Arc 9, Courage, Chapter 61, Laughs, Tears, Meetings and Partings

"Master, you should probably rest for a bit here." Gnome suggested. "It's fine that you're in a hurry to collect all the pieces but you need to rest. No one else can guide them if you get sick."

"Gnome's right. Take a break for a while, Arata. No need to push yourself." Andrew said. "Only one piece remains, so get some rest before we leave. We need you to be in tiptop shape."

"Okay." I answered.

"I'll bring you to one of the free rooms so you can rest." Sapphire said.

She leads me into the castle made of what seems to be marble and gold. The floors seem to be made of polished granite and the windows of fine glass, tonted with the hues of the rainbow. The lights are provided by giant crystals that hang on the walls.

Sapphire opens the door to a room and I go in. It's large and spacious with a big bed, there's a sofa with a tea table and a bookshelf filled with books. There are potted plants and a furry rug.

I sit down on the sofa and almost immediately my eyes begin to tire. At first I try to fight the desire to sleep but eventually give in, close my eyes and fall asleep almost instantly.


"So, the next stop is Tetra-Topia?" Liam said as we gazed at the stars on the terrace of our room. The three of us share the same room as decided by rock,paper,scissors.

"Yeah. After that we'll head Galactic Gates, what comes after that, only Arata knows." I answered. "When I peeked into his room he was out like a light on the sofa so I moved him to the bed. All this travelling must've exhuatsed him."

"Unified Palace, Azure Skies, Phantasy Forest, Crimson Lake, Crystal Oceans, Sacred Sanctuary and now here, Mysteria Mountain, we've come a long way." Andrew recounts. "Tomorrow we'll head for Tetra-Topia and Ethan will get his piece. After that, Galactic Gates where a Trail awaits the Theo and the other Vassal Braves."

"After that, it's back home at last. I don't know about you guys but I'm actually starting to miss school." I answered. "Though the lectures could be better."

"I'm with you on that." Andrew smiled. "I kinda want to punch Hiro when we get back."

"When we go back, Reinhardt and I have a ton of Student Council work to do. I should probably just resign my position." Liam sighed and I just laughed it off. "We've met a lot of people here. We went through a lot. Seen different people live different lives."

"Made lots of new allies." I answered. "Shared laughs, tears, meetings and departures."

"We have tons of catching up to do with our friends." Andrew sighed. "Well, we have lots of stories to tell about our journey."

"Lots of laughs, pains and even embarassing moments." Liam answered. "I think I'll never forget about everything we've been through for the rest of my life."

"Yeah. Me too." I answered as I gazed at the stars. "Tine sure flies."

We gaze at the stars a little longer before Liam lets out a yawn.

"I'm turning in, good night." Liam yawned.

"Me too." I answered.

We went to bed andbthe next morning we're woken up by a new face. A young man with pink hair and white skin with scarlet eyes. Dressed in a black shirt with a brown vest and black pants he opens the window to a bright morning.

"Oh, good morning. I'm Padparascha, the youngest of the Corundum Siblings. You can call me Rash, Sir Arata asked me to wake you up." He smiled.

"Will, Liam, Andrew you guys awake yet?" Arata peeked through the door.

"Yeah." I answered as I rubbed my eyes.

We go with him down the stairs to breakfast which Sapphire had prepared. After breakfast we begin to plan our next move.

"Our next stop is Tetra-Topia ight?" Angie asked.

"Yeah." Alistar answered.

"Tetra-Topia was a world formed after the collision of three neighboring worlds. The theee worlds merged together to become one and gave birth to Tetra-Topia." Arata explained. "It's Guardian, Story rules over knowledge, wisdom and truth. It serves the purpose of recording every event in all the worlds."

"Do you plan to meet with Story, master?" Gnome asked.

"Yeah. Lately the True Beasts have been quiet, they've only been sending out small fries. I'm convinced their plotting something." Arata said. "So, before the put it into action, I'm going to ask Story what it is."

"It's very like you." He smiled.

"So, where is the Castle in this world?" Andrew asked.

"Here, in Trinity City." He answered. "It's called Daisy Castle."

"Alright, everyone get ready, we'll depart at sundown." Theo said and we nodded.


Daisy Castle, the castle that menas new beginnings. Aside from this there is no other temple in Tetra-Topia that suits Ethan. It took me a bit of time to find this though. I was certain his castle would've been Strelitzia since it symbolizes freedom but I suppose Daisies are better.

As I'm packing my things, I recall the spirit stone I got from Ruby. Maybe I'll try making one of those when I get back home.

"You ready?" Will knocked at my door.

"Yeah." I answered as I opened the door. "Let's go."

We headed down the stairs and outside to where Rash and Borts were practicing sword fighting techniques.

"We'll be going now." I told them.

"Already? Well, we can't stop you." Ruby smiled. "Take care out there, you're always welcome to visit me at my shop."

"You're always welcome here as well." Sapphire smiled.

"Take care, master." Gnome smiled and I nodded.

"Bye-bye." I waved farewell to everyone as I opened the portal.

"Take care." The smiled and we nodded as one by one we entered the portal.

Off we go, to Tetra-Topia. To the land of knowledge and history. As the light fades away, I see a city in the distance. It's burning, there's red flames and black smoke coming from it.