Fatal Halloween

Ray become baffled looking at his boss, while seeing this Augustus huffed with disbelief.

"What are you doing here?" Augustus talked in his Italian accent and sounded surprised.

"I am here to meet Ciara," Ray told him in excitement.

"Oooooh, I am also here for the same reason!" Augustus's words confused Ray even more.

"What? But she sent me the letters and clues to be here"

He blurted.

"She sent me some clues too" Augustus pulled out some colourful sticky notes, giving them to Ray. "Which way you came from sir?"

Ray pointed behind while looking at the notes which were the same as he collected.

"Uh, this way"

Ray saw him pointing oppositely. What bothered him more was why Ciara did the same for his boss? Wasn't it only meant for him? He thought in his mind.

"But but how's this possible? Why would she do the same for you?"

Augustus shrugged his shoulders showing that he doesn't know anything while looking at his confused assistant.

"Perhaps she is interested in me or wants us both but pranking on you!"

"That's gross" Ray scoffed imagining it.

Augustus scoffed while approaching him, "I know the bitch of a woman she is! You don't deserve this at all"

"But I like her sir, you must know this"

"Of course, I know your feelings for her but she wants to serve herself best, dating a boss and not his assistant, or maybe both" Augustus's words pissed his assistant off.

"Urggh, this is not fair." Ray blurted incoherent words while Augustus stepped closer to him, matching his face. "I thought she likes me that's why planned such stuff to bring me close to her but wait-" his mind clicked with a thin thought of a missing puzzle. "You must have told her about my feelings for her, haven't you?" Augustus took a step further when Ray backed away. Another thing clicked in his mind, "Weren't you the one to set this date night for me and her! Were you knowing all of this from the beginning? What you two are up to?"

One step forward and two steps back, Augustus proceed to make Ray step back till he finally blurted, "Was this all your plan?"

But alas it was too late for Ray to get away as he has easily walked into the trap of a deadly vampire disguised as his boss.

"What do you humans say? That word before and after doing something very very wrong? Hmmmph, Mi dispiace (I am sorry)"

Ray saw his boss stated transforming into something he has never imagined witnessing.

Augustus's orbs turned deep dark whilst his raven hair altered into the red. His face become paler and slight cracks appeared on his neck sprawling further on his skin. His lips turned dry in the craving of what he has been yearning for a long to tame his hunger. As he moved his hand around the former's nape, prowling his long icy fingers with blue nails grazed over the blood vessels running in his body.

His assistant's body trembled with sweat and fear. He couldn't utter a word as he felt himself getting frozen under the spell of the fangs owner in front of him.

Before he can do anything, Augustus sunk his fangs deeply into the crook of his neck.

A loud yelp echoed in the forest.


Ciara entered the Booze baron club. The atmosphere excited her. She has worn a red dress that reached her knees, showing off her long toned legs. The deep neck showed an amount of cleavage which caught so many eyes of men but she walked past them to her the man of her dreams.

Meantime she came across Tina.

"Woah woah woah, so you actually obeyed my words" her voice hinted mockery.

Tina smiled nervously. She knew Ciara would come up with something hurtful again.

Ciara judged her appearance in simple clothes unlike herself.

"Nice choice of outfit for Halloween"

Tina looked at herself.

"Outfit? Thanks but these are my regular clothes."

"Exactly! You look scary like every other day!" saying this she laughed at Tina who tried to mask her hurt with a smile. She wanted to go home right there.

Meanwhile, a man from the staff approached her with the same sticky note and she looked around catching the broken hearts above the ceilings.

"Ahh, here he goes wooing my heart again, oh Augustus!" Ciara dreamily exhaled while looking at the note.

Tina looked at her reaction.

"Excuse me but big things are waiting for me. Ba-bye" Ciara walked away from Tina then stretched down her dress a little bit, and waved her hair in the right place, leading towards the exit of the club.


Augustus sucked the blood of his assistant till his skin become pale. Grasping back the hold on himself, he looked at his assistant Ray's lifeless body, and released it from his grip sighing out, "You should have told me about my Tiny's calls before, but instead you chose death. What a shame!" his voice rasped dangerously after taking his revenge. "Nobody has any right to make him wait except me!"

As his assistant's body slumped down on the ground, someone halted on the steps and it didn't go from the vampire's deep oceanic eyes.

Ciara witnessed something horrific in his life. His bloodnut hair, those predatory sparkling eyes, his pale cracked face, blood-covered on his mouth, some stains over his blazer, made him appear dangerously opposite to his charming model version.

"Che Sorpessa 2.0! (What a surprise 2.0!)"

He blurted and smiled showing off his bloodied fangs. He has called her before Ray but his plan went utterly flop as his assistant arrived before her.

Never mind!

His purpose wasn't much different than the intention.

A loud ear wrenching yell went through his ears that made him roll his eyes and scrunch his eyebrows.

Before she could run away, he cut the distance between him and her in a blink of an eye. He held her nape in one hand while the other caressed over her smooth painted face, pulling her closer in his embrace.

His cold pale index finger rested on her cherry lips, preventing her from making noise. His eyes held her still, reading almost every fear crawling in her mind, and it damn so well fed his insanity.

"Cazzo, you are too beautiful to die like this!" his hoarse tempting voice doesn't sound good for her breathing.

"I w-will n-not tell this t-to anyone" her body tremored under his cage, as his hot breath fanned over her face. She could smell the blood of a human from him.

"Shh, I know that. Calm down." his fingers grazed over her neck. " I will let you go on one condition" his sharp nails scratched over the soft skin on her neck. Blood easily came out from it. "Let me take what I want" His fangs came out, pointing sharply at the lifeline vessel on her neck.

Before he could sink his fangs into her, she pressed her heels on his feet and pushed him back in force.

She turned away in a snap and started running towards the club, without looking back.

Augustus smirked as his prey ran ahead. He laughed in low growls.

While running for her life, Ciara pulled out her mobile to call for help but couldn't as the mobile didn't catch any network in the forest. Her eyes fell on the exit door of the club and she paced up but her foot stumbled on a rocky path and fell to the ground. Her mobile fell somewhere else.

In the haste of getting up, suddenly she felt a pair of hands wrapped around her ankles. In a snap, her body dragged backwards with her yelling inaudible to the loud music in the club.


Augustus feasted on her blood to tame his hunger till it empty her body and left only her soul. He didn't stop. With a strong grip on her neck, and gazing deep into her eyes, he ripped out her soul, letting it dwell in himself, adding plus one to the counts of thousands of souls he has ripped before. The hundreds of years of penance vanished as if they didn't even exist. It fed the ultimate reason for his immortal existence.

The hunger for blood started to alter into lust, a mad craving to have it more and more.

When he sucked the whole life out of her, till her skin become pale, lips become blue and orbs in her eyes slowly vanish, something dangerously chanced within him.

He rolled his tongue outside wiping off the blood covering his mouth and licked it devouringly shutting his eyes.

When he opened his eyes with a heavy exhale, the darkness in them was gone and replaced with the deep shade of remorseless red. His hair becomes darker in the thick shade of blood, drowning his existence in the darkness of calamity. His lips turned similar to his eyes as he breathed out a thick load of fog.

Something that he suppressed for a long, started taking control over him. The bloodnut vampire started losing itself when the ripper in him awaken with the smell of blood wanting for more. His dark eyes gazed in the direction of the club flicking his tongue outwards, with blood-coated saliva on it. His lips grew into a dangerous wild smirk as he let out a low snarl while his feet moved inside the club.

In a few minutes, the agonizing squealing of humans mixed with the loud music played in the club.
