Chapter Twenty-eight: Making Changes

Haoyu is currently sitting at a table completely covered in plates of delicious smelling food. Everyone from night raid were at the table holding a cup of wine. They all seemed to be having the time of their lives as they bombarded Haoyu with questions. Mostly about his attraction to Esdeath who most men (unless suicidal) would avoid. The main one ask was a woman with blone hair and golden eyes. Her clothes were quite revealing consisting of a black tube top, detachable sleeves, pants, boots and a scarf around her neck. When they first met she introduced herself as Leone which Haoyu already. To be honest Haoyu was using alot of will power to fan boy out. Akame ga kill was definitely one of the best manga he read in his previous life. Each character was so interesting that when one died it was as if it was the main character. Watching over them Haoyu started to consider changing a few things.

While that thought went through his mind another tragedy suddenly popped into his head. If his memory serves him correctly then it should be around this time that Tatsumi will join night raid because of his friends dying. Haoyu always felt bad for Saya since she got fridged in the worst way possible. The more he thought about it the greater he felt that he should change somethings. As his eyes swept over the table his decision only became strong. He decided to change a few of their fates. First up however was saving Saya and Ieyasu. This will need a gentle touch because one wrong move could remove Tatsumi's reason for joining night raid. Soon the party came to an end while Haoyu thought about his plans. Making his way to the room he will stay in. He eventually made the decision to have Leone and Sheele become members of his peerage. As for Saya he will just save her and think more about it later.

Early the next morning Haoyu was training in the training field. After becoming ridiculously overpowered Haoyu knew that he could end up losing some of his skill. Thus he decided to make a habit of practicing his techniques. He even started to focus on learning a few martial arts that caught his eye. One was Shaolin style kung-fu. While he was practicing a step of foot steps came from behind.

Akame: What kind of fighting style is that because I have never seen it before.

Haoyu stopped his practice to over at Akame with a smile.

Haoyu: This is a martial art from my home land called Shaolin kung-fu.

Akame gazed into his eyes as if looking for some kind of falsehood. Normally she would not behave like this ,but something about Haoyu made her feel strange. This caused her to be a little on edge. Haoyu was not bothered by her at all since he knew what was wrong. The charm he had before was already already pretty lethal to women. Now however with the addition of a dragon's aura he became down right irresistible. It of course effected Akame all the same. He already knew how to fit the situation but left it alone for now. It was mainly because he wanted it to be a realization she comes to latter on. The two talked for a while mostly about Hayou until they were called by Najenda. Sitting in a chair she looked them over as she spoke.

Najenda: Listen up Headquarters have sent us a new target. This time we will be going after the family of a Duke related to the royal family. If our reports are current then the targets are definitely a sick bunch.

She then went on to explain the details in regards to the family. Haoyu only needed to listen for a few seconds before knowing that the target were Aria's family. In the original series they were the ones that tortured and killed Tatsumi's friends. Knowing this he decided to make a few changes to situation. Originally Saya and Ieyasu are supposed to be picked up together. This time however Haoyu will make it so that she is with Tatsumi instead. As a result Tatsumi will not loose his reason for joining night raid. Sadly luck was not on Haoyu's side as Saya and Ieyasu were already picked up by Aria. At first he planned to just rush but something he did not expect happened. Aria actually took her time to torture Saya making sure her death was prolonged as possible. Although the sound of Saya suffering pained him Haoyu endured. Finally it was the night of the attack and everything went the same except that Ieyasu was dead while Saya hung by a thread.

Leone: Sorry kid there is nothing we can do for her as she been poisoned.

Her words seemed to have turned Tatsumi's entire world grey.

Haoyu: Actually I can save her however as a result will no longer be human like me.

After saying that Haoyu went onto explain that in his homeland there is race called devils of which he is one. He also explained that they have a magic item that can turn other into one of them.

Haoyu: After she becomes a devil the poison will no longer effect. So what is your choice miss live as a devil or die as a human.

Saya: As long as you do not expect to bad things then I choose life.

Haoyu smiled at her commitment to protecting her virtues. Of course he agreed to her since he never planned on making her anything like that. With that out of the way he quickly retrieved one of his evil pieces. A pawn to be exact. He then started the ritual while healing her with Leng Yue's powers. Finally the piece disappeared as Saya sat up feeling the changes in her body. First thing she noticed was her eye sight was heightened. The second thing was that she felt stronger. While Saya was taking in her changes at the side the others stood shocked. Currently Saya looked the same same as before expect for the purple streaks in her hair and a pair of bat like wings behind. Seconds later it was time for them leave but before going Haoyu left a gift. When city guards at last made it to the mansion what greeted them was the bodies of the dukes family hanging from a pole. Not only that but a brilliant white flame burning the building.