Chapter 45, Salamander and Lizard

"There are so many people walking around with tails and scales." Alexis said as he gazed outside the window.

"Crimson Lake is home to the dragons since long ago." I told him. "Right now our priority is to find Salamander and get the second key."

"But do you know where to find him?" Angie asked and I smiled.

"He lives in Lake Carmine." I stated. "After I finish refining Reinhardt's piece we'll depart immediately."

"Okay then." Lia answered and Reinhardt finally came out of the bedroom.

I pop the stone in my mouth and then pass it to him via kiss he accepts it and for a second I thought his tongue entered my mouth.

He spits out the stone and the amethyst has been refined perfect. A square gem that'll fit perfectly on a brooch. I hand it to him and he smiles as he fastened it to his shirt.

"Let's hurry to Lake Carmine while it's still early." I told them and they nodded.

We rush to Lake Carmine and are greeted by a yoing man with red hair and brown skin with orange eyes.

"Hello, my name is Ember, the Priest of Flames." He bowed his head. "Arata please allow me to introduce the Elemental of Flames, Salamader."

From the crimsin lake a firgure of a giant salamder energed. It was black and covered with red stripes. This is the Elemetal of Flane but it gives of a strange feeling. I smiled and bowed my head.

"Just a second, I shall bring the key." Salamander said and brought the young man with him.

"Rachel I hereby give you the title of Vassal Brave of the Mirror." I said and a crest appeared on her chest. A mirror with our crest on it.

"Why so suddenly?" She asked.

"When the return, raise your mirror and order it to reveal the truth." I told her. "I'm doubting the two in infront of us. They don't give the same feel as Sylphid and Yggdrasil or Alicia and Danny."

"Okay." She answered and soon Salakmder emrged once more.

"I've brought the key but there is a trial you must pass first." Salamander saud and just then a boulder hit hard again it's face.

I turn to see a young man with orange hair and brown skin with a buff build with red eyes burning with rage holding another one ready to throw it.

"You fakes!" He shouted. "How dare you do that Sir Salamander! You'll pay for what you did!"

"Fake?" Theo asked and the man turned to us and saw me.

"Le Fleur! Forgive me!" He said and kneeled. "I failed to protect Sir Salamander."

"No, Arata he is the fake!" Ember said.

"You-" Before he could refute I stopped him.

"I get it, one of you is an imposter." I said and nodded to Rachel. "Do it."

"Okay then." She said and held her mirro to the sky. "By the power the Mirror bears, I order you, reveal the truth and show their true form, Anti-Mirage!"

In an instant the mirror shines bright and the two are immediately affected by it.

"So, who's the fake?" Angie asked.

"I think it was obvious from the start." I said and turned to Ember offering a hand. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." He said and smiled before I kicked his stomach with my knee. "W-why?"

"You can't fool me, Fornax." I stated. "You as well, Lacerta."

"Tch. You found out." Lacerta said and reverted to his human form, a black skinned, red eyed, red haired man.

"Lacerta the one that mimics and Fornax the one that burns." Theo recalled. "Let's get rid of them."

"Perfect timing, I wanted to test my new spear out." Reinhardt said and materialized his spear. A silver spear with a gem at the hilt and sharp pointed edge. "I'll destroy them in one go."

"Try." Fornax said and leaped into the air raining down flames on us.

"By the power the Trident bears, I order you, waters that swell and surged, heed my order and dance, Aqua Aria!" Theo said and the waters rose protecting us from the flames.

"Then how about it!" Lacerta shouted and summoned more lower class chimeras. Mostly Lacerta and Fornax.

"Burn them away with you rage, let you will be known now, Igneous Flame!" The young man said and a sea of flames devoured all the Lacerta and Fornax. "You two, it's time to repent."

"Tch. Fall back." The two said and disappeared.

"Le Fleur, forgive me." He said and bowed his head. "I couldn't protect Sir Salamander."

"Ett~o, let's see here... Tyson, right?" I asked and he nodded. "Can you explain everything to me?"

He then explained everything that had happened. A few days ago they were attacked by an unknown assailant. He was sent to the Crimson Badlands after witnessing Salamander getting decapitated. Salamander only left him a crimson stone before he disappeared.

"I see, then Salamander is alright. Give me the crimson stone." I told him and he nodded and took it out from his shirt.

"Here." He said and handed it to me.

I make preparations to revive Salamnder and Andrew asked when I started doubting the two. I tell him I didn't trust the two from the moment we met. Both were good actors but they missed a crucial part. No one among the Elementals and Priestesses and Priests know my real name.

The spell was ready so I threw the stone into the lake and begun the spell.

"Ye who rules over flames, will, resolve and desires, awaken from your sleep by your masters will, by the power the Flower bears, I order you, Revival." I casted and from the depths of the lake a crimson hue began to eminate.

Then a man smerged, with black skin and red hair with orange strands and crimson eyes. Salamander, the one who rules over flames.

What kind of test will Salamander present I wonder. Sylphid presented the past, I wonder what Salamander will do. But no matter what it is, my resolve won't waver that easily.