Chapter Twenty-seven: Joining Night Raid

Haoyu only took a few minutes to find where the revolutionary army had retreated during his distraction. When he suddenly appeared they surrounded him with their weapons drawn ,but calmed down after realizing who it was. Obviously they were still a little cautious but at least they lowered their weapons.

Haoyu: Nice to meet you ladies and gentlemen of the revolutionary army. My name is Qin Haoyu and I saved you so that you can introduce me to night raid so that I can join. them.

Not one who would waste time Haoyu decided to just straight out say what he wants. Luckily the commander felt that Haoyu was trustworthy even if it is only a little. Besides it was not like they will be able to stop him if he wanted to force them.

As they were heading towards their randevu the commander take this chance to ask Haoyu questions about himself. It was obvious he wanted to see if Haoyu was going to end up as a threat. A few minutes later they arrived at one of the revolutionary army's bases. It was obvious that they were fairly well funded when you look at their facilities. Haoyu knew that it was thanks to nobles from the empire they had everything they have. As they walked through the base Haoyu looked around to see if there is anything interesting. Unfortunately there was nothing that has drawn his attention other then some pretty cute girls. At they arrived at a massive that clearly belongs to someone important. Once inside Haoyu saw a fairly simple tent that while big only really had a table with a map on it. Around the table there was about 6 people most of whom were men. As for the sole woman she had white hair styled in a pixie cut and was also missing an eye and arm. When he say her a smile threatened to appear on his face. After all this woman was his ticket to joining night raid.

General: Commander Hugo it is good that you manged to return unscathed after face that devil woman. Our scouts already informed us of what happened but we would still like to hear your report.

After a man that was clearly a geneal spoke Hugo immediately started to explain everything that happened. Everyone in the tent was shocked as Hugo explained how Haoyu arrived and took out a fourth of Esdeath's army. Even more shocking was that Haoyu had the courage to actually flirt with Esdeath. Any one has met with Esdeath face to face would agree that is the hight of foolish. The most impressed person was the white haired woman ,who was obviously Najenda. Of everyone in the tent Najenda could be considered the one who knew Esdeath most personally. Seeing that Haoyu was this brave a thought of recruiting him went through her mind briefly. Unfortunately she would have to give up on that thought since someone as powerful as him would normally want to be apart of the regular army.

Commander: I see, you have done a great service by saving our troops so if there is anything you want feel free to ask.

Haoyu: To be honest I only wish to join as a member of night raid.

Once again Haoyu shocked everyone because they never expected that he would choose to join night raid. It is a well known fact that in the revolutionary army, night raid is the only division that at the end will be erased from history. As a result not many people would willing join unless they have an absolute grudge against the empire. For a few seconds the room was filled with complete silence. Finally the commander broke the silence by talking to Najenda.

Commander: Najenda, when it comes to matters regarding night raid we normally leave everything in your hands. Thus I will let you decide whether or not to have him join your ranks.

In his voice Najenda could hear a little bit of jealous toward. She did not care care however since he could serve as a powerful secret weapon later on. Najenda soon spoke up giving Haoyu her approval and so the meeting continued. At last it was over meaning it was time for the two to return back to Night Raid. They traveled for a few days before finally making it back to the base. Night raid's base was a massive fortress built in to the side of a cliff deep in a forest. Haoyu looked at the fortress excited that he can meet the characters in person. At the sametime however he dreaded to think about the fate most of them will face. Depending on whether this story follows the manga or the anime the death toll could be even higher.

Haoyu was soon brought out of his thoughts by the voice of a man coming from behind them. He turned to the source to find a young man wearing a green coat that matches his hair and eyes. This is Lubbock one of the first members to join night raid after faking his death to follow Najenda. To be completely honest Haoyu really liked his character. After all just to be closer to Najenda he willing joined the imperial and then revolutionary armies. Not only that but his tengu ,which most would call useless becomes overpowered in his hands. Lubbock had an obvious look of hostility while he was sizing Haoyu up. Haoyu knew the reason for look and barely managed to stop himself. In the manga Lubbock was often shown to hate any good looking that got close to Najenda. Haoyu was of course someone that meets that criteria. As Haoyu was about to say something to clear the misunderstanding more people came walking up. The group consisted of only one guy while the rest were women. They were obviously the rest of night raid that is without the inclusion of Tatsumi. Seeing the rest of the members Najenda wasted no time introducing Haoyu to everyone.

Najenda: Listen up everyone this guy is Haoyu and from this day forward he be a member of night raid.