Chapter 68, Guardian of the Ship

"Hurry, everyone get ready!" I ordered the others. Thank goodness we already refined the remaining pieces.

"They've begun their attack on the city, they're attacking from all directions." Allen said. "Have the school deploy half of the Anti-Chimera drones and have the Riders ready."

"Riders?" Rachel asked.

"He means those that can pilot the Anti-Chimera Mechas, they're specialized weapons used to combat the Chimeras." I answered. "Everyone be prepared as well. We have a big fight ahead of us. Gather as much Vi as you can and be prepared to use it all."

"Captain. The Anti-Chimera Mechas are ready." A young man, with silver hair and white skin with purple eyes said as he came in while we were preapring ourselves.

"Oh, Saint, is everything ready?" Ellen asked as she fixed her armor and he nodded. "This is Saint, he is young but very skilled. Though we can't let him deploy yet. Something is wrong each time he rides the Mechas."

"I may not be able to pilot Mechas but I want to be able to help everyone out." He said and I saw a light in his eyes. Unyielding and untamed, a strong will that lets no one stop him. I smiled and thought of something.

"Saint, do you want to be Brave?" I asked him.

"No thank you. I don't want to be a Brave, I only want to ride. I want to see the scenery from above." He said and I couldn't help smile even more and pat his head. He will surely accomplish great things in the future.

"Arata, are you ready?" Theo asked as they geared up.

"Yeah." I answered and we webt with Astrologia and Allen to meet up with the fighters.

Astrologia gives them all her thanks for joining in this battle and even asks if there are those who wish to stay behind. She doesn't want to force them to fight if they don't want to.

About a quarter of the fighters pull back. I can't blame them. They must have family, friends, people they can't afford to leave behind yet. Allen thanks those that remain and I worry about the morale of the people. What should I do give them a big boost?

"Starlight Arrow!" I turn to Alexis who shoots high into the sky. A single arrows takes out a large number of the Chimeras.

"I, Arata, order the heavens, server the bonds, break the cycle and call forth a new phenomenon, bend the laws of each world and give birth to a new power, Another!" I chanted and a light engulfed the others. "Let's go!"

"Third Song, Melody of Madness." Adonis began playing and countless Chimeras began to explode.

"Cyclone Edge!" Rachel casted spells using her staff. It seems she's learned to use her staff pretty well.

"Cyclone Spear!" Reinhardt throws his spear into the chaos and cyclone emerges destroying multiple Chimeras.

"Icicle Knives!" Zhen's knives dance in the air as they pierce multiple Chimeras.

"Reflection Mirror!" Angie jumps infront of me to cover me from the attack of the Chinera. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I answered.

"Void Shield." Ethan uses his shield to devour multiple Chineras.

"Tch. There's no end to them." Theo shouted.

"I, Arata, order the earth, sever the bonds and become a new, bend the gravity of my enemies and hold them within your embrace, Gravity Field." I chanted all the Leos fell to the ground. "Hurry. My spell only effects one type of Chimera per chant."

"Hundred Knives!"

"Hundred Swords!"

"Joint attack, Bladed Rain!" Alistar and Zhen's joint attack easily wipes out all the Chimeras I've trapped.

"Void Gate." Leon opens a giant portal and sucks in all the Taurus before closing it. It must drain a lot of energy.

"Storm Weaver!" In an instant, the Chimeras are pulled into a spiral of strings that destroy them in an instant.

"I, Allen, order the stars, dance upon the battlefield and fill the world with light, Starlight Shower!" Allen's chant cuases me to turn around and watch as lights begin to shoot out from his body and destroy the Chimeras.

"We've got your back." Ellen smiled.

The Mechas are deployed and they begin to destroy the Chimeras. Slashing them in half, decapitating them or blasting holes into them. They're basically giant robots that vary color armed with varying weaponry ranging from close combat swords to long distance guns.

But even with all of us fighting, I can't get the feel of the battlefield. Which side is winning and which side is losing. Which side has the advantage and which doesn't.

I jump high into the sky just enough to be away from the Chimeras attack range to get a good view of the battlefield. It's so chaotic, like no one is in control on our side. The sounds of clashing swords, dying beasts and explosions have fillled the air. And as I turn my gaze I realize that we're being pushed back. The Chimeras are many, they can keep fighting but we can't. In a battle of stamina, they have us outnumbered a hundred to one.

As I land, I feel something calling me and I turned to see the orb shining. Is something wrong?

Just then, the Chronicle shines bright and the pages flip themselves once more.

"In times of need, the Celestial Globe shall call upon a worthy master to grant that person great power." Is all it says and that's when I realize what it means. "I'm going up to the Celestial Globe! You guys handle things down here!"

"Okay then! Hurry, we'll cover you!" Andrew answered and flew up to Celestial Globe. I touch it and I'm pulled inside it and then I am engulfed in darkness.

When I open my eyes again, I'm infront of the Ancient Ship, Asterion. Just then, a person emerges from the ship.

"Hello, one who has inherited the will of my sister Fleur. I am Le Navire, Fleur' older brother." The man, who was dressed in a white shirt with black pants and whote coat said. He had black hair and white skin with black eyes. "I am the guardian of this ship."