Chapter 69, The Called Ones

"Fluer's older brother?!" I exclaimed. "H-how is that possible?!"

"I only exist within the Celstial Globe waiting to crown the one worthy to inherit the power of the Navire." He said. "Within the Celestial Glove, the Asterion sleeps, many Braves have attempted to summon its power but they have all failed. The reason is only one, they weren't worthy."

"If I'm here does that mean I'm worthy?" I asked, if so it seems like it's a little biase.

"Oh no, you are here because the petals guided you here." He said. "No one can inherit two Roles at the same time. Right now, your role awaits for you at the end of your journey."

"The petals guided me here to you?" I asked and turned to the Chronicle. "Why has it brought me here?"

"Because the time has come. The other Called Ones will gather soon. Just as you have been called to be the one to inherit the Role of Chooser, the one who has been called to the Role of Navigator is being called." He answered. "The ones who have been chosen, the Called ones will finally gather and usher forth the end of a long, long, long war."

"I see..., so who has been chosen for the Role of Navigator?" I asked.

"Behold." He said and I saw an image appear. The one chosen for the Role of Navigator is... Siant?! "Tenth, please bring him here. If you bring him here the Asterion shall awaken."

"Leave it to me." I answered and he nodded and sent me outside the Asterion.

I have to find Saint quickly, but where is he right now? I can abrely see anything on the ground thanks to the battle.

"Allen? Where is Saint?!" I asked as I joined him in the battlefield.

"I don't know." He answered slashing the Leo Minor charging at him. "I lost view of him in the battle."

"Do you need him for anything?" Ellen asked as I decapitated an Aries.

"I need to get him up there, to the Celestial Globe." I answered her.

"Why?" Leon asked as he opened a portal in front of me.

"Because, he has been chosen to be the Brave of the Sacred Ship." I answered and kicked the Virgo charging at me.

"We won't be able to find him in this mess." Angie answered as she reflected an attack by Columbus and Corvus. "There's no end to them!"

"Tch. Out of my way!" I shouted and jumped into the sky wielding a gatling. "Hyaa!!"

I shoot into the carnage aiming at the Chimeras and trying to pinpoint Saint. No matter how many I take out, unless I find him it'll be pointless.

"Tch. There to many of them." Lia said and suddenly a beautiful song filled the air.

"Adonis!" I shouted to him who immediately began playing his flute.

That song was the song of Lyra, it has the ability to enchant everyone that hears it. This is getting worse, many of the fighters and badly injured and covered in wounds. We need to fall back, or else we won't survive.

"Order for a tactical retreat!" I shouted to Allen who nodded.

"Everyone, pull back!" He shouted. "Assist the injured back into the city. Hurry!"

The mechas began pulling back while the drones covered for them. They are helping each other get back into the city and I join them when I see that there are no more Mechas outside.

"Gather all the injured and have them treated immediately. Get some rest and eat some food, be prepared to deploy again." Sunny ordered them.

"I, Arata, call forth the light, let comfort be brought upon the wary and grant them strength and peace within your embrace, Angel's Breathe." I chanted and all the woundeds started being healed.

"Leon, Theo, Will, Alistar and Lucas, sit down and get treated. Lia, Alexis, Ethan, Adonis and Rachel, recover as much Vi as you can for now." I ordered them. "Angie, Reinhardt, Mitan and Andrew get your energy back up by eating. Adele, Liam, you two get some rest. I'm going to look for Saint."

"Okay." They answered.

I run around the soldiers and search for Saint. It takes me a while to find him badly injured and lying at the side. He seems to have been injured badly.

I cast healing magic on him and his face begins to relax immediately.

"Sir. Arata? Why are you here?" He asked as he saw my face.

"Come with me." I told him and grabbed his hand. "We're going somewhere important."

"O-okay." He answered.

"Hang on tight." I said and jumped high into the sky.

"Whaaa! Where are we going?" He asked.

"Up there." I answered pointing to the Asterion. "Will, I leave the battle to you guys."

"Sure." They answered.

We enter the Celestial Globe and lights begin to stream around us forming a glowing river. Then, before, Navire appears and a blinding light flashes and I close my eyes. When open them again, Saint is no longer by my side.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"His trial has begun. Should he pass, he shall inherit the power of Le Navire and the Role of Navigator." He answered.

Saint, I'll place my trust in you, in your eyes that has shined brighter than anyone else I've met. I know, whatever trial you face, you can overcome it.


Arata must have a reason for him to have brought Saint up into the Celestial Globe. If what he said is true, we'll have to trust him and fight on.

"Hyaa!" Alistar slashes a Canis Minor that attacks us.

"Tch. Everyone, watch your backs, fight in groups so they don't overpower you!" I called to the others.

"Howling Wind." Lia causes a strong wind to blow destroying a handful of the Chimeras.

We'll hold out, until Arata and Saint return. I'll place my trust in my little brother who has always worked harder than anyone else. Arata, I trust you.