Chapter 10: Land Of Confusion

Ulquiorra slowly made his way back to Quarters, he exhaled loudly, a lot had happened in one day, he had confronted Ichigo Kurosaki twice, both times seemingly killing him, the second time however he turned into a monster, absolutely destroying him, being revived and then being ruled over by the same man

He groaned as he rubbed his temples, as he turned the corner, he spotted her

The Women who had given him a heart…Orihime Inoue

"Orihime?" he asked the woman who was looking up and down the hallway

"U-Ulquiorra" she stuttered before she turned to him

"What are you doing here?" he asked, trying to sound the least intimidating as possible

"I-I-I was…L-Looking for an empty room to-"

"I see" he nodded before he opened the door to his room "Very well"

"W-Wait!" she stuttered, causing Ulquiorra to stop and turn back to her

"Yes?" he asked

"D-Do you know where I can find a…"

"You look restless" Ulquiorra noted "As if you are distressed, has room searching left you that exhausted?"

"W-Well…" she began

"If you wish to take what you humans call, a Breather, you may rest in my room"

Orihime choked back a gasp, The same man who had kidnapped her a little over 24 hours ago and killed the man she loved twice had just invited her into the room

"U-Umm...t-thank you…?" she stuttered as she walked into the doorway of his room

Orihime looked around the room, it was relatively small, no bigger than her living room in her old home, the walls were made of White Marble and had a glossy and sparkly finish to them, the floor was made up of plain black tiles made of the same marble as the walls except they were Black instead of White, a large closet sat next to equally large window which lead to a balcony that overlooked the desert of Hueco Mundo. a simple double sized bed with plain white sheets and pillowcases laid against the next wall with the headboard against the wall.

"You may take a seat" Ulquiorra said

"No…No thank you…" She said as she stood in the doorway

"Can you at least move so I can enter my own room?" he asked

"S-Sorry!" she said as she hopped forward to let him in, He entered the room with no question, he couldn't help but notice the distressed look upon Orihime's face as he foot a seat at the bottom of his bed

"Do you wish something to drink?" Ulquiorra asked "There's a liquor cabinet in the canteen"

"A Drink?" She asked before her disappointed expression returned " thank you"

"May I ask what is wrong?" Ulquiorra asked as he sat down next to her

"It's Kurosaki-K…Kurosaki-San" she muttered, nearly calling him Kurosaki-Kun

"Kurosaki-sama?" Ulquiorra asked "what about him?"

"I…Thought he…he came he to save me because he…he loved me…I Thought he was my soulmate" she sobbed

Ulquiorra, despite not being used to emotions understood her grief, she loved that boy with all her heart and he loved another that wasn't her

"Listen…Orihime" Ulquiorra said as he took hold of her hand "If he doesn't love you then he can't be the one for you, some take longer time periods to find their soul mates, If I am correct, Kurosaki-sama's wife is over 150 years old, am I correct?" He asked, Orihime slowly nodded "Then just wait a little longer and add a dash of hope…and someday you will find your soulmate"

"Ulquiorra" she gasped at her sweet words, she saw his hand reaching towards her face, he then proceeded to wipe away the tears forming in the corner of her eyes, as began to pull his hand away, she reached out an grabbed it, "Now I know…I Know I can never have Kurosaki-kun…but I was right about one thing…I've found my Soulmate"

"…Are you afraid of me?" Ulquiorra asked, dreading the answer, to his surprise she began to lean towards him

"No….I'm not afraid" she muttered before she claimed his lips,

Ulquiorra's eyes widened to biggest they had even been, as she pulled back she noticed the funniest look of shock on his face

"Huh?" was the only thing he could mutter

This time Orihime bent in and kissed the hollow of Ulquiorra's throat (no pun intended), She lifted her head up and teasingly placed her lips against his, A Million thoughts were running through Ulquiorra's head, Millions more entered as she slipped her hand into his shirt and rubbed her hand against his well formed abdominal muscles.

Ulquiorra gave in and closed her eyes at the pleasure of the sensation, Something he had never felt before. Goosebumps arose on his pale white flesh from awakening desire. Her hands then moved to the small of his back, bringing him forward against her body

"What is this feeling?" he asked himself "What…what is she doing?"

"Orihime, Please stop" He asked he pulled his lips away

"But Ulquiorra…"

"Listen" he said as he placed her hands on her shoulders "I Don't know what's come over you but you've just realised you can't have the man you want, and you want to dump that grief by being intimate with me, But you're just upset, You want to get away, and even if we did go that far you would probably pretend it was him instead of me, I'm sorry Orihime but I cannot relieve you of your grief this way, it's not right"

"You're…You're right Ulquiorra" she sighed as she pulled back "I'm sorry, I Don't know what came over me…"

"It is fine…Hime" Ulquiorra said as he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek

Now it was Orihime's turn for her mind to be flooded with a million thoughts, not only did her call her "Hime", an abbreviated form of her name but also the japanese word for 'Princess', but he had also kissed her cheek, of his own free will

"I think it's best if I go" Orihime said as she stood up and headed towards the door

"Orihime please w-" He began but she had already walked out and slammed the door, he sighed in disappointment "I Didn't mean to turn her away…but this feeling in my gut…is unlike anything I have ever felt before" were Ulquiorra's last thoughts before he changed and got into bed, he had been happy she had revived him and he now respected her, but more feelings were present there too….

"Damn these cursed emotions" Ulquiorra muttered as he leaned his head against his pillow and drifted off to sleep

Rukia Kurosaki's eyes slowly began to creep open as memories of the past day came flooding back to her, it seemed almost impossible that so much had happened within a mere 24 hours. She smirked as she noticed the familiar orange haired boy who had become her husband just yesterday, When she met him, she saw him as pompous and ignorant but she helped him since he resembled him so much, could it be that she did this because it was the closest she could ever come to having Kaien? "Maybe" she thought at first, but that fateful day in the rain, the day when Ichigo nearly died in the battle against Grand Fisher, that was the day when she felt something inside her that she never felt before, a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach as an Unconscious Ichigo's head rested in her lap, she muttered that she was glad he didn't die, She remembered what the Shinigami who had come to take her back to the Soul Society said to her earlier that day, that joked about her being "Involved" with Ichigo and how he explained "Everyone needs Love and the best you could do was a human boy to get all smoochy with" , It was then that she had realised what she had felt, why she wanted Ichigo to live

Because she loved him

She immediately tried to deny it, Falling in love or even pursuing a relationship with a human was forbidden, it was common knowledge. She couldn't have Ichigo, she would have to settle for someone else. but who?

Renji? she loved him, yes…but as a brother, he was a shoulder to lean on and a friend but not a lover, from her Point of view anyway, Renji was head over heels with her, but she considered him family, it would've practically been incest…

The idea of being with Byakuya was sickening, He was her brother for crying out loud! and even if they weren't related by blood, he was married to her sister for gods sake…

Many men had hit on her, but she rejected them all, some went as far as to try and seduce her, some of them even offered to strip for her

They got a boot in their gonads for their trouble

No one dared to try and touch her, she carried around a sword at all times and knew how to use it with both arms tied behind her back, she was a kido master and she was a noble, and so much as putting your hand on a nobles shoulder could be seen as assault, but even before she was a noble, one man had tried to pinch her butt during kido practice, Rukia grabbed his hand before it made contact and the man lost all his teeth and his ability to have children…The Message was now clear

Fuck with Rukia Kuchiki, YOU DIE

But then there was Ichigo, The Forbidden love that she wanted to pursue so badly

He could fuck with her all he wanted

Some nights she had dreams where Ichigo took her in many positions, she once dreamt that he had snuck into the closet only to wake her up and tell her to "Get on your hands and knees so I can fuck that tight pussy" and she happily agreed and let him take her virginity, she had dreams where they were in a forest and Ichigo stripped her naked and eat her out until she screamed for mercy and then fucked her so hard against a tree that ended up snapping it in half, she dreamt that she was in school, after class was finished and everyone had left she was packing up her things and then Ichigo grabbed her roughly, bent her over her desk, literately ripped her panties off and shoved his manhood deep into the hilt of her ass without so much as a "Hey, wanna fuck?" and she didn't mouth a word of protest, like she was his personal sex toy

And it was then that she realised that she wouldn't mind being Ichigo's little sex toy to hump and play with whenever he wanted, and it was then that she realised something else

She wasn't just in love with this man, she lusted after him

She would look forward to the erotic dreams and if any of those scenarios were to happen, she would let him take her

She sometimes considered masturbating to the thought of him having his way with her, but it would've been too risky. she slept just 10 feet away from him for gods sake

And even when she wasn't, she couldn't, When she was deemed a criminal and taken back to the Soul Society, she was given a private changing room and was told to change into a plain white yukata, she checked for any peeping toms on the other side of the door before she stripped herself and changed into the white garment

When she thought of Ichigo, her nipples hardened and her pussy got wet and it didn't help that she was wearing a single piece garment and nothing else, making it extremely noticeable. That's why she turned the chair in her cell towards the wall, so no one would notice her hard nubs and the damp stain on her yukata, thankfully every time Hanataro came to clean her cell, she was either suppressing the thoughts of Ichigo taking her in various positions or her turned on state wasn't high enough to show anything

When she was moved to the Senzaikyu, she discovered that building had a huge echo, amplifying every sound she made, meaning she couldn't even so much as take a step without the guards knowing, let alone play with herself

And when her name was cleared and she was free and Ichigo went back to his word, sense kicked in, she was a fucking noble! Nobles don't defile themselves

For those 2 weeks when she regained her power, she had no perverted thoughts or dreams about Ichigo

But then Renji mentioned the assignment to the world of the living, the mention of his name alone got her wet and horny, she had to come along, she had to see him again

She begged to the head captain to let her come along, he had been redundant but finally agreed but had looked annoyed

and yesterday she had found out why

Ikkaku, Yumichika, Toshiro, Rangiku and even Renji…were sent there to kill Ichigo

but after she had been added to the group, the objective had been changed, they would help Ichigo in the war

More like lead him to his death…

She was the only one oblivious to the objective, because somehow they knew, they knew she loved him and that would put the mission in jeopardy

Byakuya was the first one to discover her love, how he found out was a mystery, maybe it was because he was in love once and he could just sense it? who knows, but nevertheless he told the head captain of her feelings

"Pursuing a relationship with a human is a crime punishable by death, Captain Kuchiki. You know that right?" The Head Captain asked

"I know sir, but worry not, Once the boy is dead I intend to marry her off to Lieutenant Abarai" Byakuya explained

"Renji…" she growled

Just the thought of his name made her sick

Renji had been the first person Byakuya had told, even before the head captain

He was in the training ground, he just been detailed with his mission and accepted it with open arms, Ichigo pissed him off for various reasons, to this day he still believed that he stole Rukia's powers but after he beat him and in a moment of extreme weakness, begged him to save her, and that was the second reason

He Beat Him

HIM, who was a Shinigami over 90 years before Ichigo was even born was beaten by a mere Human!


He was disgusted with himself, he had wanted to win, he had wanted to save Rukia and claim her as his own

He loved her since he was a boy for fucks sake!

But it was too late, for when he finally discovered he had fallen in love with the Raven Haired girl, she was gone, off to become a noble, and the worst part of it was…he was responsible

At that moment, he felt that her need for a family was greater than his love for her

looking back now, he wished he'd begged her to stay and say that they could start a family by themselves

They both deserved that much, right?

But no, she had gone to another family, without him

And that was the day he vowed to surpass Byakuya Kuchiki, to show that he deserved Rukia

and despite all these years of training, despite gaining Bankai, WHICH by the way was a fortunate accident, he tracked down Ichigo's Reiatsu in another attempt to kill him but he found him training with his Zanpakutou spirit and some dark skinned woman, he sensed her reiatsu and if she teamed up with Ichigo he would lose before the fight even began so he made up an excuse that he came to attain Bankai like he was which he surprisingly achieved, He was still inferior to Ichigo, who had barely been a Shinigami for a little over 2 Months and he just wanted nothing more than to kill the bastard

and that's when Byakuya Shunpo'ed behind him

"Renji" he said, alerting him with his presence

"C-Captain!" he said as he turned to him "Is it okay for you to be out of Hospital?"

"I understand you have been assigned the mission of killing the abomination, Ichigo Kurosaki" Byakuya said "And I have just received word that Rukia has joined the squad"

"Rukia's coming along too?" Renji asked "Might as well, he's the bastard who stole her pow-"

"She loves Kurosaki" He interrupted, leaving out the part about Rukia being oblivious to the actual mission

Silence erupted for a single moment, before rage began to emit from Renji

"You're…joking right?" he sheathed

"You should have told her you idiot" Byakuya scolded "You had an ample opportunity to confess when you became my lieutenant just before she left to go to the world of the living and meet Kurosaki, but you let her go and she ended up meeting Kurosaki"

"H-Has she-"

"She hasn't acted on it yet, no and she wants Kurosaki dead so she can leave those feelings behind" Byakuya lied as he shook his head "I suggest you act before she has a change of heart and decides to help Kurosaki…"

Renji nodded before he went back to training

"Kurosaki you bastard! you took her from me!" he shouted in his head as constantly wailed on the tree with Zabimaru "I can't wait to kill you in front of her…and then she'll realise that I deserve her more than you do…"

And then a few weeks later, when it came time to go to Hueco Mundo…

"Sir" Renji bowed just as Rukia entered the Senkaimon so they could go to the World of the Living, then to Urahara's shop so he could open a Garganta

"Yes?" he asked as Rukia entered the Precipice world, out of hearing distance

"I want to ask your permission"

"For what?" he asked with a raised eyebrow

"I wish to marry Rukia"


"Very Well"

Renji stood up properly and blinked a few times

"D-Did you say-"

"I Agreed" he nodded "Better you than Kurosaki, and besides, you've known each other since you were children, I couldn't think of anyone better suited for her and to be honest I was going to tell you to marry her anyway"

Renji sighed in relief…before Byakuya held his sword to his throat

"But know this Abarai" He said, spitting his name like it was a curse "Rukia is the sister of my dearly departed wife and the only thing left I have left to remember her, If you so much as put a scratch on her, I will cut your head off and feed it to the Shiba clan's pet boar, is that clear?"

"Y-Yes Captain" he gulped before Byakuya pulled his sword away, he then made his way through the Dangai, into Urahara's shop and into Hueco Mundo

The rest, as they say…is History

Rukia decided to shrug it off, Renji and Byakuya were in the past.

Ichigo was her life now...

She looked down at his tanned torso. He wasn't far off the build of a bodybuilder with a 6-pack of abs just lying there for her to stare at. She gazed at the many scars on his body, most noticeable was the one in the centre of his chest from when he was Blasted with a Cero Oscuras.

She smiled at Ichigo and what laid beneath the covers, mostly because he had used it to take her innocence just a few hours ago, but let's just say she wasn't really so Innocent before, sex-wise she was Innocent yes, Ichigo had been the first to touch her in that way save for the one time she masturbated, but Many people didn't know the deep secrets Rukia kept hidden from everyone, Speaking of, she remembered smiling as she watched blood spray out of Renji after Ichigo had ripped his arm off, She always had some weird obsession with Blood, it all happened when she was a little girl in the Rukongai, even before she met Renji, a humongous and gory fight broke out the small hut where she lived, she cowered in fear as at least twenty drunken men brawled outside. she curled up in a corner until the violent sounds outside her door ceased, she cautiously crawled out into the hut, as she did, she noticed several dead bodies, but what she noticed the most is that he hand landed into a small red puddle

(A/N: Things get a bit freaky here, if Unusual fetishes and Female Masturbation rub you the wrong way then you best skip this part. also if you aren't exactly thrilled by anal sex or Bloodlust then skip the Lemon too)

"What's this…?" she asked herself as she brought her tiny, blood covered hand to her face, being an uneducated orphan, she had no idea what is was or what to do with it

It felt strange on her hand, thinker than water but no more denser than wood, a thought entered her head, telling her to lick it…She decided to go along with it and brought out her tongue

"It…taste's like Iron" she said to herself, as an other thought…no, an urge entered her head…

She was still young, so she had no idea what her mind was telling her to do, that didn't stop her from licking off the rest off her hand though…

"It's so…bitter…"

She stood up and quickly retreated into a hut as a crowd gathered around the massacre scene

She never thought about that day again for many Years…

Cut to about 100 years later

She had finished her first ever assignment in the world of the living, A simple Hollow Killing and Konso, the location; a large hill overlooking the city

She had been ambushed by five hollows, she managed to defeat any purify them all, only getting a cut on her arm in the process

"Thank you pretty lady" the soul of a deceased child smiled as Rukia performed a Konso on him

"Enjoy the afterlife" She smiled as she blushed at being called 'Pretty'

And this the boy was teleported to the Soul Society via a Hell Butterfly, The Hollow's were purified and her job was done

She brought out her sword to open the Senkaimon…and that's when she spotted the pool of red on the ground

The pool of Blood that had been left by the Hollow's she had destroyed

She didn't know what came over her, just looking at the blood made her feel funny, she had never seen so much…

and then she flashed back to that day, when she was just a little girl and found the blood outside her hut

Now she understood what went through her mind that day

back then she had not developed, She hadn't hit puberty yet, but now she was a woman

She gasped as she felt her downstairs moisten and now she knew what was going through her head that day, she wanted to rub herself in blood, she wanted to strip naked and roll around in it, just looked at it made her want to rub herself vigorously…

Blood made her horny…Blood turned her on…

Rukia bit her lip as she felt her pussy get even wetter and her nipples harden

"Control yourself! You're a fucking noble!" she cursed but she already found herself shuffling towards it

She had no idea what she was doing, it's like her legs were operating on her own, her hard nipples now shone through her kimono

"What a day to not wear a bra" she moaned as she quickly checked to see if their was any soul's or Hollow's still wondering around, she tried to sense them, there were no Hollows and the nearest Plus was at least 2 miles away

Matusmoto had told her than no matter who or how strict of kind they were, everybody had a fetish

And it appeared her's was Bloodlust...

She couldn't control herself as she knelt down infront of it and dipped her finger in it, she brought it up to her face

"Lick it" a voice from inside her head scream

She tried to dismiss the thought but it wouldn't leave, she realised that he downstairs was soaked, it felt like steam was coming out of her for gods sake!

She didn't know what to do…she ached so badly, she needed to release or she'd explode

"M-Masturbating is a perfectly natural thing" she tried to convince herself, she'd never tried it personally, although she'll never forget when Matsumoto offered to buy her a vibrator for her birthday "No, No, I'm a Kuchiki, We don't defile ourselves, we…we…"

The thick red liquid began to trickle down her hand causing her to twitch ever so slightly as the tickling sensation.

She didn't know what was going through her head as she slammed her hand into the pool…

She lifted it back up to her face, her hand completely red…Her gender was practically pulsing at this point.

"I won't" she said to herself, seemingly unaware that her other, blood free hand was clutching the opening on her kimono "Don't….Don't…"

"Come on" a voice inside her head said "Rub yourself in it…no one will know…there's no one around for miles, you wanna feel good don't you?…do it"

And with that, she opened her kimono to expose her pale right breast and slammed her blood covered palm over it

Rukia couldn't help but let out a sharp moan, it didn't fell like her hand at all, It felt like heaven itself had groped her

She pulled her hand back to expect what she had just done, a huge red handprint over her breast…

"More" she said as she cupped her breast and squeezed it "I want more"

She used her blood free hand to open the other side of her Kimono and shrugged out of it, letting it fall to the ground

She was about to immerse her other hand in the pool when she realised something, after that, both of her hands would be blood soaked and she couldn't take off any more clothing without getting it stained

"My Clothes will get dirty" she said to herself, almost like she was trying to convince herself that she was undressing for something other than masturbating

She untied her obi, and with small shake on her hips, let her Hakama fell to the floor, she shivered as the cold air his her bare legs, her only remaining clothing were her socks, sandals and her rabbit themed panties which were practically swimming in her fluids as this point.

she slipped her footwear off, she nearly folded her uniform and placed her footwear on top of it, she looked around for any peeping souls or Hollow's near by, she once again sensed for Reiatsu, finding the the nearest human was about a 25 minute walk away. and with that, she pulled down her rabbit themed underwear.

As she placed the soaking undergarment on pile of clothes, she found she quite liked the feel of the midnight wind on her naked body, her juices dripped down onto the short grass below her

As she stepped into the pool of red, she looked around one last time, she was in the clear

She took the remaining blood on her hand and slowly glazed it on bare stomach, Creating a thick red line that gently drizzled down her chest and into her pubic hair

She moaned as she sat down in the puddle, her cute little buttcheeks plopping into the small pool

She rubbed her hands in the blood before lifting them up into the air and let the red substance drip onto her bare breasts, she groaned as a droplet landed right on her nipple,

Fluids from her womanhood were now pouring out of her, she fell back and kicked her leg into the air, chuckling as she did, she had convinced herself that they're was nothing wrong with a little experimentation, no matter how odd it may be…

She now laid there in the blood, the entire backside of her body covered in red

She took her blood-soaked hand and slowly guided it to the her hot core, she groaned in ecstasy as a drop of blood trickled down the gap between her folds.

"Oh God" she moaned as it grazed her clit. She moved her hand to her wet folds and stroked herself Vigorously "Oh god, oh god…"

She used her free hand to massage her breast and hard nipples as she dipped two fingers into herself. He fluids allowed her to essentially glide her fingers in and out of her. She moaned in ecstasy as her toes clenched in the wet grass, She twitched ever so slightly as he fingernail scraped against her clit, she repeated the pattern, rub and penetrate, rub and penetrate,

"Fuck!" She moaned as she laid down in the pool of red, she used he palm to stimulate her hard clit. the blood on her hand rubbed off on her pubes, she stopped massaging her breasts and brought to her wet and blood covered gender, she used both of her hands to penetrate herself, using four fingers in total.

she pumped her fingers in and out of herself, she turned over and got on her knees, she used one hand to enter her wet pussy and used her other to enter her anal cavity, she didn't really know why she decided to penetrate her other hole, she heard that anal was uncomfortable and she even heard "It hurt like fuck" from Matsumoto (What ever did that girl get up to?) but she heard it was possible to achieve Orgasm through it and she decided to give a shot,

She pushed into herself harder, practically humping her hands, the left side of her face buried in the blood covered dirt, but she didn't care, she just wanted to cum. and soon she began to feel an unknown pressure build up within her

"O-Oh my god!" she screamed "W-What's happening?"

Her orgasm hit like a ton of bricks, she screamed in pure ecstasy as he juices were fired out of her

Rukia Kuchiki was a squirter, who knew?

Immediately afterwards, her all to dreaded sense came into play

"Oh God…What did I just do!" She shouted as she got up and ran over to her clothes

"Oh god…oh god" she repeated as she slipped her panties on "What…What was I thinking!"

She quickly got dressed and dashed through the Senkaimon, she quickly got back to her house as soon as she could, she entered her room, stripped down, and entered the shower to wash off the blood on her body

"What did I do…I just looked at it and I…"

As the blood washed off her body, she felt her desires return, her nipples hardened, her clit throbbed and her pussy begged for her fingers to enter once again

but she resisted the urges and suppressed the memory

But she was now with Ichigo, the man she had accepted for who he is, and now she wanted to see if he accepted her for who she is

"Let's see if Blood still turns me on" she moaned as slowly moved her mouth towards Ichigo's neck

"Ah!" Ichigo yelped as he woke up, as his wife did the unthinkable, She sunk her teeth into him in almost vampire-like fashion causing a small, bleeding wound on his neck "Rukia! What the F-"

"Your blood…" she moaned as she licked the red droplets off his neck "It tastes so sweet…sugary even…"

Ichigo eyes widened, Rukia was drinking his blood? He felt the tip of the tongue enter the bite wound causing him to grimace slightly

"Let me taste" she moaned into his ear before she licked up all of the blood dripping down his neck "It's so sweet…doesn't even taste like Iron…tastes like sugar and strawberries"

Ichigo tried not to grimace at the irony of that statement, instead he grimaced at Rukia's tongue entering his wound yet again

"It's so sweet" she moaned erotically

"Where's her hand going?" Ichigo asked himself as Rukia's hand sneaked down the covers as Rukia moved onto her side, as soon as she let out a pleasured moan he knew (and slightly grimaced at) what was going on

Rukia was Masturbating while drinking his blood, He didn't know if that was hot or disturbing or even both...

"I want more" she moaned as she teeth sunk into his neck yet again, causing a small about of Blood to spray out, Ichigo slightly yelped at this, compared to having a hole blasted through your chest, a blood spray was nothing

A small portion of Blood sprayed onto the covers, joining the blood stain that was made from Ichigo practically destroying Rukia's innocence a few hours ago. but most of it sprayed onto her collarbone

"Not enough" She groaned as she brought up her free hand, dabbed her finger in the blood and rubbed it around her nipples, making them a rosy red colour instead of their usual sakura pink

"Who the fuck would've thought Rukia was a Sadomasochist…" Ichigo said himself as Rukia threw the cover off the bed, exposing both of them, Ichigo smirked as watched Rukia masturbate just beside him

"Ugh! Rukia!" Ichigo groaned "Stop it, it hurts"

"Quiet, you baby" she giggled as she got on top of him and drew her blood soaked tongue over his jawline "Ichigo, I know we made love about six times but I don't want you to make love to me, I want it hard..."

"O-Okay" he stuttered, he wanted Rukia right now despite her weird Blood obsession and she wanted it rough, he was not going to deny her what both of them wanted

She leaned down and pulled Ichigo into the roughest kiss they've ever had, their tongues flailing about in each others mouth. Suddenly, she grabbed his head and lowered down to her breast

"Suck" she commanded him and he happily complied

Rukia groaned as Ichigo's wet mouth clamped down on her hard nipple, he practically chewed on it before switching over to the other one, she giggled as she felt him try to push his still erect cock into her

"Not yet" she groaned as Ichigo proceeded to try to enter her "Oi, Idiot! I said not yet!"

"S-Sorry" he stuttered

"Moron!" she shouted before she bit his neck

"Ack! Son of a-!" He shouted as more blood poured down his neck

"This is your punishment for being such an idiot" she smiled as she licked the blood off his neck

"You never told me you were into Blood" Ichigo grimaced

"They're a lot of things you don't know about me" she smiled

"Like what?" he asked

"I Masturbated while covered in the red stuff once" she smiled as his eyes widened at that

"Y-You what?" He stuttered

"Oh come on, you must have some kinky stuff you want to share with me…"

"W-Well I…"

"Yes?" she giggled

"I…one time, when you were in the bath…I…I um…I-I found a pair of your panties hanging out of the closet and…I…I sniffed them"

He expected her to at least slap him and called him a pervert, but instead, she smiled

"Is that all?" she asked

"You want more?" He shouted

"Ichigo-kun" she smiled "I don't mind nor care, it just goes to show you that you lust after me like I lust after you"

"You're a little weird…you know that?" Ichigo asked with a raised eyebrow

"Yeah" She smiled "I Know, now then…are you gonna fuck me hard like I asked?"

"You bet your cute little ass I will" he smiled as he cupped her butt cheeks

"Now" she commanded "I can't take it any longer"

Ichigo pulled her into a deep passionate kiss, Ichigo removed his hands from her buttcheeks so her could cup her breasts, causing her to moan into his mouth, Her moved used his thumbs to play with her nipples. She forced him to stop as she smoothed down the bed, She grabbed his hardness and began to lick it. After some long strokes up and down with her tongue, she flicked the head with her tongue, Rubbing his manhood as she did. Her warm hands continued to rub and squeeze his member, her hands began to move faster and faster, her mouth open, awaiting the current of semen to shoot out, She continued rubbing until the intensity was too much and Ichigo fired his load right into her mouth,

He struggled to regain his breath as Rukia swallowed his residue, "We're not done yet" she said slyly

"Damn right" he grunted before she pulled her up to him and impaled her on his meat stick, he began to thrust into her as Rukia bounced up and down on his lap, he immediately felt his stomach begin to tighten

"Shit! I can't cum now, We just started" He grunted as he immediately pulled out of her

"What are you-" Rukia began

"Get on your hands and knees" Ichigo commanded

Rukia Smirked as Ichigo moved out of the way so she could get on all fours, she shuddered with anticipation as Ichigo kneeled down behind her and roughly thrusted into her

"God Ichigo, It's so big!" she screamed

"Like it?" he asked as he trusted in faster and faster, her vagina clenched onto his cock and her juices overflowed and began to drop down her and Ichigo's legs "Fuck Rukia, I'm gonna cum!"

Not a second later, he erupted, shooting thick, sticky threads of cum inside of her, groaning as he did, she frowned

"That's it? tch.." She scoffed "I didn't even cum"

Much to her surprise, Ichigo responded by leaning over and biting her on her neck

"Son of a-! Why'd you do that!" she snapped

"What?" he asked as he rolled his tongue over the wound "You can bite me but I can't bite you? How selfish Ru-chan"

"Ru-chan? RU-CHAN?" She snapped "It's RUKIA you ass! if you're gonna give me a nickname at least use my full name in it!"

"You wanted to cum didn't you?" he asked "Well let's get to it then"

"Finally" she muttered as Ichigo positioned himself for entry

"Hang on…" she began as Ichigo grabbed her buttcheeks and pulled them apart as he rubbed his length down her crack "What's he-"

Rukia gasped at as a sudden realisation hit her, Ichigo's hard cock was pressing against her...other hole

"W-Wait!" she gasped but Ichigo had already plunged deep into her ass

Rukia bit her lip to hold back a scream as searing pain filled her body

"You son of a mother fucker!" she roared as Ichigo looked at her with a smirk

"You said you wanted to cum, you didn't say I couldn't use some other places to do it" she chuckled

"You bastard" she groaned as Ichigo rubbed his hand against the blood soaked wound on her neck

"Might as well learn to get used to this" he said as he licked his blood covered finger, he grimaced slightly at the sour taste of her blood, while she had said his blood had tasted Sugary and sweet, hers tasted like sour berries.

"Fucking son of-" she sheathed as she felt her anal cavity being stretched almost to bursting point by Ichigo's hard rod.

"Starting to feel good Ru-chan?" Ichigo asked

"Don't fucking call me that!" she snapped before he thrusted all the way to the hilt of of her ass

"Oh my" Ichigo said with a raised eyebrow "Maybe I should just stop-"

"Pull out and I castrate you with Sode no Shirayuki" she growled

"Okay then…" he said as he continued to thrust into her "Does it feel good Rukia? You wanted it rough…"

"Fuck!" she said before she bit her lip, the pleasure was there but so was the pain

"Bite my fucking neck will you?" Ichigo chuckled as he got onto his knees so he could bend over her back and continue to thrust into her "I'll just return to the favour"

Ichigo sunk his teeth into the other side of her neck, his canines leaving and almost vampire teeth-like marking on her neck, and allowing blood to drip out of the wound, Ichigo took his finger and dabbed it in her blood and traced her spine, leaving a long, wet red line down her back.

Rukia began grinding her teeth as she felt the ecstasy within her began to take over, the pleasure was beginning to outweigh the pain

"OH HARDER ICHIGO! FUCK ME HARDER!" She screamed as Ichigo was buried deep in her ass

"You want it hard, you got it" He said as he thrusted even faster and faster until he began to feel the end approaching

"Oh Ichigo.." she moaned "I'm gonna cum!"

"Me too" he groaned

Without anymore words spoken, he continued to thrust into her until he finally gave in and released inside of her with a large groan, as he did, he could feel Rukia's juices exiting her, he could tell because it had sprayed all over his legs.

"Oh god!" she whimpered as she clutched the sheets as Ichigo exited her, she bit her lip as she felt the shuddering pain appear once again, Her ass was stretched much farther than that it should be

"Sorry, I got a little carried away at the Moment" said Ichigo with a chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head

"Just…don't do it again without my permission" she mumbled as she got onto her knees and applied a healing Kido to her butt

"Same goes for you biting me with those damn fangs of yours" Ichigo growled as Rukia's eyes widened

"I see…" she muttered "I see…he doesn't accept me for who I am…"

"O-Oi! What's that look for?" Ichigo asked as Rukia looked at him with a heartbroken look on her face

"I see…it's fine" she said as she looked away "I knew this was too good to be true"

"Oi Oi! What the hell are you…Is this because of what I said about you biting me?" Ichigo asked, Rukia didn't reply "Christ Rukia! Can't you tell when someone's making a joke?"

"A Joke? A JOKE?" She snapped "You Asshole! Do you even care about my feelings? you made me feel like I was some kind of fre-"

She was cut off when Ichigo smacked his lips to hers,

"Of course I care" Ichigo mumbled into her mouth before he laid both of them back down on the bed "You accepted the fact that I have Hollow living inside me and I will accept you no matter what"

"You have no idea how happy that makes me Strawberry" she smiled

"Way to ruin the mood Midget" He groaned before he thrusted into her once again "Well…Almost ruin the mood"

"Still up for another round?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile

"Might as well, seeing how I'm already in there" Ichigo smiled before they went at it like rabbits once more


"Shunsui!" Ukitake shouted as he ran up to his friend who had just exited their Sensei's hospital room "Shunsui…What did you do?"

"I…I…" He stuttered, Ukitake wasted no time as he rushed past him and ran into Yamamoto's hospital room

His breath hitched

and then he let it go with a soft sigh

Yamamoto was fine, his hospital bed and life support machine left untouched, the wall however had a huge slash in it

Ukitake let go of another sigh as he exited the room

"I couldn't do it" Shunsui growled as he clenched his fist "No Matter how much I wanted to kill that old Bastard, I just couldn't do it"

"Shunsui, Calm down" Ukitake said as he placed his hand on his friends shoulder

"He took our trump card and turned into our worst enemy Jushiro!" Shunsui snapped as he knocked Ukitake's hand away "That kid was supposed to defeat Aizen, not Become the second one!"

"Shunsui, please calm down" Ukitake said as he tried to calm his friend

"It's useless Jushiro" He growled "It's also those damn Central 46's fault, I should've known that new council would be just like the old one, Arrogant and cold nobles who only want money and power"

"Shunsui, the council haven't exactly made the right decisions in the past but it's not-"

"Their fault?" he finished for him "It's exactly their fault! I would've thought you would be pissed too Jushiro, since Ichigo resembled Kaien so much…"

Ukitakes breath ceased for a small second

"It's true…he bares a noticeable resemblance to Kaien"

"He could pass for his twin Jushiro!" Shunsui snapped "And do you know why he could? It's because-"

"That's enough Shunsui…" Came a voice from behind the two of them, Both Captains turned around and gasped at the figure



"How can this get any worse?" Yoruichi asked Kisuke

"I don't know, Kurosaki-san and his friends have become corrupt" Urahara said with a sigh

"I can't believe ourselves, We were more concerned that Ichigo was a little OOC rather than the fact that they tried to kill him…" Yoruichi said

"We were the boy's mentors…" Urahara said with a tip of his hat "We betrayed him…Yoruichi-san"

"No Kisuke" she said as she placed her hand on his shoulder "We're his Godparents after all…"

"What a great job we did too…" Urahara scoffed sarcastically, only slightly joking

"You two did the best you could" came a voice, they both turned around to be confronted by Shinji "Sadly, it wasn't good enough"

"Hirako-san" Urahara said to the former captain who was currently locked in Reiatsu sealing handcuffs with a guard standing next to him

"They allowed me to go an' visit some friends as long I was guarded" Shinji said with his trademark toothy grin "Kisuke, do me a favour for old times sake and slice off these cuffs would ya?"

"Afraid not Hirako-san" He said with a tilt of his hat "I'm sorry to say, but after that incident in the fake Karakura, I don't exactly trust you that much right now"

"Understandable" he said with a slight chuckle

"And what about you?" Yoruichi asked "Ichigo's abandoned you…you trusted him too, didn't you?"

"Ichigo ain't the kind of guy who would leave a good friend behind, He'll come back" Shinji said with another flash of his toothy grin

"How can you be sure?" Urahara asked

"He came back for the Kuchiki girl and Orihime-chan" he smiled "Maybe Ichigo's got a little harem going on or he's the kinda person who'll stop at nothing to save his comrades…Personally, I like to believe the latter"

"And what if he doesn't?"

"Oh he will…" Shinji said "Soul Society ain't a nice place really, I just caught word that they're's a killing spree going on in the 45th Rukon District, Would Ichigo really abandon his friends?"

"He abandoned us" Urahara said sadly

"But you're not exactly his friends are you?" Shinji chuckled

"Alright, Your times up, say your goodbyes and Get back in your cell" The Guard next to him said

"Kisuke, Yoruichi" Shinji said with a smile "See you two later"

And with that, Shinji was escorted back to his cell, after hearing those cruel words, Yoruichi couldn't help but burst into tears, she silently thanked Kisuke as he held her as cried.

"So that's it…this explains so much, yet…so little" Ukitake said

"Why didn't you tell us Isshin?" Kyoraku asked

"I was ashamed" he admitted with a shake of his head "That I couldn't save him"

"Sosuke why?"

"You already know Isshin…I am the one who will stand in Heaven…from this point on…I relinquish all ties…from this moment on…I am Sosuke Aizen"

"But Sosuke! What about-"

"Forget them, leave them in the past, lord knows you already have…"


"If you are not with me Isshin…Then you're my enemy"

"Listen to yourself! Sosuke!"

"Enough…we are no longer on a first name basis anymore…Kurosaki Isshin"

"Sosuke, listen to me! SOSUKE!"

"That's Aizen-sama to you…"

Isshin clenched his fist tightly, he wouldn't cry, he lost Ichigo and Sosuke on the same day but he would not cry, he still had Yuzu and Karin

"I should Bring my daughters in" Isshin said to himself "I want to tell them the news"

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Ukitake asked "They've lost their Brother…"

"And I've lost my son…" Isshin said sadly as he walked away, as he turned the corner he came face to face with Kisuke


"I'm afraid there's more bad news…" Urahara said sadly

"I Doubt it could get much worse" Isshin groaned

"We can't find Kyoka Suigetsu…" Urahara said as he tipped his hat over his eyes

"What!" Isshin gasped as he turned to him "H-He couldn't've"

"It's the only possible explanation…" Kisuke said "Ichigo's taken it to Hueco Mundo with him"

"Oh God, Oh God!" Isshin panicked as he clutched his head "W-What if he manages to c-control it and it…it tells him-"

"We can't guarantee it won't…" Kisuke said sadly "And I doubt he'll take the news well"

"I Couldn't blame him" Isshin said sadly "I Should've told him"

"Like I said, it's best if he doesn't find out…" Urahara said "But I fear he may discover that his Zanpakutou and Aizen's Zanpakutou both having getsu in their names isn't a coincidence…"

"Kisuke…do me a favour and bring my daughters in" Isshin asked

"Are you s-"

"Please" Isshin interrupted "Just do it…"


Ichigo groaned breathlessly as he pulled out of Rukia's opening, 8 times in 12 hours, in his opinion he deserved a fucking medal.

"Okay…that's enough" Rukia breathed as she sat up and wiped the line of blood off her back,

"Agreed" Ichigo moaned as he moved off the bed. He yelped as a pair of teeth sunk into his backside, "She freaking bit me again!"

"Couldn't help myself" she giggled as she got off the bed, she groaned as she stood up, her gender was sore and tender and still had a line of blood down it and you can bet your ass her butt hurt, no pun intended. as she bent over to pick up her discarded underwear which she had tossed across the room last night, she felt a pair of teeth sink into her backside "Ah! Ichigo!"

"Couldn't help myself" he laughed as he slipped his boxers back on

"I'm think I'm going have to ask Inoue to use Santen Kesshun on my butt" Rukia grumbled as she held her sore posterior

"Don't do that!" Ichigo spluttered "Then everyone will know we…you know"

"Easy there Ichigo-Kun" She giggled as she slipped her underwear on "I was just joking"

"Don't scare me like that Rukia-Chan" Ichigo sighed

"Better than Ru-chan, that's for sure" she groaned

"I'm gonna call a meeting" Ichigo said as he slipped his Hakama back on "Seeing as how I'm the new leader of Las Noches, I can do that…right?"

"Why are you asking me?" Rukia asked as she clipped her bra back on

"I'm just asking" he shrugged as he slipped his footwear back on

"How should I know?" she asked as she slipped her Hakama and Kimono back on "I've only been living here as long as you have"

"Sheesh, alright" Ichigo groaned as he put his Kimono on "I'll ask Ulquiorra or something"

"Let's both look" Rukia said as the two finished getting dressed "Maybe it'll shed off the smell of sweat and sex"

"Good Idea" he said as he took her hand, her noticed how her face lit up bright red "What? We've had sex 8 times, We've done anal, you have a blood fetish and this is what embarrasses you?"

"Shut up" she grumbled as they took their leave


"I'LL KILL THEM, I'LL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!" Karin screamed her lungs out as members of the sixth division held her back as her Sister sat there, sobbing beside her. Normally Yuzu couldn't even see ghosts in the living world but after she went through Urahara's special Senkaimon, she was just as spiritually aware as everyone else. one minute they were asleep in the Fake Karakura town, the next, their dad brought them through some weird gate and then took them to some place called the "Squad 6 Barracks" and then…he told them that their brother was gone…and it was all their fault.

"Calm down" Isshin said but he got a sock in the jaw courtesy of Karin for his troubles

"Restrain her!" another shouted but a kick from Karin easily shattered his knee

"Calm down!" another said, this one had a tattoo above his left eye, his name was Rikichi

"Move out of the way so I can kill those two!" Karin shouted

"I can't let you harm Captain Kuchiki and Renji-san!" he protested

"They tried to kill my brother!" she screamed

"He deserves to die!" Rikichi snapped "He's a Vizard! An Abomination! and he stole Rukia-san from Renji-san!"

Karin wailed on him with a barrage of fists, by the time she was done, Rikichi had lost 8 teeth, had 4 broken rubs, had his right leg shattered into 3 pieces and he was pretty sure that his ability to have children was gone too

"This is Bullshit!" she screamed "I'll kill the old bastard myself!"

Karin charged forward, leaving her sister to just sit there and cry her eyes out

"Cease and desist" The 5th seat of Squad 6 commanded but a well placed kick to the area where god intended to be treated nicely reduced him to a whimpering mess on the floor (A/N: Seriously, that's 3 crotch shots in one chapter, do I hate my gender or something?)

"Kurosaki-san" came a voice from behind her, she turned around to the source of the voice

"Who are you?" she asked

"I am Retsu Unohana, Captain of Squad 4" She said with her trademark cheery/creepy smile "Please stop injuring these Shinigami, they are not to blame for your brothers disappearance"

"ALL OF THEM ARE!" She screamed as she charged forward to the female captain

"Bakudo #1, Sai" Unohana chanted, within a second, Karin fell down to the ground with her arms held against her back by some invisible force.

"What did you do to me?" Karin screamed

"The spell should wear off in about and hour" Unohana said with a smile before she took her leave

"Thank you Unohana" Isshin said

"No thank you's are nessacerry" she said as she exited the room "I Know what it's like to lose a sibling"

"Retsu had a sibling?' Isshin asked himself before a familiar voice

"It's your fault!" Karin screamed at her father

"Karin, listen to-"

"Why?" Yuzu sobbed "Why would you do this to Ichi-Nii?"

"I didn't-"

"YES YOU DID!" Karin screamed "You were more concerned that Ichi-Nii was acting odd other than the fact that the tried to Kill him!"

"I wasn't-"

"You were! You Betrayed Ichi-Nii!" Yuzu sobbed

Isshin began to crack, his daughters thought it was his fault too, all of his children thought it was his fault, he couldn't take it anymore

"Fine..It was my fault" Isshin said, his expression and vocal tone were so stern and emotionless that if you gave him some contact lenses and some white and green make up he could pass for Ulquiorra's twin. "It's my fault that Ichigo's gone…I couldn't stop him"

"Saying it won't bring him back!" Karin cried "Bring Ichi-Nii back to us!"

"I can't…" he said sadly

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" Karin screamed "All of it…it's your fault"

"Ichigo's and his friends have gone Insane" He painfully admitted "We can't bring him back…not now"

"Rukia-nee too?" Yuzu sobbed, Rukia was like a second sister to her

"They're all gone" Isshin said sadly "Ichigo, Rukia, Inoue, Ishida, Sado…they've gone"


Isshin turned and left before his tears began to fall


Ichigo and Rukia waltzed through the halls of Las Noches, trying to find the main throne room or a speaker phone or anything, and then they came face to face with a giant white door

"Big Door…" Ichigo said in awe

"Who are you, The Narrator?" Rukia asked as she let go of his hand and proceeded to push the door open, a staircase right in front of the door led down to a marble floor with A Table with 11 Chairs

"This must be the Espada's meeting room" Ichigo said "The Eleventh Chair must've been were Aizen sat…"

Ichigo smirked as he walked to the Chair at the far end and sat down on it and put his feet on his desk

"New life huh…" Ichigo said as he leaned back on the chair

"This is it huh?" Rukia said as she walked to his side "No more, Yuzu, Karin or any of your school friends….Just us and The Nueva Espada…"

Ichigo's eyes widened, he had forgotten all about Yuzu and Karin, but then he shrugged it off, he was no longer Ichigo Kurosaki, Brother and High School Student/Substitute Shinigami. He was Ichigo Kurosaki, Husband to Rukia and Ruler of Hueco Mundo. His old life was behind him.

"Lost in thought?" Rukia asked

"You could say that" Ichigo nodded as he stood up "I'm gonna see If I can find a speakerphone, call all of the Nueva Espada here"

"Why?" Rukia asked

"I gotta plan something" he explained

"What?" Rukia asked as she helped him look

"Our Plan…to destroy the Soul Society"


"Karin, Yuzu?" Isshin asked as he entered the room where he left his two daughters, the first thing he noticed was Yuzu crumpled on the floor "Yuzu!"

Isshin ran over and placed his fingers on his daughters neck, he sighed in relief as her pulse was normal, judging by the mark on her neck, it looked like she was knocked out by a chop.

"Who did this?" He asked himself "Maybe Karin will…"

"Karin" he gasped as he searched the room for his daughter by she was no where to be seen "What is she?"

"Nee-san" Yuzu whimpered, Isshin noticed that she was clutching something tightly in her hand, Isshin unraveled her hand and took the note she was holding and began to examine it

Dear Old Bastard

I'll cut right to the chase.

I'm gone

Gone and never coming back

Ichi-Nii was my whole world, Now that he's gone I can't stand to be in the sight of you

Don't bother looking for me, I've left this Soul whatever place and I'm already on my way out of the country and by the time you've read this, I'll probably be out of Japan anyway

If I ever see you again, I Will Kill you

I'm not even joking, I Will Actually Kill You

If you find Ichi-Nii then I hope he kills you instead

Sayonara, Your (No Longer) daughter


Isshin felt his hands shake violently before his stomach began to clench. he tried to keep it all in but his emotions got the better of him as he punched a massive hole in the floor


"Is this thing on? damn it, Oh It Is! *ahem* All the Nueva Espada report to the Meeting room at once"

"Not even a day in and he's full of himself" Grimmjow groaned as he exited his room

"He beat you didn't he?" Gamma asked as he appeared in the hallway

"What the hell do you know Newbie!" Grimmjow snapped

"The Pink Haired one filled me in" Gamma explained "Personally I believe that once you beat someone, bragging rights are allowed"

"Shut it" Grimmjow snapped

"Make me!" Gamma snapped as both of them drew back their fists

"Tontos Idiotas" Arturo scoffed as he exited his room

"What did you say?" Grimmjow snapped

"Something in Spanish" Gamma explained

"I wasn't asking you!" Grimmjow snapped

"Well how the hell was I supposed to know that?" Gamma snapped "Besides you should know this stuff already, this whole world has a spanish theme going on!"

"Do you know what he said?" Grimmjow asked

"…Shut up" Gamma scoffed

"He called you Stupid Idiots" Ulquiorra explained as stepped out of his room "Personally I think he is pretty accurate"

"SHUT IT" Gamma and Grimmjow yelled in Unison

"Trash" Ulquiorra muttered as he left the hallway

"Who's the Emo?" Gamma asked

"Ulquiorra" Grimmjow scoffed as Szayel came into view "He thinks he's so high and mighty"

"Better do what Kurosaki-sama says" Szayel said with a smile as he made his way down the Hallway "We wouldn't wanna be late for our first meeting as the Nueva Espada would we?"

"It'll be a cold day in Hell before I call him sama" Grimmjow scoffed as he and Gamma made their way to the Meeting room


"Welcome, so glad you could join us" Ichigo smiled as he sat down in his chair, his friends and wife standing beside him, The Espada sat down, the empty chairs left by Nnoitra, Zommari, Arraniero and Barragan were occupied by Gamma, Arturo, Nel and Dordonii, Leaving Gantenbainne and Cirucci to stand

"Why did you get us up so early" Starrk yawned "Aizen's gone"

"That's right" Ichigo smiled "Aizen is gone, I'm your leader now, In fact, I'm glad you brought that up Starrk-san, because now that it's clear that Aizen is gone, I can officially activate my first act as Leader"


Many raised their eyebrows as Ichigo clicked his fingers and they felt a slight tingling sensation running through them, they all checked to see what he had done to them but Ulquiorra already knew before he even checked

"You removed our tattoos" he stated, Many gasp were heard as The Espada checked were their tattoo's and it was true; they were indeed gone

"You son of a bitch, why'd you do that!" Grimmjow snapped as he stood up, angered that the "6" he took so much pride in was now gone from his hip

"Calm down" Ichigo said in tone not to different from Aizen's "Aizen numbered you in the order he believed you were strongest, correct?"

A Few of them simply nodded

"Well then…Now I'm going to Number you in the order I Believe you are strongest" Ichigo explained "Now I will begin my first act as leader…the new numbering of the Espada"

"Son of a-" Grimmjow cursed

"Does Aizen have any Training Dummies or something?" Ichigo asked Ulquiorra

"Yes, There is literately a bunker full of Arrancar who serve the purpose of training or Punching bags" Ulquiorra said

"Very well, Gather them around and let us head up to the roof" Ichigo said as he stood up "Judging by how well do you do in battle, I will give up a certain rank

"Wait…I get to hit something?" Grimmjow asked before a smile appeared "This might not be so bad after all!"

Not 15 Minutes later, Ulquiorra had gathered over 200 Training Arrancar's and Ichigo, his army of Arrancar/Espada and his friends has taken up the roof of Las Noches, the same place where just yesterday he took on Ulquiorra

Ichigo wasn't surprised at all by Yammy, he knew the power of 10th/Zero Espada and if someone didn't do something amazing, he would remain that rank

Ichigo had to chuckle at the Sinister power of Szayel's "Fornicarás"; the ability to create Voodoo dolls of his enemy and the ability to unleash a liquid that created clones of whoever he was fighting, in his opinion, Octava was far too high for Szayel, he deserved a much better spot

Grimmjow was reckless and violent as Always, Slashing up Arrancars left and right, Gran Rey Cero's and Desgarrón galore…

Nel's speed and strength was admittedly impressive. After all, underneath that cure and cheerful exterior, lay the former 3rd Espada

Ichigo had to admit Harribel was deadly even when she wasn't in Resurrección, and when she was, she was immensely strong, her Zanpakutou was a water type and she could create tidal waves just with her sword. Ichigo was admittedly impressed

Starrk's Resurrección surprised everyone who had yet to see it. Not only did he use Lilinette to enter Resurrección instead of his Zanpakutou but the Idea of an Arrancar using Guns as a weapon was ludicrous, but as soon as it turned that said firearms fired Cero's many watched in awe as Stark Vaporised dozens of Arrancar with his "Cero Mertalleta" and then he used his "Wolves" to attack and detonate near the enemy.

The Privaron's admittedly Un-Impressed Ichigo with the exception of Dordonii, He was a strong Arrancar and perfectly capable of becoming one of the Nueva Espada in his opinion

Uryu felt sick with the amount of senseless killing going on, If Aizen was still in charge, he could at least understand, but this was Kurosaki! He was supposed to go out of his way to prevent stuff like this!

"Ulquiorra, you're next" Ichigo said as said Arrancar stepped forward

"Enclose…Murciélago" He declared as flurry of Black rain appeared out of nowhere

"Son of a…You got my Uniform wet Schiffer!" Grimmjow bellowed but as the rain disappeared and he bore witness to Ulquiorra's Resurrección…and then fell over with laughter "That's your Resurrección? Nice Dress!"

Ulquiorra chose merely ignore his comments as he aimed his finger at oncoming swarm of Arrancar

"Cero Oscuras"

Many eyes widened and Grimmjow stopped laughing to witness Ulquiorra firing a Humungous Black Cero, vaporising the swarm

"Cero Oscuras" Szayel said with a smirk "The Most powerful of all Cero"

"Tch, we can all do that" Grimmjow scoffed

"But none of you can do this" Ichigo smirked "Ulquiorra…show them"

"Very well" he nodded "Resurrección: Segunda Etapa"

The Name alone caused a few shocked gasps, but more gasps erupted as Ulquiorra's appearance changed drastically, Gone was the helmet, replaced with two upward pointing horns, and any shed of clothing had disappeared revealing a muscular build, His lower body and his arms were covered in some kind black fur and he had a long thin black tail, his hollow hole increased in size with a long line of a black, blood-like subtance dripping out of it. the teardrop markings under his his eyes were now Black and thicker, his eyes themselves now had Green sclera and Yellow pupils

"Among all of you"he said as he turned back to the Espada "I am the only one to have achieved a second level of Resurrección"

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Grimmjow screamed

"Interesting…" Szayel smiled "A Second level of Resurrección"

"Didn't even know that was possible" Gantenbainne said with a raised eyebrow

"Enough talk" Ichigo said "There's only one Arrancar left in that swarm…finish him with the lance"

"Very well" Ulquiorra said as he picked up the Nameless Arrancar with his tail

"P-Please…Spare me" he squeaked as Ulquiorra's tail wrapped around his throat

"Trash" Ulquiorra muttered as he tossed the Arrancar miles away

"Holy fuck that's far…" Yammy said as Ulquiorra clasped his hands together

"Lanza Del Relámpago" Ulquiorra said as he pried his arms apart and a Green lance formed in front of them, he picked up said lance and tossed it into the distance, striking the Arrancar and causing a huge explosion

"Holy shit" Gamma whistled

"Damn…" Starrk said with wide eyes

"That will be all Ulquiorra" Ichigo said

"Very well" he said as he returned to his normal form with his fellow Arrancar, as he made his way there, he locked eyes with Orihime with a second, the women who had stolen a kiss from him last night, she looked at him too before she looked away with a look of shame written on her face

"Next up, Arturo" Ichigo announced

"Very well" Arturo said as he stepped forward with his hands in his pockets as an another Battalion took their stance "There will be no mercy for worms…"

The Battalion stood forward and began to charge, Arturo merely took one hand out of it's pocket

"Bala!" he shouted as he fired the red energy bullet, however unlike a regular ball, it was in the shape of an "X"

"An X Shaped Bala?" Yammy asked

The Bala did not stop as it hit an Arrancar, instead it sliced through him and continued going, slicing through 10 more Arrancar before finally detonating and killing at least 20 more

"Nice!" Grimmjow laughed

"You are not worthy to die my blade" Arturo said as he held up his hand and a dark red energy began to form around it

"A Beam Saber?" Ichigo asked himself as Arturo sliced the remaining Arrancar

"Pathetic" Arturo scoffed as he dispelled the energy sword around his hand

"May I ask why you didn't use your Zanpakutou?" Ichigo asked

"I Didn't want to" He declared


"I just didn't" He interrupted with a stern look, Ichigo decided to leave it at that

"Last up, Gamma Akutabi"

"Finally" Gamma yawned as he picked up a huge bag he usually kept slung over his shoulder

"What's with the sack?" Chad asked

"You'll see" Gamma smiled as he walked forward to the awaiting battalion

"Begin" Ichigo said as The Battalion began to charge

"Alright" Gamma smirked as he unclipped the bag and pulled out a sword, The sword itself was odd, it roughly the size of Zangetsu in Shikai, instead of a guard, it had what looked like an engine with two exhaust pipes, the centre of the blade was Black and the rest of it was a shiny silver, the top of the Blade was covered by a blunt piece of metal, and the outside of the sword was covered in what looked like tiny blades, the hilt was long and covered in bandages and a chord attached to a chain was hanging off the engine/gaurd "Let's do this"

The Battalion charged as Gamma looked at them with a smile on his face

"Oh did I forget to mention?" Gamma asked as he sliced an incoming arrancar "This isn't just a sword…"

"It's not?" Rukia said

"Oh no…" Gamma chuckled as he pulled the chord attached to the engine


The Blades on the outside of the "sword" began to spin around rapidly as the engine of the sword began to ignite

"It's a chainsaw…"

Ichigo's eyes widened a Gamma sawed an Arrancar in half, another brought up his blade to Block Gamma's "Chainsword" but it sawed through it like tissue paper, this continued until the battalion were nothing more than dust in the wind.

"That's all she wrote"

Ichigo smiled as Gamma put his sword back in the bag, something about him reminded him of himself, Gamma was a welcome addition to The Nueva Espada, he would defiantly get a ranking

"Very Good" Ichigo clapped "Well you may say it's a bit too soon, but I've already decided the order of the Nueva Espada"


As Ichigo clicked his fingers, the tingling sensation that the former Espada felt earlier when their Tattoo's were removed returned, except this time, they were instated with new tattoo's

"Will the new Primera step forward please?" Ichigo asked

*Step* *Step *Step*

"What?" Szayel Shouted

"What the Hell!" Yammy shouted

"Why is he the Primera!" Grimmjow shouted

"Starrk! Aren't you pissed?" Lilinette bellowed

"Not really" he yawned "At least the pressure is off on me being the strongest"

"Speak your name" Ichigo commanded

"Primera Nueva Espada; Ulquiorra Schiffer"