Chapter 46, We Don't Have Much Time Left

"Salamander, the key..." I said and he smiled.

"Of course." He said. "But first, you'll have to face a trial."

"Okay." I answered and he smiled.

"Face the Future that may exist." He said and I lost consciousness.

When I open my eyes again, I'm with the other Flowers. Elias, Julius, Aster, Emilia and Erika are present but so are people I haven't met before.

"I'm Evergreen, the Fourth Generation." The girl with long evergreen hair and white skin with yellowgreen eyes said.

"I'm Gregory the Fifth Generation." A man with golden hair and white skin with brown eyes said.

"You can just call me Hazel, the Sixth Generation." A woman with long wavy hazel brown hair and white skin with golden eyes said.

"And I'm Ivy, the Ninth Generation." A young girl, with beuatiful curly green hair and white skin with green eyes said.

"Why am I here in the Whispering Garden?" I asked.

"The trail of time was meant to test your resolve, however, your resolve is already stronger than any other." Hazel said. "Your wish is so strong that it could bring all ten of us into the Garden at once."

"Now then, we're here to discuss something more important." Gregory said. "The scales of fate have tilted too much to the enemies side. You must hurry and retrieve all the keys as soon as you can."

"The Lost Beasts have awoken, the world is slowly sinking into darkness. Before it falls, you must hurry." Evergreen said. "The next castle is Lily of the Valley. It is the one for Alexis."

"Retrun of Happiness?" I asked. "But isn't his Acceptance?"

"Acceptance is what he is but his acceptnace meant the return of happiness." Elias said. "For him, acceptance was the moment his happiness returned."

"I see." I said and Ivy placed her hand on my own. "Take care, and go forward."

"But don't stray from the path the song has told you. It will guide you." Julius said. "The future has endless possibilities, how it ends up is completely left in your hands."

"Head towards the stage, to the place of destiny, to Fatum." Ivy said. "What awaits you there, is the fate of your own choice."

"Okay." I answered. "We'll hurry to Crystal Oceans next."

"Take care, and watch the tides." Aster said and I woke up.

The others have been watching me, me head rests on Alistar's lap. I get up and find Salamander smiling and he hands me a crimson key.

"I pray for your safety upon the path you have chosen." He said and I smiled.

"We're leaving for Crystal Oceans." I told the others. "We don't have much time left, we have to hurry."

"Okay then, but where in Crystal Oceans do we go?' Theo asked.

"To the Castle, Lily of the Valley." I answered and opened a portal by myself. "This is... somone else's ability not mine."

"It's my power." The voice of Julius said. "Go."

"Let's hurry." I said and entered the portal but not before waving goodbye to Tyson and Salamander.

We entered the portal and arrived at Crystal Oceans. The land of Seas and Islands. The horizon is painted deep blue and the sky is filled with puffy clouds. We're on the Port City, Aqua.

"What do we do now? Board a ship?" Angie asked and I shook my head. "We need to hurry to the Lapis Island now so we're taking my ship."

"Your ship?" Leon asked as I raised my hand to the sky. In it, the Guardian Ring.

"Oh ancient ship the rules the sea, ye who has gone across many voyages. Hear the call of the Guardian Ring and appear before me." I said and from the depths of the sea a ship emerged. The Heroes Ship, Argonaut.

It was a large ship with beautiful carvings and a maiden at the bow. we baorded it and rode towards Lapis Island. The ship sails towards the horizon and I spend my time learning more about the Sacred Flower. I'm just about to finish my book when the waters begin to get rough. I come back to the deck to the waves rocking the ship.

This isn't normal. The waves are comming from all directions but in the distance the waters are clear. What is going on exactly.

"Argent! Look over there!" Rachel pointed to the horizon and I saw a blue dragon watching from afar. It is guarding over Lapis Island. "What is that?"

"It's Leviathan, an ancient beast that has ruled the sea for countless eras." I said. "It also serves as the Guardian for Lapis Island."

"Why is it attacking us?" Theo asked.

"I don't know." I answered.

"That not Leviathan." A voice whispered. Emi? "That isn't Leviathan, I can promise you that."

"If it isn't then it must be Draco, the Guarding Beast." I said. "Attack it!"

"What?" Lucas asked trying to cling for his life.

"It isn't Leviathan, kill it!" I shouted. "It's the Lost Beast Draco, the Guarding Beast."

"Okay then!" Theo said jumping into the water.

"I'll cover you!" Will said jumping into the air and Alexis and Zhen follow. They take on the Leviathan while we try to save the ship. It's dancing with the wvaes and giving me sea sickness.

"Ugh... that's it!" I shouted in rage and grabbed Rachel's hand. "Rachel, I hereby grant you the Title of Vassal Brave of the Staff. Cancel out Leviathan's power."

"Okay." She said as the crest appeared on my leg. "By the power, the Staff bears I order you, waves, cease at my command!"

She slams her staff on the water and the waves begin to calm. The ship stops rocking and an explosion occurs on the shore. It seems that they've taken care of the Leviathan.

We approach the shores of Lapis Island and rejoin them. I notice something is wrong with the others but they say it's nothing. We enter the deep foilage of Lapis Island, to the Castle of Lily of the Valley and Alexis' puzzle piece.