Chapter 7, Visitor from Another World

I stare at Alistar for a bit before I feel my stomach growling for more food.

"Ahahaha, sorry..." My stomach is growling, and to be honest I'm starving myself.

"I'll have the chefs prepare all your favourite dishes." Dad said and patted my head.

We went downstairs and had dinner. My favourite dishes were laid out on the large table. As we sat down I can't help but smile at how hard mom and dad tried to make me feel like I'm their own son.

"These are pretty odd dishes." Liam said confused. "I've heard that the Akatsuki family tends to avoid sweet foods."

"That's right. Will doesn't like sweet stuff." Andrew said also confused. "I know you aren't related but how did you meet exactly?"

"I found Arata on the side of a river, passed out and covered in wounds. He doesn't have any memories of his past either." William said. "We've spent a lot of time helping him recall his memories but nothing helped."

"It must be horrible. Not being able to remember anything." Zhen said.

"I remember a few vague things." I stated. "A crimson river, an azure sky, a green plains, a silver tree. They're just fragmented memories but I've tried my best to remember them."

Dad then signalled one of the maids to bring them in. Paintings. He may be thinking that the others are familiar with them. These paintings are all I recall about my past. I've painted them so I never forget them.

"These places look strange." Andrew said.

"Yes. A strange silver tree with orange leaves. A grassland with strange creatures roaming them, an azure sky with stars and a moon and floating islands." Reinhardt examined each picture. "A crimson river... this looks vaguely familiar. Where have I seen this?"

"Ah! Isn't this Lake Carmine?!" Alexis said.

"Lake Carmine?" I asked.

"I've told you the story of the ones that brought us the power of Braves and Vi right?" Dad asked and I nodded my head.

"They were visitors from the other worlds right?" I asked.

"Yes. The first Braves, the ones who brought us the power of Braves, the concept of Vi, the power to fight the Chimeras, were beings from the other worlds. Now, we have made connections with the different worlds that are connected to ours." William said. "Azure Sky. Grand Sanctuary. Crimson Lake. Fantasy Forest. Crystal Ocean. Galatical Gate. Tetra-Topia. Mysteria Mountain and Unified Palace are just some of them."

"So what does that have to do with my paintings?" I asked.

"I'm only speculating but it's possible that Arata has seen these sceneries either because he was from there or he briefly visited them. This portrait is similar to Crimson Lake's greatest lake, Lake Carmine which is deep crimson and home to dragons." Reinhardt answered. "This painting, it fits the description perfectly. I had traveled there to Lake Carmine for a school trip, this painting is very similar to it."

"This painting, it's similar to the sights I've heard we can see in Azure Skies. Its a world where islands float and strange birds and vehicles fly." Ethan said. "It's possible, that he has been there before."

"This tree... could it be Yggdrasil?" Alistar asked.

"These plains... these aren't the Sacred Plains right?" Andrew asked. "It's a part of the Grand Sanctuary."

"Do you have anymore like these?" Reinhardt asked.

"No." I answered. "I'm sorry. This is all I remember."

"Hmmm... Why don't we ask Diana if she's met you somewhere before?" Ethan said. "She's a Visitor after all. She can confirm if these places are part of the other worlds."

"Diana?" I asked.

"Class 5 - A. She's a second year." He answered as he patted my head. "She's also the Brave of the Stars and from Galatical Gate."

"Tomorrow then." I said and they nodded.

The next day, at school Zhen and Alistar told me that we'd talk to Diana after class during lunch. As class went underway, my eyes were on Alistar. I sat down beside him as a safety measure. I hope he'll be fine.

After class we went to meet Diana. She was sitting at a table with two other girls. If I'm not mistaken the two are Lina the Brave of Knowledge and May the Brave of the Sun. Diana has black hair and let down her back, with white skin and blue eyes. Lina has golden hair and white skin with amber eyes while May has brown hair with light brown eyes and skin.

"Diana, it's been a while." Ethan said as he sat down beside her.

"Oh, Ethan, it's been a while." Diana said happily and turned to us. "Would you like to join us?"

We sat down beside her and we talked to her a bit before going straight to the point. We ask about the paintings, we show her the pictures William took and ask her if these are sights from the other worlds.

"These are parts of the other worlds alright. Hmm..." The vibe around her changed suddenly and she turned to Alistar. "The stars have a message for thee."

"For me?" He asked

"The Fangs of the Earth have been bared against thee. The Sacred Flower shall blossom a third time." She said. "The third Petal will rise. The Power of the Swords will awaken amidst the sea of fear and loss."

"What does that mean?" Alexis asked.

"I don't know either. But... it seems to be prophecy of sorts." Lina said. "So please watch yourself and be careful. This girl will enter a trance like state when she sees a vision."

"I will. Thanks." Alistar said and suddenly my vision began to turn hazy again. This time I see our table exploding.

"Quick! Get away from the table!!" I exclaimed as I stood up.

"Why?" May asked but when Alistar and the others got up and jumped away they followed and it was a good thing they did because in the next instant the table was blown sky high.

"Everyone alright?" Ethan asked.

"We're fine." Lina said.

Everyone has gathered now and just when I think we're safe another vision hits and I immediately jump towards Alistar and push him away just in time to feel the arrow puncture my side. Thank goodness I was able to protect him.