Chapter 75, Bookman

"Oh, I didn't think you'd act already, Fleur." He said.

"Who are you?!" Alistar said as he held his sword.

"Careful with that." He said as he tapped Alistar's sword. "I ain't your enemy."

As he raises his hands I notice the crest chest, an open book with a pen in it and have the others lower their weapons. This man, was also the one I saw the other day.

"You are a Called One, right?" I asked him.

"Yeah. The one who has been given the Role of Watcher, my name is Van Watch." He bowed his head. "Nice to meet you, Chooser."

"You guys don't have to be wary. He's the same as me and Saint." I told them. "So, why are you after the Mysteria?"

"I'm simply fixing the path." He answered. "The Mysteria should not be here right now. But since you're here, I'll leave it in your care."

"Arata, when you said he was a Called One, you meant that he was the same as you and Saint, meaning he is someone with immense power, right?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah. He is." I answered. "The Watcher, unlike me, Saint and the other two, must watch everything that occurs. He is the one that watches."

"I'm not on your side in a sense." He answered. "Your goal is to defeat the Chimeras whereas mine is to watch the fate of the worlds."

"The Watcher must remain nuetral in everything that happens." I stated when the others were reaching for their weapons. "It's only natural. He can't directly meddle with the events but he can at least control the flow of fate."

"With that said, I'll be watching you at a safe distance, when the otehrs gather, I'll let you know." He said. "Right now, the Hero is being tested while the Beacon has yet to be chosen."

"Um... Van... can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure. Watcher is my Role but I'm also incharge of recording everything that shall happen within my time." He answered. "I can't help you directly but I can answer a few questions."

"Can you tell me where the Four Cardinal Beasts are?" I asked him. Even if he doesn't tell me, he can at least give me a slight hint.

"Hmmm... I suppose it's fine but you'll have to understand it yourself." He said and a book appeared before him. "Past the blizzards and frozen seas lies the Black Turtles Island. Covered by the voices of spring and life, the Azure Dragon sleeps in the forest of the East."

"Can we really trust him?" Lucas asks a bit skeptical of him.

"We can." I answered.

"The West is covered in orange leaves as the white tiger dances upon the leafless trees." He continued. "In the summer seas of the south, the vermilion bird watches the world."

"So the Black Turtle is somewhere in the Lost Glacier. The Azure Dragon is in the Verdant Forest." I answered. "The Land of Fallen Leaves, that's the White Tigers location. The Vermilion Bird is at the... Southern Peninsula."

"You got all that from what he just told us?!" Leon exclaimed.

"In a word, yes." I answered. "See you around, Van Watch."

"Yeah. See you, Le Fleur." He said and handed me the Mysteria before smiling and passing me.

"He's gone!" Lina exclaimed in shock.

"The Hider's Robe. A tool capable of letting it's user hide." I answered as I noticed the space beginning to collapse. "Run! Run! If you get stuck in the space when it collapse you'll disappear along with it!"

We run back towards the door and manage to get out just as the space collapsed into itself.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked them.

"Yeah... my back hurts." Andrew answered.

"So we know where the Four Cardinal Beasts are, who do we go after first?" Leon asked.

"We'll go by natural order. Byakko, Genbu, Suzaku, Seiryu." I answered. "But first, let's pass the exams."

"Ahh! That's right! We have exams!" May exclaimed. "Let's head back and study!"

"Yeah." The others answered.

We head back to the club room and rest for a bit while we plot out where to go. I've called Growth back and now use him to show a map. It displays the Four Cardinal Beasts location according Van.

"The question is how to get there." Liam said. "The Lost Glaciers is a land made of ice that was brought about when the world began freezing over. It is protected by blizzards, storms and great ice."

"Leave that part to me." I told them.

"Okay. We'll leave that part to you." Theo said. "Now then, let's get to studying."

"Yeah." Lina said and brought out all our textbooks and notebooks. "Let's give it our all!"

We spend the next couple hours studying, I personally hate Mathematics. It's such a bothersome subject, but what can we do, it's part of learning. As we were reviewing everything we've learned, a knick came at the door.

"Come in." I answered.

"Good afternoon everyone." Pres. Mayumi said as she came in.

"President, why are you here?" Liam asked.

"The school just sent me a notice, apparently a horde of Chimeras that came from the North are heading here." She said. "They'd like you help with the extermination."

"Let's go." Lucas said. "I'm tired of reading all these textbooks."

"Yeah." I answered and we all got up.

We went to meet up with the other Braves at the northern edge of our city. Many Braves were gathered, May, Lina, Diana and Hiro were joined by their Groups beside us.

"Arata, is something wrong?" Pres. Mayumi asked as I gazed at the direction of the Chimeras.

"No... is just... are you certain they said it was the Chimeras?" I asked.

"Positive, why?" She asked.

"This presence... isn't similar to the Chimeras..." I answered and just then a mighty roar came our way.

We turned to see giant tigers approaching us from the north. Those aren't Chimeras... but whateevr they are, they're hostile.