's totally believable" she scoffed.

"That's so offensive you know" Abdulrahman said with a hand on his chest faking hurt.

"Wrong place, bro" she said referring to how his hand is placed on the right side of his chest instead of the left where the heart was situated "I know it has something to do with the phone call Abdulrahim had with Maryam. I just don't know how."

"*Mayyar nan zata cinye mu in bamu gaya mata ba *(this witch will eat us if we don't tell her)" he said earning a glare from her.

"We are going to an amusement park to meet up with Maryam-" Abdulrahim started.

"Why will you need to go to an amusement park to meet up with her, can't you just go to her house?" she cut him off confused.

"Let me finish," he held up a finger, "so as I was saying before the cockroach interrupted-"

"Who even says that anymore?" she cut him off yet again looking at him weirdly.

"Do you or do you not want to hear this?" He turned to glare at her.

"Sorry sorry you may continue" she gestured with her hand.

"She is taking her sisters there, so we're going to meet up. Because she said she'll be bored alone" he finished thankfully without a word from Aysha. That didn't last long.

"Aww my brother is going to sacrifice the time he was using to play football just so that his girlfriend wouldn't be bored. That's so romantic" she gushed moving to pinch his cheeks before he swatted her hand away.

She rolled her eyes and turned to Abdulrahman "remaining you" he ignored her and brought out his phone.

They arrived at the amusement park and were looking for a parking space in the full parking lot. After minutes of searching they found a spot at a secluded part of the park. They made their way to the entrance gate, passing the gate buying a ticket on the way.

They could hear the sound of music blasting so they followed the direction of the sound. The party was held in a tent like hall, although it was quiet large to occupy the whole lot of people there. When they arrived it wasn't hard to spot Maryam, being one of the few adult present.

Aysha quickly made her way to her enclosing her in a hug, she had always loved Maryam. She shrieked in surprise before hugging her back.

"Oh my God, Aysha I've missed you I didn't know you were coming" she said as they released each other from the hug.

"I know right, I missed you at the wedding" she said with a pout.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come my flight got delayed so I had to stay in school until a week after the wedding" she said with an apologetic look.

"No worries, now let's go have fun" she said dragging her by her hand.

"Calm down" Abdulrahim held unto her other hand making her roll her eyes.

"Calm down, lover boy"

Maryam excused herself to talk to a teenage girl probably to help her keep an eye on her sisters. After she came back, she greeted the boys and they left the place.

"So Maryam, didn't you come with that your friend?" Abdulrahman asked.

"No, I didn't" she laughed shaking her head, he loved acting like a player. "So where to now?" Maryam turned to Abdulrahim for an answer.

"Now, we split" he said stirring her away from them.

"That leaves only the three of us" Fahad said putting on an aviator sunglasses to shield his eyes from the blazing sun.

"Let's go there" he pointed to a food stall. Boys with their food.

They were at the food stall eating sticks of corn dogs when Abdulrahman brought out his phone and was snap chatting them. Aysha had her head ducked down so when she raised it up she looked at him confused before asking, "what are you doing?"

"It's Snapchat, village girl" he said stopping the video.

"Wait you're on Snapchat?" She asked and he looked at her.

"No" he said sarcastically.

"Then how come we don't have each other on Snapchat" she said and he ignored her turning his head away.

"Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro" she called him poking him repeatedly and he ignored her, acting as if he couldn't hear her,

She snatched his phone from his hand and he lunged at her trying to take it back and she moved back, she kept transferring the phone from one hand to the other. He took both of her hands in one of his and used the other one to take his phone making her to smack him on his arm. Fahad was looking at them amusedly from the sidelines and when Aysha finally remembered he was there she  quickly stopped with the squabble and ducked her head dragging her veil forward.

They decided to go on the roller coaster and then the Ferris wheel and bumper car, after that she lost count.


Bonjour tout la monde!

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