Chapter 62, Tetra-Topia

"Quick! Let's hurry!" I told them as I ran for the city.

We arrived at the scene of a burning city, black smoke rising to the sky and I see the cause. Vulpecula, Phoenix and Perseus. Vulpecula, the trickster, Pheonix the burning one, Persues the nation destroyer.

"Put out the fire first." Andrew shouted and Rachel nodded.

"Water Staff." Rachel summoned a staff with blue gem the tip. "Hyaa!"

She began putting out the fire while Alistar, Andrew, Theo and Will dealt with the Chimeras. The others and I helped with the rescue of people. The last of the Chimeras have just been cut in half when Rachel finally puts out the last of the flames.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked the people we managed to help. There are about fifteen I think.

"Um... this boy, he got hurt." A woman said.

I came over the see a young man with black hair with a few white strands and light brown skin with black eyes. He was dressed in a black shirt with a black jacket and black pants with books. He was hugging a book tightly in his right arm while his left arm suffered from a burn. His left leg seems to be wounded and his right calf has a deep burn.

"The one I seek is the maiden of light, clad in the raidiance of hope, grant strength and restore what has been lost." I chanted and the young man's body was enveloped in light. "There, how do you feel?"

"I've never heard or read about a chant like that before." He said as he got up. "Oh, my name is Arc Chronicler. You can just call me Arc."

"Nice to meet you Arc." I smiled. "I'm Arata."

"Arata, this kid has been hurt." Theo called out so I waved goodbye to Arc and went over to the kid.

After healing everyone I asked around as to why the Chimeras attacked the city and why it fell so easily. Arc was the one who told me about everything. Apparently someone brought a very dangerous and powerful artifact into the city and the Chimeras were drawn here by it. Thus, the city was attacked, the city guards prioritized moving the so called artifact and the only ones left to defend the city were the adventurers and the handful of willing Braves, Arc was among them. The mayor of the city however helped in the evacuation of the people and Arc and the others were almost finished evacuating the last of cityfolk when the barrier fell.

"What happened to the mayor?" Leon asked.

"He's alive. I managed to heal his wounds." I told them. "But... I counted atleast seven casualties."

Just then, a young man with golden hair and blonde eyes with white skin came running over. He was covered in wounds and his armor was badly damaged and when he stood beside us I could see his face was pale.

"Arc, where is Sir. Vincent?" The young man asked.

"Oh, Rio, his over there." Arc pointed to the man who was unconscious on the mat to our left. "That's Rio Lionheart. The commander of the city mayor's personal guard."

"Thank goodness he is fine." Rio said.

Just then I felt a chill down my spine and I almost immediately jump into the air to get a better view of things. Hmm... what was that chill about?

"Arata, is something wrong?" Lia asked.

"Nah. It's nothing." I answered as I landed. "Arc, we'll be taking our leave, we want to stay but we have to go to Trinity City."

"Oh, then I'll go with you. It just so happens I have business in Trinity City." He said.

"What do you guys think?" Mitan asked the others.

"I don't see what's wrong with it." I answered with a smile. "Come on, let's hurry."

We departed for Trinity City as soon as we made sure that the city was safe. Going by roads on foots would take several days but since we're all Braves we take a more convenient path.

"Ah, I haven't flown in the sky for a while now." Angie said as she floated high in the sky.

"Yeah. Me too." I answered as I flew straight for Trinity City.

"Oh, I see it now." Theo said and I saw a magnificent city flaoting on a huge clump of land.

Trinity City, the Capital of Tetra-Topia and the place where the past piece is hidden.

We land at the edge of the city and enter it without any problems. What amazes me is the infrastructure of this city. Ancient, modern and future meet in this city. The homes, buildings, culture, all of it meet in this city.

"Well, I'll see you around." Arc said as he pointed to the street to our left. "I'll be going this way."

"Yes. See you." I waved goodbye.

"Let's get going." Liam said.

"So, where's the entrace to Daisy Castle?" Leon asked.

"This way." I said as I went down the path to our right.

"This whole town is like a labyrinth." Zhen said as we went down the winding paths.

"That's what it was called before. The Labyrinth City." I answered. "At the heart of it, is the Ancient that holds all the records of everything that has happened since the worlds came into existence."

"You mean before this world came into exitence?" Leon asked and I shook my head.

"Before every world came into exitence." I answered. "Before Tetra-Topia was formed it had already existed as three separate worlds. The Empire, Kingdom and Sovereign."

"So, how did the Tetra-Topia form?" Ethan asked as we went down the steps.

"The three worlds merged into one." I answered. "The Empire and Kingdom had been locked in a bitter war. The Sovereign unable to bear any longer pleaded with the stars to grant this world peace."

"That lead to this world's formation?" Andrew asked and I nodded.

"The three seperate continents that are currently joined by Trinity City were formed when their three worlds merged into one." I answered as I turned the corner. "Trinity City is said to have suddenly emerged from the depths of the earth bearing a labyrinth below it. Inside were books written in ancient laguages long forgotten."

"How old are the books here?" Angie asked.

"Some are said to predate Fleur herself." I said and turned the last corner. "We're here."

What stood before us was a large opening in the walls. This is the entrance to Daisy Castle and the last piece of the puzzle.