Chapter 6, Brave of the Sacred Hammer

"W-what's that doing here?!" The three men exclaimed.

"It must've been attracted to the blood that spread out from Liam's wound." I answered. "What do we do?"

"We'll fight it, of course." Liam said. "I may be beaten up but I can still fight you know."

"No! That's too dangerous!!" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry. I'll help him." William said and patted my shoulder then shoved me behind him. "So, just stay there!"

The two fight it and I see Liam's weapon for the first time. A hammer. It grows in size and may look like it weighs no more than a feather by the way he uses it but it must be very heavy to be able to leave dents on the ground.

Liam's injuries are obviously hindering him, I can tell by his slow movements. But his so strong, so skilled, as he easily fights one of them off. His hammer swings and smacks away it's tail and the sound of clashing and gunfire fill the air.

William has his hands full with the Pisces when it swings it's tail and send him flying. Liam now has his hands full with both Pisces. The fight takes a toll for the worse when it slams itself hard against him and sends him flying a few meters from where I am. Thankfully, William has returned and is shooting at them with his guns.

I run for Liam and when I get to his side I see his wound has reopened and his starting to lose consciousness.

"L-Liam, hang in there, just a bit more, William is nearly done with them." I told him.

"A-Arata, run for it..." He said. "William! Take Arata... and run for it!! They'll be... distracted if you... throw my body at them!!"

"No!!" I rejected. Pisces are known to feed off human flesh and once they start they won't stop until the human is dead. He plans to be a decoy!!

"Do it!!" Liam shouted but I didn't let go of his hand. "Arata run!!"

"No! Not without you!!" I shouted. "I don't want to lose you!!"

As my mind was filled with thoughts of Liam dying and my powerlessness, a golden light engulfed us. Like that time with William. His wounds heal and just then, I see the same mark appear in his backhand. The same one as William but his had two kites.

"Blimey. You really won't listen when your told." He said and stood up. "After we're done here, you'll have to be punished."

He raised his hand to the sky and a giant hammer appeared and slammed down on the Pisces. That's all I can see before my consciousness fades.

When I regain consciousness I'm on my bed again. The gang surrounding me. Mom's face filled with worry.

"Arata? How do you feel?" She asked.

"I feel fine." I answered and my head throbs. "Where's Liam?"

"Right here." He said as he stood by the door. He was carrying a bowl of rice porridge. "Here. William had this special made."

"Thanks." I answered as my stomach growled. "How long have I been out?"

"Five days." William answered. "You had us worried. Everything's fine now too."

"Thank goodness." I said and leaned back as I ate the porridge and I saw the mark on Liam's hand as he handed me a glass of water. "Liam, that mark..."

"Ah, yeah." He said as he showed it to me. "I got right after the fight. William's now has two kites as well, similar to mine."

"What does this mean?" I asked.

"We have no idea." Dad said in defeat.

"Like Will, Liam's Title has changed. His Title is now The Brave of the Sacred Hammer." Andrew said. "This has happened twice already. Arata, I have a question for you."

"What is it?" I answered.

"When you gave Liam that warning when he got the text it seemed as though you saw it coming." He said.

"I just had this awful feeling that something was off." I answered hesitant to say anymore.

"You were also in close contact with Liam before his Title changed." Andrew said examining me. "Both were also dying but they miraculous survived. There's too many missing pieces in the puzzle to understand it but what we do know for sure is, that you are somehow connected to it."

I stare at my food as they talked and suddenly my vision turned hazy again. I close my eyes and this time I see a bullet piercing Alistar's skull as he sat by the window of my room. When I open my eyes I see Alistar sitting by the window.

"Alexis, quick, make a barrier around Alistar!!" I exclaimed.

This made Alexis jump and immediately do it and thankfully he did because in the next second, a bullet breaks the glass of the window.

"Alistar!! Quick, come over here!!" I exclaimed and he ran for my side.

"Will." Andrew signalled William to the window and he nodded then Alexis created a barrier to protect them as the glanced outside the window.

"Anything?" Alexis asked but the two shook their heads.

"Alistar, are you hurt?" I asked and he shook his head. "Thank goodness."

"Arata, how did you know about that bullet just now?" Andrew asked.

"I saw it." I answered. It's better to let them know the truth. "This wasn't the first time. It's already happened twice before."

"What happened?" Zhen asked.

"I saw a glimpse of the future." I answered. "The first time was William being killed by the Taurus, the second time was Liam being killed by the Pisces and just now, Alistar being shot through the skull."

"Precognition. Could it be an ability of your Title?" Reinhardt asked.

"I'm not sure yet." I answered. "But it just happens randomly."

"Then, for now, we'll continue to observe you." William said. "Arata, from now on, don't stray from any of our sides."

"Okay." I answered.

There's a strange feeling inside me. A feeling of worry and pain. Something bad is about to happen and I have a feeling who it will happen to. My eyes turn to Alistar. Someone is targetting him.