Chapter 11: Another Stranger Me

"Are you Fucking Shitting me?" Grimmjow roared "You made Ulquiorra the Primera!"

"Indeed I did" Ichigo smiled "And there's a good reason for that, Ulquiorra's destructive power in Segunda Etapa is beyond any normal Resurrección, The Lanza Del Relámpago is one the most powerful techniques I have ever witnessed and Ulquiorra firing a Cero Oscuras at point blank is the closest I've ever come to death, that, in my opinion is enough to get him the spot as Primera"

"I'm cool with it" Starrk shrugged, earning a boot in the Shin by Lilinette

"FUCK!" Grimmjow cursed, now angry that Ulquiorra was a even higher rank now

"Moving on" Ichigo interrupted "The New Segunda, step forward"

Everyone proceeded to check their tattoo's

"Aww man…I'm still in the top three"

Everyone turned to the source of the voice

"State your name"

"Segunda Nueva Espada, Coyote Starrk" Starrk yawned

"You were demoted, You were demoted" Lilinette sung

"Whatever" he shrugged

"Now…the Tercera"

"I'm still the 3rd" Harribel said as she displayed her Tattoo

"Now the Cuatro"


Everyone turned to the pouting Adult Nel who was pouting

"What's up with you?" Gamma asked

"I've been demoted" Nel said as she turned around, revealing the "4" Tattoo "I used to be the Tercera…now I'm only the Cuatro"

"What the shit!" Grimmjow roared "You but two females in front of me?"


Nearly everyone grimaced as Nel and Harribel both threw their feet into Grimmjow's groin, the former Sexta Espada doubled over in pain

"Son of a…" Grimmjow squeaked "I think you popped one"

"I Don't know what you're so upset about Grimmjow" Harribel said "You were next in line"

"The fuck are you-" Grimmjow began before he looked down and noticed the "5" Tattoo on his hip

""Hell yeah! I'm the Quinto bitches!" Grimmjow cheered as he jumped before he had to sit down and cradle his male anatomy "Just…Just give me a minute"

"The New Sexta…?" Ichigo asked, Szayel stepped forward

"Sexta Nueva Espada, Szayel Apporo Granz" he declared with a smile

"You give him my old spot?" Grimmjow glared

"The Séptima?" Ichigo asked, ignoring Grimmjow's question

"I Will Accept my position as the Séptima milord" Arturo bowed, His Tattoo located just beneath his Hollow hole

"Now the Octava…"

"Yo" Gamma waved as he took off his jacket and showed off the "8" tattoo on his right bicep

"Now the-"

"No~veno!" Dordonii sung, Prancing around

"You made him a Nueva Espada!" Cirucci snapped

"Problem?" Ichigo asked, a hint of anger in his voice

"N-No Milord" She stuttered, not wanting to incur his wrath

"And it's no surprise who made Diez" Ichigo said as Yammy stepped forward

"What the hell!" Cirucci shrieked, Gantenbainne just shrugged

"I've already decided your place amongst us" Ichigo in a very deep voice similar to Aizen "You will serve as Uryu Ishida's Fraccion"

"W-What!" Uryu shouted, Ichigo smirked at the Quincy's outburst, during the training session they had just had, he struck a conversation with Cirucci and overhead how she loathed the Quincy "B-But I'm not even in your stupid army!"

"You have not be part of The Nueva Espada, Ishida…But you are part of my army" Ichigo said with a smirk

"I swear to god Kurosaki!" Ishida roaring, finishing his sentence by growling through his teeth "I am Not part of this insane cult, army or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, You've lost it!"

"What if it was you?"


"What if the Soul Society came for you?" Ichigo asked as he slowly advanced towards the Quincy "What if the Soul Society wanted the last of the Quincy's wiped out just because they ruin the natural balance like how the Vizards do? What if they tricked you into thinking that they were your comrades but in actuality they were just waiting for ideal moment to shove a sword through your chest?" Ichigo asked with a smirk "We're both abnormalities Ishida…I, A Human/Shinigami Hybrid with Hollow Powers…that reminds me, sorry about the whole me stabbing you thing, I wasn't in control of that Hollow form, and you, a Human with Spiritual Powers and awareness of the Spirit World…they could've come for you just as easily as they came for me…and how would've you felt…If they wanted to kill you just because you're different like I am?"

Uryu's eyes narrowed at Kurosaki, he gripped his Quincy Cross angrily, as much as he hated to admit it, he had point, just because Ichigo had Hollow Powers didn't mean he was an abomination, he was just different, but he was still heartless

"I don't exactly agree with you" Uryu said as he walked past Ichigo "But I can almost understand where you're coming from…almost"

And with that, Uryu used his Hirenkyaku to decend down to the floor of Las Noches

"You seriously want me to be the Four Eyes Fracción?" Cirucci Scoffed

"I Suggest you learn how to get along" Ichigo said "Like those two"

Cirucci turned around to witness Sado and Gantenbainne striking up a normal conversation like friends would

"Shit" she groaned as she walked towards the hole in the floor "I can hate him all I want on the inside right?"

"Feel free" Ichigo chuckled as she and the rest of the Arrancar took their leave, leaving him, Rukia and his friends on the roof alone

"You know…" Ichigo began as Rukia faced him "Uryu said I've lost it…I don't think I have"

"Niether do-"

"If I had lost it…then I wouldn't have told you that I loved you" Ichigo said as he took her chin into his hands "When I was about to be blasted with Ulquiorra's Cero Oscuras…I thought back…and I promised myself that If I made it through this…I had to tell you…that I loved you…and I always did…I never told you because I was afraid, Afraid that you would reject me…but when death stared me in the face…I realised I'd have to tell you the first chance I got"

Rukia smiled as he lowered his lips to hers and planted a gentle kiss on her lips, little did they know, a certain orange haired girl had overheard everything

"It was Ulquiorra…who made Kurosaki-san confess to Kuchiki-san…if Ulquiorra hadn't blasted that hole through his chest…then Kurosaki-kun never would've confessed!"

For the first time in her life, Orihime Inoue generally wanted to kill someone


"Damn it, Damn it, Damn it!" Isshin screamed as he punched the wall repeatedly

"Calm down" Urahara said as he placed his hand on his friends shoulder, him and Yoruichi had found him crying on the floor a few minutes ago, clutching a note like the world would explode if he dropped it, Yoruichi had taken Yuzu back to Karakura while Kisuke stayed behind to comfort Isshin

"It's my fault…It's all my fault" Isshin sobbed

"No…" Urahara said "This is the Soul Society's fault"

"How dare you speak that way about the Gotei 13!"

Isshin and Urahara turned to the source of the noise behind him

"Been a while Soifon-san" Urahara, his usual cheery tone noticeably absent as stared at the Captain who currently had her arm in a cast

"Unohana fixed that arm for ya, did she?" Isshin asked

"Transplant" she explained "Barely made in time for the operation, still getting used to the movement, even Unohana can't reverse time on a limb, only the human girl could do that"

"What did you say to us?" Isshin asked

"Stop blaming the Head Captain and Central 46 for your sons betrayal, that boy's been a delinquent from day one" Soifon glared

"For your information, Isshin is currently grieving his d-"

"Enough" Isshin interrupted "She doesn't need to know"

"I was shocked to find out that Ichigo Kurosaki's father was a Shinigami" Soifon stated calmly "But the Soul Society had no recollection of an Isshin Kurosaki"

"What are you getting at?" Isshin growled

"I did some extensive research, I even asked Yoruichi-sama, but she didn't tell me" Soifon declared "So I checked the vaults again, I checked the academy records…and I spotted the name Isshin…but not Isshin Kurosaki"

"So….you know" Isshin stated

"Oh I know…I could hardly believe it that people like you were still Shinigami" Soifon stated

"People like me?" Isshin asked with a raised eyebrow

"Yes…people from run down former noble clans…" Soifon stated "Your secret's out Isshin Kurosaki, oh wait…that wasn't the name you were born with"

"Shut up" Isshin growled

"You changed it after a certain Incident didn't you?" Soifon asked with a smirk "After someone took you and-"

"SHUT UP!" Isshin roared

"You can't deny it Isshin Kurosaki" Soifon said "Or, as you were known as in your younger days…Isshin Shiba"


Ulquiorra quietly made his way back to his room, as he walked down the hallway to his room, only to find his door blocked by

"Orihime" he said to the girl leaning against his door, as she turned to look at him, Ulquiorra was generally surprised to see hatred within her eyes as she approached him "What are you-"


Ulquiorra couldn't help but feel shock run through his entire being, the same women who attempted to bed him last night had just slapped him across the cheek, similar to when she slapped him when he told her that her friends were "Lambs to the slaughter"

"You" she growled

"Why did you-"


Orihime proceed to slap him again

"It was you!" She roared "It's your fault that Kurosaki-Kun is with Kuchiki-san instead of me!"

"How did I-" Ulquiorra began, noticing that she was referring to him as Kurosaki-Kun again, he saw that she went for another slap but Ulquiorra caught her hand

"It's you! It was you that caused all of this!" Orihime screamed at Ulquiorra "If you hadn't blasted a hole through Kurosaki-Kun's chest then he wouldn't've realised that he needed to be with Kuchiki-san, If you hadn't done anything then he never would've acted on his feelings and I could've won him over! He could've be with me!"

"Are you serious?" Ulquiorra asked with narrowed eyes as he released her hand "You didn't care for his happiness or Kuchiki's happiness? You only wanted to be happy by yourself, That is low…"

"Shut up!" Orihime screamed as she slapped him across the face again

"That is selfish, it's almost as if you don't care about anyone else" Ulquiorra said as he took the full force of her blow "Are you truly the same woman who tried to sleep with me last night?"

"I Can't believe I shared my first kiss with you!" She sobbed "It should've been with Kurosaki-Kun! You're not my Soulmate! Kurosaki-Kun is! But you ruined it!"

"How did I ruin it?" He asked "The Boy clearly carries no feelings for you nor did he ever carry any, the boy barely even saw you as a friend"

"Shut up!" She screamed "I hate you!"

For some reason…those words hit Ulquiorra hard...


"Shut up! Just go away Ulquiorra!" she sobbed


"I Hate you!" she screamed before she ran past him, crying, even after she entered her room he could hear her sobs

Ulquiorra stood there a for a few seconds, not moving..barely even breathing


Ulquiorra raised an eyebrow, he looked down to the floor and noticed a small water droplet on the floor, "Is the plumbing malfunctioning?" he asked himself


Several more droplets joined the one on the floor, Ulquiorra looked up to see if the ceiling was leaking, but as he lifted his head up, he started to feel his cheeks getting wet, he raised his hand to his face and quickly inspected his facial features, the water was coming from...his eyes

He was Crying

Ulquiorra wiped the tears only for more to appear, he looked at his wet hand with curiosity

"Crying, Shedding tears…an expression of distress and pain…Shed to express ones fear, pain and grief…Why am I…Crying?"

Am I crying because…I am Sad?

"Stop" He Commanded himself, Espada don't cry, Hollows never cry "Cease"

"Stop this foolish crying…"

"Stop it"

"Cease and Desist"


"Go away…"


"Stop it…"

"Stop" he commanded himself, his breathing became erratic

"S-Stop it now"

"C-Cease this foolishness"

"Stop it" he said, his eyebrows narrowing


"I said said stop" he sheathed as more fluid dripped from his eyes


"STOP IT!" Ulquiorra roared

Ulquiorra's eyes widened at what he has just done, he had never raised his voice to that level before...

"Anger…Sadness" he whispered "Do…I Posses these emotions?"

"If I do…do I…posses more Human feelings?" Ulquiorra asked himself "Is it true…am I…becoming more like a Human?"

Ulquiorra decided to let the tears flow down his cheeks, he exhaled weakly as he entered his room


As Ichigo and Rukia entered the meeting room, Ichigo looked at his Zanpakutou curiously

"Hey, Rukia…is there any way to enter my inner world?" Ichigo asked "I Mean…I've done it before but I was unconscious"

"Yeah…it's called Jinzen" she explained "Why?"

"I need to have a talk with a certain someone" Ichigo said as he held up Kyoka Suigetsu

"I See" she nodded "I'll show you how"

"First" she said as she sat on the floor, Ichigo followed suite "You sit cross legged on the floor and place your Zanpakutou on your lap"

"Okay" Ichigo said as he picked up both Zangetsu and Kyoka Suigetsu

"Why are you using your own Zanpakutou?" Rukia asked "I thought you wanted to use Kyoka Suigetsu"

"I do" Ichigo said "But I also want to have a little chat with my Hollow"

"Oh…" Rukia said, Knowing Ichigo wanted to know about that Strange Hollow Transformation that first appeared in the battle with Ulquiorra and then later again during the fight with Byakuya and Renji

"So How do I-"

"Just took a mediative position and concentrate" she explained

Ichigo nodded, He placed his hands on her legs, closed his eyes and began to concentrate, and before long, he felt himself falling into his inner world




"Damn it!" Ichigo roared as he held his bruised cranium, he immediately searched around to discover if he had either fallen into his own inner world or Kyoka Suigetsu's

Blue sky and Blue sideways buildings as far at the eyes could see, this was his Inner World

"Damn it" he groaned

"Aw what's the matter, not happy to see me?"

Ichigo's eyes widened at that voice, it was high pitched and has an echo to it, there was no doubt.

he slowly creaked his head around to face him, but he was surprised at what he found

White Bankai, Long White Hair, retractable claws on his hands and feet, Black furry tufts around his wrists, ankles and neck and a Black Mask that covered his head with two forward pointing horns and two white stripes

"Yo...Long time no see…King"



"What is that…Thing!" Ichigo shouted, getting right to the point

"That is the form you used to defeat Ulquiorra Schiffer…" Came an unfamiliar voice from behind him "And Once again when you fought Byakuya Kuchiki and Renji Abarai"

"What the-" Ichigo said as he turned around to the source of the voice, what he found surprised him

There stood a young, feminine man with Messy Black Hair and bright blue eyes, he wore a cloak with a hood, slightly reminiscent of Ichigo's Bankai cloak

"Who the Hell are you?"

"It's no surprise that you don't recognise me, after all…this is the first time you've come here in Bankai" he said as he took down the hood

"What does he means first time I came here in…wait"

"Z-Zangetsu?" Ichigo asked

"No…" he said calmly "What do you call your Bankai?"

"W-Wha-" Ichigo began but the realised what he had said "Tensa Zangetsu?"

As if on cue, a familiar black blade appeared in the young mans hands

"That's right" he said as he held up the blade "I am Tensa Zangetsu"

"B-But" he began but he ultimately couldn't think of any words to process "What the hell is going on here?"

"Simple, we're proud of ya king" his hollow laughed from behind his mask

"W-What did you say?" Ichigo asked

"You have eliminated all fear and found happiness" Tensa Zangetsu stated "Not in a way I would've expected but you have stopped the rain, if you had gone on as you did, this world would be flooded"

"And you managed to show Rukia-chan a good time!" The Hollow laughed, causing Ichigo to turn bright red

"Shut up!"

"Aw come on, it's a compliment!" The Hollow laughed "But make sure to tell her that if she's looking for a real man, I'm available anytime"

Fuck you!"

"Oh Please, Your crotch thrusts are like me in slow mo, attach a drill to me and I CAN GO THROUGH WALLS BOY!" The Hollow laughed, adding a crotch thrust for reference

Tensa Zangetsu rolled with his eyes with a sigh

But then his eyes widened as the very world itself began to shake

"The Fuck!" the Hollow yelled

"What's going on?" Tensa Zangetsu asked

"Everything's rotating" Ichigo stared in awe as the entire world began to turn 90º

Everything turned until, for the first time since Ichigo met Zangetsu, the world stood upright

"Why the-" Ichigo began as he, his hollow and Tensa Zangetsu landed on the ground, but as soon as he began speaking, the whole ground began to rip asunder

"Okay seriously, What the fuck is going on!" The hollow yelled as something began to emerge from out of the ground in front of them

all three of them were in awe as a massive palace began to emerge from the ground, the thing appeared to be made of solid crystal, a huge line of stairs lead up to what appeared to be a throne, to the left and right of the throne laid pillars that started on the floor and led up to the roof. (A/N: Basically the white house except made out of crystal and with a throne just as the top of the stairs)

In the throne sat a youthful, tall beautiful women, she appeared to be wearing a a tight fitting black jacket that sparkled and appeared to be completely made of scales that, despite being black, shined like mirrors, she wore tight trousers made out of the same material, even her high heeled shoes appeared to be made out of the same material, her fingernails were long, sharp and covered in silver sparkly nail polish, her lips covered in what appeared to be dark purple lipstick, both of her eyes surrounded by black eye shadow, her hair was black and curly and reached down to the small of her back, around her head was a makeshift crown made out of wire and was covered in small metal stars.

The Hollow let out an impressed whistle as he took off his mask, letting his long hair fall down

"There's something you don't see everyday" he chuckled "A Pretty girl joins the fray and she brought a castle with her!"

"Who are you?" Tensa Zangetsu asked as the woman got off the throne and made her way down the stairs "No one should be here apart from us three"

Something about this woman unnerved Zangetsu, she walked like every part of her was stiff, her shoulders didn't budge a millimetre, her arms barely moving at all, her legs appeared to be the only part of her that was actually moving, her head was slightly titled to the side, and her gaze…

oh god her gaze…

Not even Ichigo's Hollow gave out glares as scary as that one, something about her cheeky smile was so wicked, it almost chilled him to the bone, the light of the world flickered against her shiny clothing, causing it to sparkle, their wasn't even a second when at least a small portion of her jacket wasn't sparkling

She titled her head upright as she reached the foot of the stairs to get a good look at the three standing infront of her

"Hello Boys" she smiled

"You didn't answer my question" Tensa Zangetsu glared with narrowed eyes "Who are you?"

"Ooh…Young stuff" she smiled as she licked her lips

Whether he had de-aged or not, Never in a million years did Ichigo expect to see Zangetsu blush

"What's the matter sugar?" she asked with a mock pout "Afraid of little ol' me?"

"Oh! You're Blushing! You're actually blushing!" The Hollow laughed as he pointed at Tensa Zangetsu

"You didn't answer him" Ichigo glared "Who are you?"

"I have many names…but you may call me…Kyoka Suigetsu…" she smiled

Ichigo's eyes widened, That was Aizen's Zanpakutou spirit? The Zanpakutou that had literately fooled thousands or people for hundreds of years was a flirtatious woman who wore tight fitting trousers?

"Kyoka…Wait a minute, isn't that the name of Bitch Curl's Zanpakutou?" The Hollow asked, using a rather appropriate nickname to refer to Sosuke Aizen

"Yeah…I plan on using it" Ichigo said, he was surprised that Zangetsu and his Hollow looked quite angry at him "What?

"You know what happens next" Kyoka Suigetsu said as she lifted her jacket up slightly to show off a sheathed blade

"What's going on?" Ichigo asked

"When a Shinigami want's to gain another Zanpakutou" Tensa Zangetsu began "His already existing Zanpakutou and the Zanpakutou he wishes to acquire…must battle each other"

"W-What?" Ichigo stuttered

"If the user's Zanpakutou wins, the Shinigami will attain control of both Zanpakutou…but if the user's Zanpakutou loses to the other Zanpakutou…" Zangetsu said as he turned to face Ichigo "Then he will lose both of them…"

"W-What!" Ichigo shouted "B-But!"

"Too late to back out now" Kyoka Suigetsu said as she unsheathed her blade

"Zangetsu…I'm s-"

"Don't be…" He said as he stood forward, blade in hand "It's too late to back out now"

"This'll be fun…eh king?" The Hollow laughed as he put the mask back on

"Don't interfere Ichigo" Tensa Zangetsu said "It is forbidden for the user to interrupt the battle"

"Come on little boy" Kyoka Suigetsu smiled as the two took to the skies, Ichigo and his Hollow jumped to the top of a building to get a better view of the battle between the two Zanpakutou

The two Zanpakutou charged at each other, their blades met each other and bounced back, Tensa Zangetsu backed away as Kyoka Suigetsu swung at him over and over again, but he fortunately blocked each time. as she attempted to kick him in the sternum, he flipped over her and landed on his feet, he turned around and swung at her but she turned around and blocked in time, she smiled as the two blades grinded against each other, She pulled back and attempted to stab him, Tensa Zangetsu quickly moved to the side, dodging the blade while swinging his own, aimed for Kyoka Suigetsu's neck, but she quickly backflipped on the spot just at the right time so Tensa just missed her head and passed her.

Seeing that they both had their backs to each other, both Zanpakutou turned around and swung at each other, the blades ricocheted off of each other, sending both Zanpakutou spirits stumbling backwards. they both quickly charged forward, repeating the earlier pattern of swinging and blocking each others blades, Kyoka Suigetsu swung again and Tensa Zangetsu brought his blade up to block her, much to her surprise, the blade got caught in the Manji shaped hilt of Tensa Zangetsu, He quickly took advantage of that fact and brought up his leg to kick her in her side but Kyoka Suigetsu managed to free her blade and dodge his kick in time,

"You've got skills little boy" she smiled

"I'm a lot older than I look thank you very much" Zangetsu glared as he pointed his blade toward her before he lifted it over his head "Getsuga Tenshou!"

"Impressive" Kyoka Suigetsu smiled as she jumped above the blast "I don't have anything like that"

Tensa fired more and more Getsuga's as Kyoka Suigetsu charged towards him, dodging each one, she eventually flickered out of sight, appearing behind him, both swung around, connecting with each others blades, however Kyoka Suigetsu brought her knee up and it connected with Tensa Zangetsu's gut causing him to clutch his gut in pain, as she attempted to swing down, Tensa Zangetsu backflipped up, his foot connecting with her jaw, sending her flying even higher into the air.

"You are nothing more than a mere joke compared to me" Tensa Zangetsu glared as Kyoka Suigetsu appeared about 10 metres in front of him

"Don't overestimate yourself kid" She smirked

She charged again, Zangetsu was surprised when she proceeded to charge without bringing her sword up, he proceeded to stab forward but she twirled to avoid it and she ended up beside him

"Shit!" Tensa Zangetsu shouted as she took hold of his sword arm


Ichigo and his Hollow's jaw dropped and Tensa Zangetsu turned bright red as Kyoka Suigetsu placed her lips to his cheek

"Buh-Buh-Buh" Tensa Zangetsu stuttered as she pulled away

"That…was a goodbye kiss" she smiled as she thrusted her blade forward "See ya…Little boy"


Kyoka Suigetsu's eyes widened as she stabbed nothing but thin air

"Did you really think that could stop me?" Tensa Zangetsu asked as he appeared behind her "Sayonara"

Tensa Zangetsu swung his blade and Kyoka Suigetsu, she couldn't turn in time to block, so she could do nothing before she was sliced in half

Tensa Zangetsu grimaced at the sight of the sliced body, however his eyes widened when he heard the supposedly mangled corpse speak one word




"Zangetsu!" Ichigo bellowed as Kyoka Suigetsu re-appeared behind Tensa Zangetsu and sliced him across the back

"You were wide open" Kyoka Suigetsu smiled as she wiped the blood off her blade "Little Boy"

"Damn it!" Tensa Zangetsu roared as he leaped away "When?"

"When was I using my special ability?" she asked with a smile "When did you think I wasn't using it?"

Tensa Zangetsu charged forward and attempted to slice through her, only to pass right through her

"Another Illusion!"

"Be~hind you" came a flirtatious voice from behind him

"Damn!" Tensa Zangetsu shouted as he jumped away, but not before she left a gash on his shoulder

"Don't you get it?" Kyoka Suigetsu asked "I've thrown off all five of your senses"

Tensa Zangetsu looked in shock as Kyoka Suigetsu appeared before him, knelt down to his level and started stroking his jawline

"I have complete control over what you perceive"

Tensa snapped out of his trance and attempted to swing at her, only to find her to be another illusion

"You can't see me...even if I'm right in front of you" Came her voice from behind him

"Something tells me that these are much more than Illusions" Tensa Zangetsu said as he turned to face her

"Some much more" she smiled as she stroked her blade "I can throw off every sense you have, sight, smell, touch…all of them are under my power, I have almost limitless potential, I can make a fly appear to be a dragon or make a small hut appear to be a mansion"

Tensa Zangetsu brought up his blade to block her swing, only for the blade to pass through him

"Once your under my power" she said as the real her appeared and sliced Tensa Zangetsu across the chest "You've already lost"

"You words are as empty as your soul" Tensa Zangetsu glared as he backed away, he took one hand off his bleeding chest and wrapped both of his hands wrapped around the hilt of his blade and he made eye contact with her "Silence is your best weapon, Use it"

"Big talk from someone in your position" Kyoka Suigetsu declared as her eye twitched


"Not happening!" she yelled as she charged forward

Tensa Zangetsu quickly dispelled the blast as he leapt away to avoid her charge, but once again, she turned out to be an illusion and she appeared right before him, she hit his blade with enough force to knock it clear out of his hand

"It's over" she smiled as she attempted to slice him but he jumped away just in time

"Not today-"

"What are you looking at?" came a voice from behind him, he didn't have anytime to react before a boot to his back sent him flying into one of the many buildings of Ichigo's world

"Zangetsu!" Ichigo and (Surprisingly) his Inner Hollow shouted simultaneously

"Damn it" Tensa Zangetsu groaned as he tried to break out of the wall but it was no good, he was wedged into the rock

"You're still just a baby" came her mocking voice as she charged towards him "It doesn't matter how strong you are, Everyone succumbs to my power in the end"

She brought her blade forward, intent of impaling his skull, the blade was just inches from his face…and then-


Both Tensa Zangetsu's and Kyoka Suigetsu's eyes widened as a clawed hand grabbed her blade before it could make impact

"Y-You!" Tensa stuttered

"What are you-" Kyoka Suigetsu began before a backhanded slap sent her flying across the inner world

"Don't think that changes anything old man" The hollow said just after it had sent her flying "If you die, I die, simple as that"

"Is that so?" Tensa Zangetsu asked as he managed to free himself from the rubble, The Hollow handed him back his blade which he had retrieved just before he had arrived in time to save him "What shall we do?"

"I think you know" The Hollow said as it glared through it's Black mask

"I see" Tensa Zangetsu nodded as Kyoka Suigetsu appeared in front of them

"Quite a hand you've got there" she smiled as she licked the blood of her lip "But you're not my opponent"

"Correct" Tensa Zangetsu stated "Your opponent is not him, nor me…but us, one on one"

Ichigo and Kyoka Suigetsu's eyes widened as Tensa Zangetsu and the Hollow bodies began to break apart, the shredded body parts began to fuse together and soon both Tensa and the Hollow were gone, leaving a new figure behind.

His build and physical features were Identical to Tensa Zangetsu, he wore Hollow Ichigo's white bankai coat lined with fur around the neck, wrists, and coattail, he possessed white hair with a remnant of the Black Hollow mask Hollow Ichigo wore, to be specific the top left part with a single, forward pointing horn and one white stripe, his left eye was blue like Tensa Zangetsu's but the right one was Black and Yellow like Ichigo's Hollow

"What…the hell is that?" Ichigo asked himself "I-Is that Zangetsu?"

"Ooh…that's interesting" she smiled

"We are the true form of Ichigo's power" he said as he pointed his black blade towards her "We are your opponent"

"The boy was already under my power…but the Hollow touched my blade which is the only way to break free of my power…and now've fused together…damn it"

"It does not matter if one of us was under your spell earlier" he sent with a glare "We are no longer under you power, nor will we let you put us under it again"

"Is that right?" she asked as reiatsu began to surround the two "Let's just see, shall we?"

The two beings charged forward, as there swords collided, a massive amount of Reiatsu seemingly exploded around them, both jumped back after the energy had dispelled, only to charge at one another again, having the same results,

As Kyoka Suigetsu jumped back, she began to utter a single word


"Never!" The Hollowfied Tensa Zangetsu shouted as it leapt forward and attempted to stab her before she could use her power

Kyoka jumped to the side to avoid the blade, as she jumped back, the Hollowfied Tensa Zangetsu noticed that she was panting

"Damn it" she growled "He moved so fast, he could've stabbed me before I could've even said gotten a word out"

"Where did this strength and speed come from?" she asked

"You don't' get it do you? It is because both of us are fighting you" The Hollowfied Tensa Zangetsu declared as he turned to face her "We are neither Zanpakutou, nor Hollow, We are pure basic power, you…a mere Zanpakutou with a few mind games could never defeat us…"

"Shut up!" she snapped "You're the ones who don't get it! My power is beyond all of your capabilities! I am the reason Sosuke Aizen got as far as he did in the world! He wanted world domination and I nearly helped him succeed! You may be pure basic power, but my power still exceeds your own by miles! You are nothing but a mere child compared to me!"

"How Foolish" he spoke solemnly "You fail to see where true power lies…Our power exceeds your own because of our resolve…and Ichigos' resolve…and all of his comrades resolve…you, who has no resolve…who have no one else's resolve…who has no comrades…could never hope to beat us…"

"I don't need any comrades to help me!" she snapped "My abilities are unique! No one can come close to my ultimate power!"

"Then I have no more to say…" He said as he closed his eyes "Blame your own childishness and overconfidence for your defeat, I Shall now perform my duty as Ichigo's Zanpakutou…and defeat you"

Black reiatsu began to surround his blade, the sheer amount of it was staggering, Kyoka Suigetsu looked unfazed as she looked on

"That again?" She scoffed "You truly are predictable…"

"I am using my ultimate technique…out of respect as a fellow Zanpakutou"

"I don't need your pity! I'll defeat you and show I don't need your foolish respect!" she shouted as she charged forward


Kyoka Suigetsu charged like a beserker toward Zangetsu, screaming as she did, she thrusted her blade forward, intent of stabbing him

however…the blade didn't reach him


Even from the roof the buildings below, Ichigo could hear Kyoka Suigetsu's screams as she was hit with the massive Getsuga. the black reiatsu smashed down into the ground, taking Kyoka Suigetsu with it. Ichigo covered his face as rubble was sent flying everywhere, the building he was standing on began to shake and crumble. he quickly jumped to the ground as the building and several others came down. as the smoke cleared, he was surprised to find the Hollowfied Zangetsu standing beside him

"It is done" he said before splitting back into Tensa Zangetsu and Ichigo's Full Hollow "She is defeated"

"So it appears…"

All three of them turned to the source of the voice with shocked eyes, there, in the crated caused by the massive Getsuga…stood Kyoka Suigetsu

"So…I Lost"

"It appears so" Ichigo nodded "That means-"

"I belong to you now" she nodded "I got it"

"So…you'll help me in my cause?"

"Let me guess" she scoffed "Another half assed attempt at World Domination? To risk your life for something as pathetic as that is beyond ludicrous"

"I don't want World Domination, I'm not Aizen" Ichigo growled "I simply want justice to be swept upon those who deserve it"

"Uh huh…so you didn't build an army for your own sake and you don't intend to charge into the Seireitei to kill everyone so you can accomplish this 'so-called' Justice?"

"I don't have time to waste on your foolish questions" he glared angrily

"You're so bold…for one so young" she smiled "Have it your way…but seriously…Do you think that if you charge into the Seireitei…and that if you win…your victory means the end? Nothing you do will ever matter. Your strength will not be enough to change the world, no matter how hard you try"

"Your deceptions fails you. I have comrades who want revenge just as much as I do…"

"I think you're rather unaware…"


"Those comrades that you speak of are suffering. Some do not yet know why they fight, while others stand alone, having lost faith in their comrades. When this conflict comes to an end…all you will gain is utter despair. You will not find hope nor happiness, you will not find a future"

"Maybe…but the future hasn't been written yet, has it?"

Kyoka Suigetsu smiled before she bowed down before him

"Obey me for I am your new master…"

"I Obey" she said, as she said those fateful words, a green sheath appeared on Ichigo's hip, and sheathed within it was Kyoka Suigetsu "It's mine…"

"Ichigo…please dispel your Bankai" Tensa Zangetsu asked "It's been active for over 24 hours non-stop and you're not even using it, it's exhausting"

"Sorry" he said as he reverted back to Shikai, his tight fitting coat like robes were replaced with a regular Shihakusho and his small black long sword was now giant sliver blade,

Kyoka Suigetsu's eyes widened as the young Tensa Zangetsu suddenly changed into a rugged, tall, handsome man

"Well Hello" she whistled as she advanced towards him "Who knew you were a Bishonen and a rugged handsome old man?"

"If you're going to be staying here from now on, at least keep the noise down" he said, but just as soon as he did, the ground began to shake

"Oh fuck…WHAT NOW?" The Hollow roared

"My Inner world is combining with this one…" Kyoka Suigetsu explained, and then, as if on cue, with a bright white flash, the combination was complete

The world looked exactly the same as Ichigo's old inner world, the only difference was that it now stood upright and in the middle stood a park with grass, trees and ponds along with Kyoka Suigetsu's palace

"I'll be heading to my palace now…you three are more than welcome to join me" she said seductively

"Not Interested" Zangetsu stated

"I have a wife" Ichigo glared


"He's not Interested either" Zangetsu interrupted before he walked away

"Shame" she smiled before she began to head for her palace "Hmm, that's the first time I've met Isshin's son up close and personal…Should I have told the kid his fathers secret?….nah…It'll be much more fun if he finds out himself"

"What the fuck old man! You cockblocked me! The first chance I get to fuck something and you ruined-"

"I want it…"

The Hollow turned to face Ichigo, even though Ichigo couldn't tell because the mask but the Hollow's eyes had widened to the biggest they'd ever been

"W-Well…I appreciate the offer King…But….you're not my type"

"Not that you dumbass!" Ichigo roared "I want that form!"

"Oh…thank god" The Hollow sighed in relief

"So…are you going to give it to me?"



"The only reason I gave you it to you those two times is because you were close to…well…you were dead, and if you die, I die" He explained "So I gave that form to you briefly so we could both stay alive"

"Fuck y-"

"This isn't something you can get from beating me, This is something that I have to give to you" he explained "Don't worry king…I'll give it to you…when the time is right"

"You Bastard" Ichigo growled

"TaTa Now" The Hollow waved as Ichigo began to awake in the real world "Tell Rukia-Chan I said Hello"

Ichigo's eyes popped open as he awoke from the Jinzen, he found Rukia looking at him with concerned eyes

"Thank god" she muttered as she wrapped him in a hug "After your Bankai dispelled I though something had happened"

"Nah, Old Man Zan-…well…he's not an Old Man anymore…anyway, Zangetsu just asked me to dispel it because it was exhausting him"

"Did you-" she began, Ichigo nodded towards the green sheath on his hip

"It's mine now" he smiled before he stood up

"What about…that…you know"

"The Bastard refused" Ichigo growled "He said he'll give it to me when the time is right, what kinda crap is-"

He was silenced when Rukia smashed her lips to his

"That…was for staying alive in there" she said before she pulled away

"I wasn't really in any danger" he said "…Well, okay…I could've lost Zangetsu"

"You, what!"

"…I'm gonna call a meeting" he said, changing the subject


"You're probably unaware of why I called you here" Ichigo said to his Nueva Espada

"I still can't fucking believe you made Ulquiorra the Primera" Grimmjow moaned

"Hush" Ichigo commanded "I called you here to discuss something…when we eventually invade the Soul Society…we'll also go back for Shinji and his gang of Vizards"

"Why?" Ulquiorra asked "They were weak so we left them behind"

"I discovered today that if you lack a certain strength, your resolve more than makes up for it" Ichigo explained "When we Invade the Soul Society, it will also be a rescue mission…and well as a massacre"

"I see" they all nodded

"You are the greatest fighters of Hueco Mundo. You are the elite. Together we will fight, and together we will conquer...So in 17 Days...The Soul Society shall fall"

"Why 17?" Szayel asked

"Because that's when I turn 17" he smiled "And what better birthday present than watching the Seireitei burn before my very eyes?"

"Kurosaki…this isn't justice" Ishida growled "It's official…no matter how much you want to deny it, you've become Aizen"


"Shiba…I haven't used that name in a long time" Isshin said with a glare

"Well…you can't deny it now…the only other one who knew was Aizen…" she smirked as Isshin jolted at the end of her sentence

"Don't speak that name in front of me again" he growled

"Aizen" Soifon echoed, Isshin immediately grabbed the hilt of his blade, but just then, a Hell Butterfly came into the room


"They mean current captains, so you two get lost" Soifon scoffed before she turned to leave

"If you tell anyone, I'll kill you…" Came Isshin's voice from behind her, she ignored him as she continued onwards

She was the last to arrive at the meeting with the exception of Captain Hitsugaya who was due for major surgery to reattach his left arm and leg and Captain Unohana, who was obviously the one performing the operation, the head captains right arm was still charred and broken and he had lost more of his trademark beard but apart from that, he was fine, she noticed that some of her fellow captains had also suffered casualties, Captain Komamura's left hand was barely attached to him with a few stitches, Captain Kuchiki looked like they had just dropped him off at deaths door, Captain Kyoraku looked like something was bothering him and Captain Ukitake was still clearly upset at Rukia's betrayal

"I'm sure you know why I've called you all here" The Captains booming voice echoed throughout the room "It is obviously concerning the betrayal of Ichigo Kurosaki"

Captain Kyoraku noticeably glared at his sensei

"He was originally charged with being a Shinigami/Hollow Hybrid…But now he has also guilty of Treason and Murder, having took the life of Tetsuzaemon Iba and according to eye witness reports, retreated to Hueco Mundo with his associates and the Arrancar"

"Head-Captain, I cannot let this go unpunished" Sajin Komamura declared "Kurosaki Ichigo took the life of My Lieutenant…the next time I see him…I may not be able to contain my anger"

"That is fortunate in this case" The Head-Captain declared, causing a few raised eyebrows "Because with this news we have received, it is safe to assume that Ichigo Kurosaki has taken Sosuke Aizen's place as ruler of Hueco Mundo…"

"But-" Ukitake began to protest

"Thus, the Winter war is not truly over…"

"You wouldn't dare old man…" Shunsui growled

"This war is far from over…The next time we cross paths with Ichigo Kurosaki…we will fight!"

"Why don't we just use the shopkeeper's technology to open a Garganta and head there now?" Mayuri Kurotsuchi asked, his sternum had been repaired by Squad 4.

"Kisuke Urahara has refused to co-operate" The Head-Captain explained "As have Yoruichi Shihouin…and Isshin…"

"Who?" Komamura asked

"Kurosaki Ichigo's father" Shunsui explained, those who did not know this gasped in shock as their eye's widened

"The Abomination's father is a Shinigami?" Byakuya roared

"And he is a Shiba" Soifon pitched in "Or rather…was a Shiba"

"That explains it…" Kurotsuchi stated "So that's why he resembles the Squad 13 Lieutenant so much"


"ENOUGH!" Shunsui roared

"Captain Kyoraku, cease your-" Soifon began

"Shut it you bitch" he glared

"Shunsui!" Ukitake gasped

"What's the matter Captain Kyoraku?" Soifon asked with a smirk "You know too don't you?"

"Shut your damn mouth" he growled "If you ever tell anyone about that, I won't even have to tell Isshin that you did, I'll kill you myself"

"That is enough Captain Kyoraku" The Head-Captain threatened "You too Captain Soifon"

"But-" she began to protest

"Enough!" he boomed as he smacked his cane into the floor "I will no longer tolerate this foolish behaviour at a time of war!"

"You can't be serious about this Head-Captain!" Ukitake gasped

"Ichigo Kurosaki is a threat to the natural order and is now a traitor to the Soul Society!" Yamamoto boomed

"HE'S A BOY!" Shunsui Kyoraku roared

"Enough! You will follow my orders and my orders alone!" Yamamoto roared "I Hereby declare that we are at war with Ichigo Kurosaki!"


As the night reared it's head within the distance, Ichigo looked out over the balcony of his room, looking over the sands of Hueco Mundo

"Ic~higo" came a seductive voice from the other room "Co~me to bed"

Ichigo smiled as he heard his wife's seductive voice from the other room, as he entered the room however, he was surprised to find her lying on the bed, completely naked

"You took so long that I started without you" she smiled as she showed off her hand which was wet with her fluids

"I'm sorry I took so long" he smiled as he let his shihakusho and two Zanpakutou fall down "But I'm here now, aren't I?"

As Ichigo undressed, he could he hear his hollow cheering him on to "fuck her brains out", he scoffed as he pushed the Hollow out of his mind. He proceeded to crawl into bed with Rukia, he smiled as he lost himself within her, after they were done and held their sweaty bodies against each other, only one thought ran through his mind

"In 17 Days…My Revenge becomes reality"


1st/Primera: Ulquiorra

2nd/Segunda: Starrk

3rd/Tercera: Harribel

4th/Cuatro: Nel

5th/Quinto: Grimmjow

6th/Sexta: Szayel

7th/Séptima: Arturo

8th/Octava: Gamma

9th/Noveno: Dordonii

10th/Diez: Yammy