Arc 10, Starfall, Chapter 67, The Ship that Renders the Darkness

"You're leaving already?" Therese sighed as we stood at the entrace of Story's castle.

"Yeah. We need to hurry. Take care." I smiled.

"Be sure to visit us here." Arc said and I nodded.

"Bye-bye." I waved goodbye as we opened a portal and departed.

When I open my eyes I stand before a gigantic city surrounded with walls and guard towers. A giant orb with rings hovers above the city. So this is Galictic Gates capital, Starlight City.

We head for the city as I try to locate Astrologia and whenbwe arrive at the gates we're stoppped by the guards and asked for identifications and our reason for coming here. Security has tightened itself to protect the central city.

"Here." I take out the identifications from my bag and he reads them for a minute before letting us through.

"So, where do we go?" Will asked.

"We'll head to the Nebula Academy." I answered. "It's highly likely Astrologia is there."

"Alrighty." Leon said.

We walk through the cobblestone paths, past stores and through alleys to the greatest school in all of Galactic Gates, Nebula Academy. The school that specializes in training young minds and creating outstanding Braves.

"Halt, who goes there?" Guards stopped us as we approached the Academy gates.

"Is Stella, Titania or Sunny here?" I asked politely.

"Huh? What right do you have to meet members of the Starlight Council?" He said mockingly before pushing me.

"You-" Will was about to shoot him when I stopped him.

"I suppose this means that the Starlight Council won't even respect my position." I sighed.

"Huh? Who do you think you are?" The other asked mockingly.

"What is going on here?!" A woman with straight orange hair and white skin with orange eyes asked. She was dressed in a school uniform of a white blouse with a black skirt and black shoes with knee high socks.

"Oh, Elena. Long time no see." I greeted her.

"Le Fleur?!" She exclaimed and immediately bowed her head. "W-w-what brings you to this edge of the worlds?"

"I wanted to meet with Astrologia but it seems I'm not even allowed past the gate." I sighed. "What's more it seems I don't even have the right to simply talk to one of you."

"What?!" Another voice immeditaley snapped and I turned to see a woman with flowing red hair and white skin with red eyes dressed in a similar uniform emerge behind the gate. Her hair seems to be burning. Titania. "Who dares to be rude to the greatest guest of Lady Astrologia?!"

"Lady Titania, w-we-" The guards were now scared.

"Yo, been a while, Nia." I greeted her.

"Hello there, how's the brightest star been?" She said as she opened the gates with her bear hands and came for a hug. "Why are your clothes dirty?"

"I was trying to get in but someone pushed me." I said and she turned to the guards and scolded them.

"You're good." Angie said as she came closer. "I saw that grin."

"Hehe, no one gets away with harming me." I smiled.

"This way, I'll take you to meet with Lady Astrologia." Elena said.

"Oh right, I forgot to introduce them. This is Titania, I call her Nia for short. She is the Vassal of Stars and this is Elena the Vassal of the Moon." I introduced them. "These two, along with two others make up the Starlight Council. The other two are Sunny the Vassal of the Sun, Ellen the Vassal of Planets and Allen the Priest of the Stars."

"Eh? What are Vassals?" Leon asked.

"Unlike Vassal Braves, they aren't Braves but rather chosen warriors of the the temples of Astrologia." I answered. "Astrologia set up four strategic castle that serve as the natural defense of Galactic Gates. The four serve as representatives of said castles. Infact, that giant orb hovering above us actually a castle. It houses an ancient ship, the Asterion Ship."

"On that note, the Brave of Ships is still being located." Nia stated. "Since only the Brave of Ships can activate said ship."

"Oh, we're here." Elena said and opend the door to a room with three people.

A woman with blonde hair let down her back and white skin with golden eyes. A man with long white hair and white skin with silver eyes. A girl with long blue hair tied in twintails and blue eyes with white skin. And a woman with purple hair decorated with stars and white skin with eyes that reflect the night sky.

"Hello, it's been a while, Astrologia." I greeted them.

"Fluer. What brings you here?" Allen asked with a smile.

"Ohh! Look at how much you've grown!!" The blue haired girl hugs me.

"It's nice to see you too, Ellen." I greeted her. "As much as I'd love to enjoy our reunion I'm here with a very important message from Story."

The air immediately became calm and the others became serious. We all sat down in a large circle and I explained to Astrologia what Story said to me. She takes a bit of time to think it through and immediately gives me an answer.

"We'll strengthen the defense of the city and have more patrols." She answered. "They'll likely target here first."

I smiled when suddenly the Chronicle emerged from my shadow and the pages began to turn. They then stop and a picture of ship begins to emerge.

"In the Celestial Globe rests the Ancient Ship Asterion which was used by Fleur and her kin to sail across the distant stars to arrive to this world." I read aloud. "The ship that renders the darkness and brings forth the day. Asterion."

"What does that have to do with now?" Theo asked.

"It means... the ship has a vital role in this war." I said and just then the ground began to quake. "This is... Temperance?!"

"Tch. They've already begun their attack." Will said.

We rushed outside to see hundreds of Chimeras storm in through the portals in the sky. Along with them, are the True Beasts.