Chapter 74, The Robed Man

"Hey guys! Listen, I heard a really interesting gossip in the hallway just now!" Zhen bursts into the club room where we were all sipping tea.

"What's it about?" Leon asked.

"Do you know about the Seven Mysteries?" He asked.

"I do." Alexis answered. "The Lost Hourglass, The Wandering Doll, The Hidden Hallway, The 12 o'clock Library, the Confession Tree, the Wishing Well and the Gossping Garden."

"What about them?" Lina asked.

"Well, get this. Apparently if you find the Wishing Well and make a wish your wish comes true for real! A guy from my class wished he could pass the exam without studying and he did." Zhen said and I was about to brush it off as something stupid when he adds. "He even has proof. A strange crest appeared on his hand. Here."

He showed us the so called proof. A golden coin shaped crest decorated with a flower. I almost spit out the tea I was drinking.

"Here, drink some water!" Will hands me water while Theo massages my back as I choked on water. I'm better after coughing a lot.

"Are you okay?" Lia asked and I nodded. "Is there something about this crest?"

"Petals, Sanctuary." The butterflies fly to the corners of the room and erect a barrier.

"So, what is it? You even erected a barrier." Lucas asked with a worried tone.

"One of the Ancient Artifacts, the Mysteria." I answered. "Mysteria changes the very nature of existence, therefore it can grant any wish."

"So... are the wishes that are being granted caused by it?" Liam asked.

"They are. The Mysteria is very dangerous, it responds to the cries of the heart. The greater the wish the more it warps the natural laws of the world to grant it." I answered. "Also, it may not be immediately but the moment you make a wish to Mysteria, you have to pay a price. That is, your own memories."

"Such a thing!" Diana exclaimed. "But why has it activated only now?"

"It must've felt the presence of the other Artifacts in my possession." I answered. "We have to retrieve it immediately."

"Okay then." Angie answered as she got up. "How?"

"Let's see here..." As I'm about to try and use the Petals, the Chronicle appears before me.

The pages turn and stop to show a picture of a coin fastened to a necklace. The words begin to appear on the pages.

"The Mysteria, an artifact that represent Wish, the fifth petal and said to grant anything its master wishes." I read the lines. "By using the Vi in the air to bend the natural laws of the world, Mysteria can grant any wish its owner desires."

"So we just have to find an area with abnormal Vi in school?" Rachel asked. "There could be tons of places like that!"

"Let's narrow it down then. Alexos, what's the Wishing Well's rumor?" I asked him.

"Somehwere in school, there's an old well, if you drop a coin into the well, you can make any wish you want come true." He told us the rumor. "Just be careful, at the wishing welll there are two coins, gold and silver, the gold grants wishes, the silver leaves curses."

"Not really direct about where it is..." I sighed and turend to Zhen. "Did your friend mention where he found the Wishing Well?"

"All he said was he found it by accident, he was walking around the old school building." He answered.

"There's our first clue, let's go!" I exclaimed.

We headed to the old school building and as we walked down the hall I notice many are talking about the Wishing Well. If any of them make wishes to the Mysteria, they'll regret it. We arrive at the old school building and fan out to search for anything.

An hour passes and we haven't found anything at all. Where could the entrance to the Wishing Well be. The Seven Mysteries of our school are somewhat real. The others may not be real but the Mysteria has to be. It feeds of information, imagination, knowledge, memories, rumors and the like to provide itself with power. It must be here.

"Tch. I have no choice." I said.

"What are you going to do?" Reinhardt asked.

"I, Arata, order the wind and the skies, dance upon my palms and bend to my will, spread forth and break thr boundary between reality and fantasy, Fantasm Breaker!" I chanted.

Around me a circle of wind gatehred and spread out in all directions. It only takes a few minutes for a door to our right to begin to waver. So that's the entrance.

"Let's go." I said and opened the door.

What we find on the other side is a forest, with trees that tower to the skies, and lush greenery. As we walk down the path, Ethan asks.

"How is this even here?"

"The Mysteria feeds of knowledge, rumor and imagination of others to give itself power. It can bend the laws of the world to create a space like this easily using Vi." I answered him. "Mysteria is also known as the Sword of Imagination. Because as long as you imagine it, Mysteria can create it. Even life."

"Unbelievable." May said.

"That's why it's one of the most dangerous Artifacts. It can easily destroy and rebuild the laws of the world to grant a single wish." I answered. "Such power, isn't something that comes free. The more it is used, the more it drains its user's memories, personality and life."

"Such a dangerous Artifact." Lia said.

We are brought to a stop in front of the Wishing Well where a robbed figure stood. He turned and we see a young man with bronze hair and white skin with clear blue eyes. He smiles at me as he held the Mysteria in his hand. It was a katana shaped sword with a silver blade and black hilt. Who is this man, a friend or an enemy?