Chapter Twenty-Nine: Training the Recuits

It has already been a few days since the assassination of Aria's family. During this time Saya and Tatsumi grieved for Ieyasu. In addition they decided to join night raid so it quickly became time for training. Tatsumi is currently being trained by Akame while Saya is with Hayou. Tatsumi's training is prettier much the same as before. Akame not being a master of dealing with people has pissed him off more than once. Right now their group of four are in a river to catch fish.

Saya: I understand that Tatsumi is learning how to conceal his presence but why am I here.

Haoyu: Simple since a certain someone can't control her poison no matter what I do we need to be drastic.

As Haoyu said that a faint blush appeared on Saya's face from embarrassment. After becoming a devil she developed the ability to create poison. Sadly she has been struggling to control it so Haoyu had to create a barrier around her. Until now her control has not gotten any better even since this power activated like breathing for her.

Haoyu: Your task is simple, I will have go for a swim while they are fishing. At the sametime I will release the barrier around but don't worry your poison can't kill Akame currently. However Tatsumi is a completely different story.

Saying that Haoyu kick Saya into the water before she could say anything. Once she was in the water he slowly lowered the barrier's strength until it was gone. Now Saya was forced to focus on keeping her poison from going out. Meanwhile Tatsumi was freaking out after hearing everything Haoyu said. At first was planning on getting out of the water ,but that thought vanished thanks to one look. Akame looked at Tatsumi with eyes that showed pity. Angered by her expression Tatsumi stayed in the water to do his training. Haoyu remained at the side watching over this with a smile. To be honest he never imagined that his evil piece would allow her to gain a bloodline ability. In the show there was never a case of this happening. However he simply assumed that the is because his pieces are all mutated pieces. For now with no way of verifying he left it alone. Thinking until there Haoyu started to focus back on their training.

A while later their training at the river came to an end and they returned back to the hideout. Tatsumi and Saya went to the kitchen to help Akame cook like normal. Meanwhile Haoyu was meditating to use his avatar to get information around the capital. His main reason for doing this was so he can a target for Saya. After all he planned to leave Orge for Tatsumi to handle. Finally after minutes of hard searching later he finally found the perfect one. The target he chose this time was a close relative of the prime minister. For Saya to succeed in her assassination she will need to make good use of her poison. Best part is even if she fails it will put a scare into Honest. Thinking that this will be his best chance to see Esdeath he became excited. When he arrived at the kitchen sounds of Tatsumi arguing with Akame about him being able to handle an assassination. Clearly he was talking about Ogre so I decided to help him out.

Haoyu: Boss I couldn't help hearing everything you said so I thought I should give my two cents. How about you let Tatsumi take the job since I have business in the capital ,and can keep an eye out for him.

Najenda thought over his words for a while before finally agree. Thus Haoyu brought both Saya and Tatsumi to the capital for their assassinations. Once he was in the city's wills he sent Rakasha ghost with Tatsumi. While he lead Saya to where her target will be.

Haoyu: Listen today I will have you assassinate the cousin of prime minister honest. As how, I will leave it for you to decide. Just know that so long as you make good use of your abilities everything will be fine.

Saya looked at him with a nervous expression until she rook a breathe to calm herself down. Now her eyes were filled with a determination that made Haoyu proud. A short time later she used the cover of night to sneak into the marks mansion. Thanks to her enhanced vision it was easy for her to make it through the guards. After a few twist and turns she arrived at his study. Inside the room she could faintly hear the sounds of a man grunting and a woman crying. She took a peek through the keyhole. What she saw caused her blood to boil as she clinched her fist. Saya saw the bastard pushing an underaged girl's face in the ground ,while he violated her backdoor. No longer able to stop herself from kicking down the door. Hearing the sound the bastard looked up only to see a hand reaching for his throat. Not giving him time to understand Saya's finger wrapped around his neck as she lifted him.

Bastard: Who the hell are, do you not realize who I am.

Saya: Of course, you are the piece of shit that hides behind his cousin the shitty prime minister.

Saya's words along with her cold indifferent expression and tone caused him to shiver. A cold sweat started forming all over his body. It was his first time facing such killing intent so it was not surprising he pissed himself. The disgust in her heart only deepened. Right when she going to start torturing him she heard foot steps. Of course she knew this was the guards coming to check the noise. Now Saya was faced with two choices. One she can quickly kill this bastard and leave with the girl. Two let him live take the girl and hope for another chance. More than anything Saya wanted him to suffer so a quick death is not OK. Her mind moved a mile a minute until she remembered something Haoyu told her.

Haoyu: Your poison is Created using demonic power so you can make any kind you may desire.

Believing in Haoyu, Saya closed her eye and created a small portion of poison. After she forced him to swallow it Saya graded the girl and quickly ran.