Chapter 47, Return of Happiness

"Hyaa!" Alistar slashed away at the common Lacerta that appeared in front of us.

"Ice Arrow!" Alexis released the volley of arrows that froze them. "Why are there so many of them?"

"They want to stall us." I answered.

"They're doing a good job." Reinhardt answered spearing the one in front of him.

"Tch, I've had enough!" I shouted and pulled out a giant cannon and fired it. "Ethan!"

"Hallowed Ground!" Ethan exclaimed and erected a barier around us.

"Hurry! To the Castle!" I shouted.

We rushed into the castle and the Chimeras could no longer get closer.

"Why aren't they attacking?" Will asked.

"The Castles are originally Temples built by Fluer, they serve as shelter in times of attacks like this." I answered and proceeded to enter the castle. "Let's hurry. Lily of the Valley, the castle the symbolizes return of happiness is somewhat safe."

We enter the depths of the castle and as we proceeded there was a lack of traps that took my by surprise. It's helpful to us though.

We descend deeper and deeper only to arrive at a room with no doors. Or are there. I see a door to my right.

"Let's go." I said and Ethan, Andrew, Ophelia, Zhen and Alexis nodded.

"Go where?" Theo asked.

"There, to the door." Andrew answered.

"What door?" Liam asked.

"Can't you guys see it?" I asked. "The door to our right?"

"No." Mitan said.

"Hey, there's something written here." Angie said.

"Hmmm... let's see here." I said and read what was written on the tablet by the door. "The path shall only be revealed to those who have experienced great pain."

"I see. It can only be seen by chosen people." Ophelia said. "We'll press on by ourselves. You guys head back."

"Yeah." I answered and entered the door.

We went deeper into the hall and arrived at gates with tall statues watching over it. Are they golem I wonder. They are maidens, dressed in war attire.

"Valkyries." Alexis said. "They watch over the gates of Valhalla and choose who die in battle. They are part of Norse Mythology."

"Anything written here?" Ophelia asked.

"Let's see here..." I said as I scanned the door. "Only those who have seen death may pass."

"What does this mean?" Zhen asked.

"It means, only people who have lost loved ones can go in." I said and moved forward. "Alexis, Zhen."

"Okay." They said and followed me.

"Ophelia, Ethan, Andrew, you guys head back." I said.

"Okay." Ethan said and as we turend and went deeper

into the castle.

"Let's go deeper." I said.

We went deeper and deeper into the castle and eventually reached the very depths of the castle.

"Let's go." I told Alexis. "Zhen wait here and watch our backs."

"Okay." He said.

Alexis and I have just entered when we hear an explosion. I immediately contact Will and ask the status of things.

"The Lacerta have attacked the entrance. They're being backed up by Dracos and Sculptors." He answered. "We'll deal with them, finish what you're doing!"

"Okay." I answered. "Be careful."

"Alexis." I told him and he nodded.

He looks around and picks something up from the ground and comes back to me and hands me a small rock and smiled.

"A remembrance for you." He said and kissed my forehead. "Arata, after this there's something I want to tell you."

"Okay" I said. "And thanks for the gift."

He goes back up and takes a stone from the stage and we meet up with Zhen outside.

The three of us head back out to witness a sight I never thought I'd see. Will and the others have held them down by the True Beasts, Lacerta, Draco and Sculptors. The one for Draco is a blonde haired man with golden eyes and white skin. The Sculptor is a black haired man with black eyes and shite skin.

"Hand over the key." Draco said. "Or else, they're dead."

"Don't do it! We'll be fine! Run!" Angie shouted.

"Arata... what do we do?" Zhen asked.

"We can't lose the others." I said. "Give it to them."

"Okay." Alexis said and handed them the gem.

"Good work." They said and disappeared after saying one word. "Murder them."

The Chimeras come at us and just then, a beam of light shoots from the foilage and destroys all the Chimeras.

"What was that?" Leon asked.

"Are you alright, Le Fluer?" A maiden with deep blue hair and eyes with white skin asked.

"Undine. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I've come for you." She answered. "But it seems I was too late. They have taken the key."

"I don't think so." Alexis said and took my hand. "Seems like I placed it in the right hands."

I look at the gem in my hands and realized what it was. This is the fifth key. They didn't get it. I immediately hug Alexis and stiffled something between a laugh and cry. They didn't get the key. That's more than enough for me.

"Now then, please follow me." Undine said and we followed her.

"Can I talk to Arata first before we leave?" Alexis asked.

"Sure." I said and went away with him for a bit.

When we were away from earshot and I knew no one was listening I turned to him.

"Do you need something?" I asked.

"Arata, I had a dream the other day." He said.

"What kind?" I asked.

"You were somewhere I couldn't reach you." He said. "You left me, left us. Left everyone behind."

"I'd never do that!" I exclaimed.

"I know but I was so scared that I want you to promise me something." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Promise me, no matter what happens from here on out, you won't hide anything from us. You won't leave us." He said and gripped my hand. The grip is so strong it worries me. His fear is so strong.

"Okay. I promise." I answered and he kissed ny forehead and took something from his pocket and handed it to me. "What is this?"

"It's my real gift to you." He says and I accept a cute small flower clip.

I thank him and we go back and rejoin the others. We leave the island and head to Undine's place.