Chapter 76, Familiars on the Attack

"What are those?!" Karin exclaimed as Ethan erected a barrier around us.

"Everyone gather together!" Pres. Mayumi said and we all gathered together. "Is everyone alright?"

"Yeah. It's just... what are those things?" Mao asked.

"I just got word that they're attacking from all directions." Mikoto reported to Hiro.

"What are these things?!" Karin exclaimed angrily.

"They're familiars of the White Tiger." I answered as I gazed at the giant tigers bearing their claws and fangs at us.

"The White Tiger? Why would it target us?!" Karin wailed.

"I, Arata, order the heavens and earth, sever your bonds and break the balance, grant me the power over gravity and the laws of nature, Void Space." I chanted and the familiars were forced to the ground. "Hurry, even with this chant I won't be able to keep them down for long."

"Sword Rain!" Alistar's swords appeared in the sky, numbering a couple hundred or so.

"Frozen Knives, A Thousand Icicles." Zhen's knives made of ice gather high in the sky. "Pierce them."

The knives and swords rain down on the familiars and they die dropping what appear to be magic stones. All bright red in color and vary in shape but... they seem to be releasing negative energy.

"Don't touch that!" I exclaimed when Leon was about to touch the magic crystal. "They'll currupt your bodies and turn you into monsters!"

"Then how do we get rid of them?" Pres. Mayumi asked.

"Petals, Gluttony." I ordered the petals taht scattered out and began eating the the magic crystals. "My Petals will deal with it. They can devour the curses inside the magic crystals and absorb their properties."

"Amazing." Lina said in fascination.

"The real question is why so many familairs have attacked us." I said.

"That's easy. The balance has tilted, to mantain it and prevent the enmy from taking the upper hand the Four Cardinal Beasts are trying to gather energy to seal away the Chimeras." Van said as he landed in front of us. "Though said process can eventually lead to the death of countless humans. To gather the energy they'll use the life force of all life."

"Who are youl? What's with the tacky outfit?" Karin mocked.

"Van, do you know something about this?" Hiro asked.

"These are familiars of the Four Cardinal Beasts." He answered. "Do you understand, Le Fleur."

"The Four Cardinal Beasts purpose is to banish the darkness past the boundary of this world. Meaning they're our first line of defense against the Chimeras." I told them. "Something must've happened. Let's go."

"Go where?" Angie asked.

"West of here, to Forest of Fallen Leaves." I answered.

"But that would take days!" Karin said angrily.

"Growth." I summoned Growth and he appeared above me. "Voyager!"

Growth glowed bright and became a giant ship similar to the Asterion. On the sails the crest of the Sacred Flower was featured and on the bow of the ship, the figure was the head of an eagle.

"Everyone get ready! We're departing in one hour!" I told them.

"Yes." They answered and just then the Chronicle appeared before me and and the pages turned and stopped to show me a picture of the white tiger.

"The one who rules over the west and fall, the White Tiger. The beasts that serve it are great in number, they are magical beasts of all kind." I read it aloud. "Byakko, the name given to it, the White Tiger sleeps within the Forest of Fallen Leaves and is guarded by the Magician of the Fallen Leaves from danger."

"The Magician of Fallen Leaves?" Hiro asked.

"A person who has been elected to serve the Four Cardinal Beasts. They're similar to the Priests and Priestesses we've met before." I answered. "The Magician of Fallen Leaves serves as the medium between the White Tiger and the people."

"We'll get everything ready." Theo patted my shoulder and I nodded.

"I'll deal with the remaining familiars." I answered and touched my shadow to pull out a sword, it was a silver sword with a beautiful design. There were pearls embedded in the blade and a blue gem in the hilt.

"The Vorpal Blade, the sword that dances upon the laws of nature." Van smiled at me. "What are you planning to do?"

"Even though they are mere familiars they still have the power of the White Tiger." I answered him. "So I can't be too cautious."

"We'll help." Mao said.

"Yeah." Mikoto smiled.

"Us too." Riku, Yuuki and Touya smiled.

"Alright then." I answered.

"I, Arata, hereby order the heavens and earth, sever the bonds, meet and be united, call forth a different phenomenon in a different world, Unique Chant!" I chanted and the effect of the chant this time is, a a storm of cherry blossoms.

"Oh, Unique Chant. That's rather surprising, I was sure you'd use one of the Flower Chants." Van smiled.

"Hey! Instead of talking why don't you fight too!" Karin complained angrily.

"This isn't my fight. I'm not your ally, but I'm also not your enemy." He answered. "I'm simply here to observe. But, I suppose I will be involved in a certain battle in the not so distant future."

"Van, can you at least do me a favor and provide some information about the incoming familiars?" I asked him.

"Sure. The ones coming are all feline, lions, tigers, panthers, jaguars and the most troublesome the cheetahs." He answered happily. "Though I'm nuetral it doesn't mean I can't provide information. But it's only for Arata."

"Thank. I appreciate it." I answered.

"Our fates are bond by the red string of fate after all. If anything happens to you, I wouldn't be able to face my predecessors." He said. "And on that note, shouldn't the ones watching over you be your Petals not me?"

"It's fine." I answered and just then the familairs descended on us.

"That's a lot." May said as she stood beside me.

"Tch. That's it!" I snapped.

"Arata?" Pres. Mayumi called my name as I turned my back and walked a distance from everyone.

"Ha! He got scared and left!" Karin laughed mockingly.

"If I were you, I'd get down and cover your heads." Van said as he flew out of my range.

"I, Arata, now release you chains, beast of greed and gluttony, you who knows no satisfaction and only starvation, devour them, Fafnir!!" I summoned a Spirit and behind me a giant dragon appeared.

In one attack, it destroys all the familiars leaving a barren land without life. The power of the Spirits truly is amazing but maybe I'll reduce the Vi I give them.